A Human party?

Standing Over A Black Sea

Standing there, "You can't be serious!" I opened my eyes to see none other than Hiro and a Girl Hiro right in front of me, it's been a while since I've been here?

Looking infront of me I was back in the black mind space, and those two are technically my past selves.

And hearing the rage in his words, "Shut up" I told him and it got his eyes twitching, "How dare you!" but all in while the girl ran over in between us, "No fighting!"

And as she threw her hands out at the both of us while being in between the both of us.

"Like your one to talk, Hiro" Me

Stepping over to Silfey as she was blocking our paths, he did the same and as we were face to face to face.

"Your friend Tina is a phycopath, your sister is crazy, your ex is literally a druid that wants to kill what your people are, even if you think that's a lie. And then there's you yourself and your clan are idiots" Me

And telling him that he flinched, "That's not–" but I wasn't done yet, and I had more to say to him.

"I'm not like you, an I don't abide by your principles or morals, I'm Aster, not Hiro, and who I chose to be or be with is none of your concern. You understand!"

And saying that he clenched his teeth growling at me.

"She is evil. She is a Necromancer!" Hiro

"A motherfucking Necromancers!" Hiro

"They ruined our realm and you just pick one up!" Hiro

And hearing him, I chuckled.

"So what? And I'm a Demon, who cares?" Me

"You're just an idiot, Demon! She's truly evil!" Hiro

"No one's truly evil" Silfey

"Stay out of this! You!" Hiro

"She's right asshole, you can't define evil" Me

"You're both crazy! Lunatics!!" Hiro

Turning around and walking away from the both of them, I stopped and then said, "And who's fault is it that we are like this? Because we didn't choose this"

And that's exactly what I said right before I kept walkin in the abyss of darkness, not bothering with the lot of them as he agrevated me that much.

But he might have made some points. . .

Though I don't care for his words, they mean nothin.

. . . . . .

Walking for hours, I blinked and my vision came back.

. . . . .

Blinking, I was sitting down with my legs crossed and Dark Candy was resting her head on my lap with my hand on her head; I feel asleep like this.

Lookin down at her cold, light skinned face, I looked to her long lashes and pink lips, her small nose and tired expression despite her being asleep, she must have been really exhausted, Karin really tired her out?

I want her to rest more, but that means leaving her here with Marcilina, which I don't trust her with DC.

After all, it's like putting dark and light magic together.

Marcilina will probably kill her for being a Necro.

And I don't want that to happen.

Also, Marcilina is kind of an issue, mainly because I know her personality too well and I know that she has ulterior motives for saying all of what she said.

Which was, having this safe house as a place to come to if we ever "visited," we were safe in her town full of peaceful zombies. Nothing was adding up and sure it sounded like she was just being a kind goddess in this new era, but I suspect she has ulterior motives.

I don't trust her, she's up to something.

Plus she holds grudges, so killing Hannah.

I'm pretty sure she wants to kill me now.

But she's a useful ally, so I need her not wanting to kill me, actually scratch that, I don't care if she wants to kill me I just need her as a ally despite her opinions.

And I can only think of one way to accomplish that.

Though it means she's going to learn of my birth.

But, it's worth it because I know many things about her that she might not even realize or know.

Like how she has a soft spot for my race because of one of her deciples, which was her favorite deciple.

She's empathetic.

Actually a good guy/girl in this context.

And then despite her being somewhere in the celestial rankings which means her powers and herself is past Rank 10, she's still tolerating the 3 of us who are in the lower ranks. And shit I'm only a Rank 2 Demon, and I'm pretty sure she can kill us at any time but just isn't?

Wait now that I'm thinking about it?

Her power must be on par with Asmodeus?

But than again she's a fertility goddess?

That guy is the king of ice and a Devine Demon...

Meaning, he has strong defense and lethal attacks.

And she has? Strong support skills and blessings.

Or at least I presume, I'm not exactly sure?

But from what I know, Marcilina isn't a fighter...

