Chap: 130 "Fighting The Human Party!"

Running over to the side as Sora was going to handle that guy, I saw that the three of them were getting up and you can say I'm meaner than my inner Demons.

Because running over to them I jumped, and jumped on the man's head, forcing him to crash his face into the ground and then jump off him. "Gah!" he groaned.

And turning back around, I bullied the others as when hearing him, I jumped over them, and doing the same to one of the woman, "Ah!" and hitting their heads on the ground like him, "Ugh!" I then kicked the timid girl in the head all while basically dancing on them, kind of like from some jump game?

Which was kind of fun?

But as I kicked the girl, the man shoved the ground an screamed as he used brute force to swing his big hands up, "Get the hell of me!" he roared.

So jumping away and onto the dirt street, I got out of the way and then watched as he was the first to get up, which was funny as he got up all angry.

"I guess you only like when girls step on you, huh~?"

"Shut the hell up, you bastard!!!" he sounds angry?

And voiceing that aditude at me, "Why are you doing this! Oww it hurts... Why are you siding with those monsters?!" one of the girls uttered out.

And rising up, the three of them looked over at me as I was just standing there with a smile, "How rude, their not monsters? Their succubi, an my siblings"

Saying that and having them see me, they flinched.

Not at my words but at my darty glare.

And probably words too.

And staring at me, the man clenched his teeth, "So you're a monster as well" he said and I crossed my arms, this can be all avoided if they just comply.

"How about instead of fighting me we make a deal"

And saying that, I suprised them as I bet they never thought I would be saying that, "A deal?" one of the women said, but then the man stepped forward.

"Like hell we'd make deals with monsters!"

But as he said that, "What's better, a Zombie out here or a reasonable monster like me then? Cause I can be reasoned with, they can't. So choose wisely"

And saying that, the women next to him stomped on his foot and then stepped forward, and glancing around, both Iris and Rika were slowly circling us.

Looks like we're running out of time.

But my presence is confusing the two of them?

Good, it buys me more time with the humans.

"What are your demands, what is this deal, monster"

She said being incredibly offense to me.

"My name is Aster, and this deal more relates to the man behind you along with the one fighting my sis–" looking over she has the human in a chokehold...

"The other girls..."

I said with a pause as I looked to them and was taken back, just a little. Why is she choking him?... I thought they were going to be intensely fighting you know?

"Anyways, I just need your boys to sleep my sisters~"

But saying it, "Huh. . ." her jaw dropped in an instant.

And it wasn't just her, the quiet one and the man's jaw fell to the ground after I said that? Why are they so surprised about this? What they think my sisters were going to do to them beforehand? Eat them???

"You see their kind of in a starving state and as sex creatures we feed off the vitality of other people, so they basically just wanna fuck you really really bad–"

I was saying but not even able to finish the last part, the man pulled in his leather chest peice, "No need to keep going bro" and it just popped off, he pulled up on his chest peice and taking it off, he threw it down.

"Excuse me?" Me and the girls questioned????

But my guy just turned facing Iris and throwing out his thumb, at me, and nodding his head he grabbed his shirt lifting it up, and in doing that, and exposing his fit body, both girls veered their heads are him and in an instant began rushing him, "If this is how I died, then this is how a real man dies" he said proudly?

"Wait! Charles! You idiot!"

But as the women who tried negotiating with me yelled at him, he was pounced on by Rika and Iris an in that instant, we watched as they skillfully striped him naked and Iris straddled his face and tried going for his cock but Rika stole it first as iris sat on his face.

Turning away from that... Event...

I looked to the girls and said, "Sorry about that, I know he's with you, but as a boy, I... I have no excuse for our sex, he's just... Different, very very different you know" I apologized on behalf of our sex...

But hearing him, I mean he's not wrong... Ahhah.

But then, she turned to me and grabbed her chest, "No, I'm sorry, he's our idiot, a horny idiot at that" she said and I chuckled, but then turned to the other 2.

I was being choked and the other one flipped the table and was punching Ursula as her back was to the ground, and ouch, I can feel them from here, oof...

"Hey ladies, if he kills my sister do I get to kill him?"

I said looking at that guy punching Urusla.

"Yup..." the woman said sighing.

But then the timid girl stomped her foot toward, "No that's my brother!" she said raising her voice, but as she did I looked over to her and said.

"Then go over and tell him to start fucking her rather than fighting her or I'll kill him before he kills her, you have 10 seconds or he's dead" I said making her eyes widen as that wasn't a threat it was a promise.

Because no one beats up on my siblings and walks away, even if it is for their survival, I don't care.

She seemed as she had more to say and as she opened her mouth, "10. . . 9. . . 8" and as I started slowly counting she suddenly jerked and as I started conjuring fire into my hand, without looking back to me she ran off and I stopped counting.

Looking over to the other girl, "Personally I would never let someone disrespect my sister like that if I were you, you should have just killed him man" the girls said crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"But then I'd have to deal with an out of control Succubus, I'd rather not, even if I had to"


"Yeah, seems too boring too"

"Sooooo... A–"

"Sora! Charm him and tell him to fuck Rika!"

I said interrupting her a she seemed to be trying to ask me something, and looking over to Sora as she was turning the man purple, she looked over to me.