Thinking of something else as this was starting to hurt my head, my stomach grumbled, I bit my lip and I tore it a little as blood came down my chin, OWW that hurt!

Uh, I don't know why but I'm being compulsive.

I've been acting like it ever since I came to this town?

Gosh, I need to get something to eat...

I think I'm going to go and try hunting a ghoul?

Wiping the blood from my face, I then moved them both to under my Dark Candy and moving, I lifted her up and then rose up. Getting up I walked over to a bed over by a borded up window and I layed her down on it and then covered her with a crumbled up sheet for warmth, the last thing I need is her getting sick.

Especially out here.

After that, I turned around and walked away.

But as I got to the doorframe I turned around once more, looking at her, I'm trying not to fall into madness, this town is getting to me.

Looking at the sleeping woman, she was a white girl with raven black hair and eyes, but they weren't like that before something about her changed them?

Dark Candy is small, a little shorter than me but in my eyes and probably hers we look like 2 normal people while everyone else looks way taller folk, perks of bein short, the world around us is bigger and it forces us to have to be feistier so we aren't stomped down by it.

From how she acts, recently she's been holding back if I can even consider that, but she's usually sassy and talks a lot of shit, mainly because she doesn't care what anyone else thinks and she's speaking her mind.

But I think it's adorable.

Plus she's fine as hell~!

Thinking enough about her, it set my emtion to a stable standing, thinking about her really did work.

Hehehe, my pet is such a cutie.

I'm glad I don't have to kill her anymore.

Don't get me wrong I was gonna if she didn't have that collar, after all, she's still kind of my enemy.

But now, I just have to worry about the others.

Turning back around after plotting to myself, I left.

. . . . .

Leaving the house, I was supposed to talk to the god, but after waking up hungry, I think I'm going to do something else, I'll talk to her when I get back.

[Suppress] using that skill, the demonic energy feild around me which was also known as my presence suddenly vanished after some focus.

[Shapeshift] and using another skill, I turned my eyes brown and turned the blackness in my eyes white.

I hate my eyes, unlike my hands that tell everyone I'm probably a herritic mage, my eyes show everyone I'm a monster, especially because even looking in the mirror, they seem to be very intimidating?

Yeah, no wonder their called nightmare eyes.

I hope I don't develope anything monsterous later on, even though it's probably going to happen anyways. Ugh, I need to use my human form more.

. . . . .

After a while I saw smoke in the distance, I've been strolling for a little but even then the town seemed empty, I wonder how much zombies are in town?

It's odd I don't see any though?

But forget that, what's the smoke?

Maybe a bandit camp?

Probably just a fire?

The sky is clear so it wasn't caused by lighting, so that probably means it was man made or monster, I hope it was man made, I'm starving, I hope there is people.

Stretching my limbs I wonder where the girls are, just like me they wandered off, but also unlike them, I'm a bit more used to not frequently eating, but uhh, that rotten flesh was nasty, I seriously couldn't hold back.

Like I wanted to fuck the zombie.

But then I lost my appetite when I pounced on it.

And then it's smell disgusted me.

I ended up angry and then murderous.

And before I knew it I grew claws and tore it open.

It's still probably living and crippled?

No, I think I re-killed it actually??

Why am I so compulsive today, I was so rash?

Not understanding myself, I found my way to the area where the smoke was coming from and as I was a few buildings away, I was overthinking to myself and walked into an allyway to sneak around.

Shaking my head as I was already so close.

I moved my focus to the smoke and then walked around throughout the allyway and closer to it, after turning and walking through a few more, I was close.

And getting to the end of the last allyway, I stayed in the dark and looked to an open street area where there was a camp fire and "What the hell are you doing! Get off him you bitch!" I heard a girl scream.

And looking over at them, there was a camp fire in the middle and around them were 3 pairs of people, 3 males and they were all being pushed down and forced into their backs by winged creatures.

Winged humanioid, oh shit it's the girls?!

And seeing them, the guys were fighting back.

All 3 of them looked to have just been pounced on an as they were armed with long swords on their sides an all wearing fine leather armor, they hit back against my sisters, kicking Iris off of one of them.

And then there was 2 more people, all girls.

It was a party of 5?

And the girls were both backing away, one of them, the one that screamed was holding a fine sword and shield and pointing it at Sora as she looked past her.

And the other one was super afraid as she was behind the other girl and shaking as she held the sword in her hand and also gripping onto the girl.

Hm? What did they get themselves into?

Iris, Rika, and Ursula forced down 3 guys, and then Sora is going after the girls, I knew she was a total lesbian, hah, I called it, but where's Kasumi?

"I see four of them? Where's the fifth?"

"Meh, it doesn't matter"

Walking out into the open as it seems as if my sisters are kind of attacking a weak traveling party, I came out into the open and as I looked to them I said.

Cuffing my mouth to make my voice louder, "Hey, what are you four doing, use your powers!" I said out and hearing me and getting a reaction out of them all.

I got a glance from everyone, and Sora stopped completely and started looking over at me, but as I was heard I was also noticed by the humans.

And seeing me, one of the guys yelled, "Someones there! Hey help us! We're being attacked my freaks!"

And then the other girl who was going to fight Sora, then came out and yelled, "Is there anyone else with you! Please help us! They just came out of nowhere!"

Little did they know I wasn't on their side...

But just as I was about to laugh and say how screwed they are because there isn't any saving them, Sora just came out and started rushing at me.


Sora screamed out, and seeing this happen, I guess I am on the humans side this time, because with her coming at me, hands long-clawed, fuck it man...

Flexing my hands, I then raised one and lowered another and as I saw her coming at me, [Blazing Gloves] I shrouded my hands in dark red fire.

"You seriously need to work on trash talking Sora, because just screaming you when you see me is seriously getting annoying, you dumb bitch"

Kicking the ground and running at her, as she came at me and I came at her, it didn't take too long to meet an when we did, she slashed her claws at me, but duckin, I balled my fists and shot up, throwing a punch.

Hittin her chin, I went all the way through with that punch and as it connected, it knocked her back and onto her ass, and seeing that, one of the human girls screamed, "He had her!! Finish her!" it annoyed me.

And as Sora was knocked back onto her but I stepped forward with a hard stomp and then kicked her in the face and then with a small movement, stomped on her stomach causing her to spit out a gasp.

I was going to hit her red wings, but no, this hurts too.

And doing it and having her under my fut.

"Your getting on my nerves Sora, but I made a promise to someone that I wouldn't kill any of you without any proper means of doing so, so wake the fuck up"

"You're not you right now!"

Saying that as I had her under me, I moved myself quickly and straddling myself on her as she was about to try and attack me again, I slapped and hit her.

Having her under me, she tried slashing at my leg but I was too quick as I lifted my foot up and the kicked her in the face, knocking her back again.

Something's not right? This isn't a revenge thing, something seems wrong with her? Seriously wrong?

[-Blazing Gloves-]

As she fell back onto her back from that kick, I took that time to get down on my knee off her and then straddle myself on top of her stomach as I had needed to try a different approach.

But I'm doing so, I heard one of the girls voices "Get off of him!" and glancing over she was trying to get Iris off of her party member while the other girl was trying to help, but she wasn't doing a good job.

So looking back over to Sora, she was pissed and as she was trying to get back up, she bent back up but as she did, I punched her in the face.

"I know your stronger than this, so snap out of it!"

"Snap out of it"

"Snap out of it"

"Snap out of it"

"Snap out of it"

"Snap out of it"

"Snap out of it"

I punched her 7 times, and as I had washed my hands in the blood of her nose, as blood covered knuckles.

And after 7 hits and no response.

She wasn't responding to violence.

And I can only think of two ways of getting to her, a succubus, which I don't wanna do the other one.

But I have no choice.

Grabbing her head as she was growling at me, and trying to fight back and resist my punches, I pulled her up to me and grabbing her face with a hand moving off her head, I puffed her lips and then mine and kissed her, violence and lust, those are options.