"Use charm and get him to bang Rika, I already have the other two on their way to fuck Iris and Urusla, So just handle that guy and then we can work on getting them back to their senses! It's easy! Just charm him!"

"You have! Since when!"

"Haha I am a persuasive man! Since like now! See!"

Getting her to look around, she saw Iris and Rika straddling that man, and he was grabbing Iris whole ass while tearing into her crotch through her pants.

And then looking over she saw that shy girl and then her brother, and he was being pushed down by Urusla who was pissed but at the same time, as she grabbed his neck, the other girl came in and kicking him, got him to grab Ursula's ass and fondle it to arouse her.

And then Sora looked back to me and with a proud smile, I threw out the peace sign to her and said, "As you can see, I have a way with words somethines~"

"Okay I get it! I'll work on this one then!"

She said and grabbing his face, "Your friends already are about to bone my sisters, so why don't you to one and join them asshole" she said and her eyes shimmered a bright tomato red.

And as she was forcing him to look up into her eyes, his eyes reflected hers and it worked, because that meant he was charmed, "Good job, you can release him now, I think he's about to die from being choked?"

I laughed and she let him go.

"So is that all" hearing the girl next to me, I was a bit surprised as she was standing next to me, so stepping off to the left, I turned back to her.

"Hm? What you say?"

I asked her turning my attention to her. But why is she so close? And also isn't she scared of me? Why get so close especially when she called me a monster?

"Your sisters, when their done having intercourse with our guys, are you just going to leave us alone?"

She asked and that was a good question?

Are we going to kill them.

Maybe? Probably?

We'll see...

"That's the plan, if we feed them they'll probably come back to their senses, but it's going to take a while, our sex drive is unlike any human imaginable"

I said as unless they went against another of their kind or something with a strong sex drive like an orc, I doubt their going to get exhausted from sex.

"Seriously! Wait are you serious or joking?"

But hearing that I laughed.

"I'm serious, they won't stop unless their full or the other one dies from vitality loss, their sex drive can go on for hours on hours if not satisfied enough"

I said but that shook her.

"Wait so they can die from this?!"

But in hearing that, "Yeah, you can die from almost anything?" I said realistically for a human?

She didn't like that though, "No, please, you can't let them kill them!" she said coming over to me and grabbing my arm, and in doing to I glanced at her and it had her tensing up, "Why not. Human?"

I asked and with a heavy gulp, "Because we made a deal!" she boldly said, "Oh did we now?" I said back, and opening her mouth, "Yes we did!" she said and that got me grinning, "No, we didn't, we never shook on it, your friend just went ahead and cut me of when we were making a deal, so there ain't no deal lady"

I said making her eyes widen.

She let go of my arm.

And turning to face her, I crossed my arms as I thought of something more interesting just now?

"But, maybe we can make a new deal"

"No, let's make a contract instead?"

I said and hearing her gulp as she took a step back, "Wait, what do you mean by contract..." she said not worried about if I was going to trick her or not.

How wonderful.

So explaining it to her, "You see, where I work we have 5 open spots for new workers, and there's 5 of you, so what I'm getting at is, I want you 5 to become our personal pets, if you get what I'm saying"

I said sadistically as I had no censorship for this.

"Pets?... You mean, you want us to work for you?"

She said but she could be any more wrong.

So walking up to her, "Nope, what I mean is I want the 5 of you to personally belong to us throughout a oral deal forged in blood magic. So yes you'll be working with us, but at the same time you'll be our property"

My intentions were pretty clear.

"Our property, and our personal food banks too~"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I made it clear enough.

And it was as if her throat closed because she stood there silent as a bettle, and looking up at her shocked face, I smiled more sadistically, this is pretty fun.

I'm hurting her mind right now aren't I? Good~

"For how long, how long do we have to be your slaves"

She said and as she did, I put my hands on my sides and I frowned as the smile from my face fell.

"You're not going to be our slaves, or sex slaves or any of that? Well it varies if the girls what them to be that, and if their into that, it may change?... Eww though"

"I just mean... You get your freedom and such, just come work with us at our brothel and come when we call for you or something, it's not that hard now is it?"

I said bashfully as I didn't know how to describe this type of pet here. But at the same time it would be good for the girls to have back up food supplies for when prostitution doesn't go well. An this is a good long run type turn which would benefit all of us?

"So you want us to also become whores too?!?!"


I said flustered as I didn't think too much about this, I just acted and spoke out without thinking about it.

"And you won't kill us or enslave us after we make this deal? That contract will ensure it? Right???"

She asked and I looked back up at her as... Is she really considering this? Like I would have just cursed whoever asked me this out, but she's thinkin about it!

"Yes, and we can add condions and stuff to the deal"

I said just out of pocket, not thinking again.

Stop doing that! Think Aster! Think first!

Singing, "If it means our idiots live, you have a deal, Aster" and hearing her say that, and even remember my name, my heart rate sped up, she really accepted?

With a smile forming on my face, "Great, your men are ensured to survive now for sure!" I said and hearing steps over to my left, I think it's Sora?

Looking over and seeing Sora too.

"Hey, why are you idly talking to that human?"

But as she came over saying that, I turned to her and with my hands coming behing my back, I locked hands and said in a sweetened voice.

"Sis you know how to form Demonic contracts right?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Because I just got us all pets, so I need your help~"