The only options in my head as of now.

Because I really can't think of anything else.

And in doing that, her eyes widened and instantly she shoved me, "Eww did you just fucking kiss me!" she screamed out and spit on my shirt.

But even though she did she responded to me.

And when she did out of nowhere I hugged her.

"Yes I did! And your finally back you asshole!"

Which surprised her as I hugged her tight.

"Don't scare me like that again!"

Not responding this time, "What?" I thought she was being controlled, which from how she's reaction means she was and it's so fucking scary.

Because what if someones trying to control me too?!

And breaking away from that hug, I grabbed her shoulder and then told her what was going on.

"Someone's controlling our sisters and they were you and are probably trying to do it to me too! We have to help them before their overpowered by these humans and then killed, Sora you have to help me save them!!"

I said and pointing at where the others were, it seemed as if they got Iris and Rika off the two men and both of them drew their swords along with the already armed girls and now it looks like their about to fight to the death, and our sisters aren't winning this.

And turning her head and seeing that, her eyes popt.

"Then what are you waiting for! Get off me!"

She said and rushing off her, we both got up and as I was going to suggest something, she grabbed my shoulder and turning my face to her she said.

"Our first priority is to get those humans unarmed an captured, because it looks like our sisters are dead if they fight them. The other is trying to break them free of their mind control as this isn't like any of them, and it might just be best if they devour the humans, cause when they do I can pour mãna into them and give them the strength to free themselves from it"

"Wait! But what if doesn't wor–"

"We have no choices, now hurry up, we have to fight them so no more talking, and don't kill them!"

She said conjuring a ball of fire in a second and throwing it at one of the male humans, hitting their leather chest peice and pushing them back.

"Right over here, asshole!"

Holy crap! She just use fire bolt?

Sora knows fire magic?!

Not catching up quick enough she started rushing over to our sisters and shooting more fire bolts at them, their guards went up and as she shot more.

The two boys started cutting her bolts, breaking the lightly condensed fire and turning it into little fire flairs swishing past them, as they were blocking the bolts.

Shaking my head I ran over and joining her, getting next to her and confusing fire of my own.

"The hell are you doing! You're on our side!"

Hearing a mix of both boy and girls voice, "Why would I join people trying to kill my sisters" saying that, I threw a chunk of burning hot dark fire at them.

And as it was slower and more blazing than Sora's fire bolt, when one of them men slashed at it, it wasn't a confessed fire and it forced the other man to grab the girls and jump out of the way as that was burning fire.

And as it came last one of the men's blades and hit him directly, it forced him to groan out and let go of his weapon as he wore no cloves and he put his hands up to guard himself against the heat of vile magic fire.

"Bard!" the timid girl who hid behind another one earlier screamed out, but as she saw he was still standing but his weapon was clashed on the ground.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"

But hearing that, and he was basically calling my flames weak, [-Suppress-], I dispelled my skill and bit down as that asshole just called me weak.

So not bothering with wasting anymore magic on that, I used what was supposed to go to another skill to use on burning this asshole alive.

"Sora leave him to me! I'll rost him!"

Putting my hands together, I cuffed then around my mouth as I was going to use great fireball which if anything was similar to a dragons cone breath.

But just as I was about to channel my Mana.

Sora grabbed me, "No, we can't kill him, kill eh women or something, not the guys, we need em!" she said an it forced me to hold off on killing them with that skill.

But stepping back, "Then you handle them then, I'll get the others two then" I said as we were still going to have to fight two people each for this battle.

"Alright" she said and I veered right, turning past her and goin off to the side where the three of them were getting up. Sora just needs to fight that one, and then come and get the other, I'll make the girls surrender, they don't seem like fighters from how they shook.

And if they are, then maybe I can intimidate them into surrendering themselves. From how it seemed when I first got here, they were scared of Sora, and backing away. So maybe if I release my demonic magic, it'll scare them too? That would make this battle easier?

Fuck it, let's just fight them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thursday, September 16th, Year 12