She Has Feelings For Me?!?! I Always Thought She Dispised Me!!! Like She Super Hated Me?!

For how long we've been walking I'd say it might take us less than half a day to make it back to Rosa's gate? Then again my sense of time is shit when traveling.

Though I might be spot on? Because this forest has us traveling slower due to it's rough terrainage out here.

Plus a good half of us are having to keep ah look out. From what Zoe told us earlier, and the other day, there is freak hives in this forest meaning bad news for us.

And keeping an eye out myself, I heard, "Wait so your twenty two? That's a whole four year difference from me!" I heard Iris say as Zoe was walking with the girls.

"Did your birthday already pass? We should get drinks together sometime," I heard Urusla say exactly.

"That sounds fucking awesome! And yeah, it passed"

Why is she talking to them??

This isn't going to end well for me is it???

"Really, when is it?" Rika

"It's in January" Zoe(DC)

"That's funny? So it's in four months? Hey Hiro! Isn't your birthday four months after January?!" Ursula

And hearing her talk to me about something so unimportant right now, I sighed not wanting to talk.

Why does she even want to know?

But looking back anyways, I spoke to her as it was way to quiet out here anyways, "Yeah, it's in May. It's may 17th, in a tarus– Ouw! My head!" I felt mind pain.

I swear to fucking Jesus! OUW! Why the hell is it when it's the most non-convinent I get struck with in the fucking mind for the littlest things!

"Hey you okay? Also what's a tarus? Is that supposed to mean something?" Kasumi asked and hearing her I shook my head and looked into the woods, talking.

I swear to God imma rip my fucking head off!!!

"It's just some astrological sign bullshit, nothing that needs anymore explaining than already said– agh!"

Getting mind stung by a psychic jellyfish or something I grabbed my head again, but this time I sped up as I was hurting myself by just talking about this shit!

I wasn't even thinking, I just spoke it.

That's so fucked up!!!

But not even able to walk in peace, "Hey! Wait up!" I heard Urusla's voice while the others kept talking to Zoe in the background, and irritated, I said to her.


"Bro what's wrong? You don't look any good?"

Hearing her sound concern from me I sighed, "Bruh, I just have a migraine, it's nothing...Much," I said as it wasn't really a lie, these mind stings hurt my head.

"I'm sorry"

Hearing her I sighed again, "Nah, it's kind of my fault anyways. So, y'all like Zoe huh?" I asked and hearing that she looked down to her feet as we were walked.

"She's alright. . . I don't like how she smells though"

And hearing that I couldn't help but chuckle.

And stepping closer to her and leaning my head over, "Well it's not like you smell any better–" but sniffing the air and pretending I was them from earlier.

It was like a giant question mark appeared over me.

"Hm? You smell like me?"

Straightening up as she had my scent all over her, her face started reddening and I looked at her confused?

"Why the hell do you smell like me?"

"Wait did you!—"

But she cut me off before I could accuse her of doing as she had done in the past, so putting me under her spells/charms by magical means to sleep with her.

"Nah, I just jerked off to your shirt"

"Ahh— Okay" . . . Waitttt...


Yelling that and startling the humans and getting not getting payed any mind by our sisters, I turned over to her thunderstuck by what the fuck she just said now!

"Why the hell would you do that!!!"

I yelled out not know what the hell was going on in her twisted demonic mind, but hearing me clearly say that she started blushing and I was so fucking confused!!!

"Bruh, I've had on a crush on you since like forever..."

"Your scent was just too strong for me last night"

"And I masterbated to you fucking that girl..."

But hearing when and coming to a fucking stop, she stopped too, and as the others walked right past us.

"Wait, I though you said it was to my shirt?..."

"The fuck do you mean you did it to us?..."

I needed to know.

I needed to fucking know!

And saying this with a straight ass face.

And she didn't even look to be holding this back.

"I mispoke, I mean I had your shirt in hand, but I was rubbing down all the way while watching you fucking"

Both appalled and disgusted I looked down at my shirt and looking down at it and a slight stain on it that hadn't been there before, I wanted to puke now!!!

"And if we ever have sex again, I'll probably undo the contraction ability in my uterus and take it all up"

And hearing her talk and say this with a straight face.

I... almost throwing up...

Gaged a turned away at the woods as I couldn't!...

"Bruh, I don't like you"

"I don't love you"

I don't wanna fuck you"

And wanting to barf on a tree by the thought of this.

How was I supposed to fucking react to this!

I saw an got her boned like yesterday too!

And looking to the back of the girls and Zoe as they had passed us seconds ago and were still walking.

I took in a deep breath if air and then turned to her.

"But I do want you as my sister, so please..."

Looking her in the eyes, "Please, just move on" I said back not even knowing this? Did she confess to me?!

What the fuck this is mind blowing!!!

I always thought she despised me?!!

But she liked me the entire time?

Like the entire fucking time?!

So that moment in the boat was real?

Did I fuck up by thinking she was out to get me?!?!

And hearing me tell her all of this, she looked away and clenched her teeth, "You think there'll ever be a chance for us to be something more than just kin"

And hearing her say that I rubbed my chin and jested.

"I mean, if you make a demonic contract with me to never fuck anyone else, personally be mine, and kinda be like my companion and never betray me, I guess?"

And no hesitation.

"I'm fine with that"

But then snapping back at her, "I was kidding!" I was just joking and she didn't even think about sayin that!

Taken back, I stepped back and then said.

"I was just kidding! You're not for real are you?"

But saying that was my greatest mistake as she took a step forward getting me to take another step back.

"Hiro are you dumb! I've liked you for the longest, I've gotten close to Tina just to be with you, and still your not seeing it! Do you really hate me that much?!"

And looking away, "Maybe. . ." I couldn't really lie.

And hearing me say that she paused, "That... Hurts..." she said and moving her hand to her chest and holdin it there she looked as if she was in pain right then...

I hurt her...

Did I just break her heart?...

But as I looked away, she stepped up to me saying.

Full of seriousness, "Though, even though you really make me mad sometimes with your dumbness, if you ever want to I'm always available, and when you need a honey I'll be there and will drop everything for you"

"And only you..."

Shocked even more and looking over at her, she was so close now and looking me in the eyes, "I'm serious, you can have anyone you want but I'll be yours an only yours if you chose me, fuck, prostitution wasn't what I wanted to do from the start anyway, so just think, hm"

Taken back again, I had nothing to say.

I couldn't form any words to say.

And seeing me like this, she glanced off and her white skin started turning a glossy pink, horns began comin from her head and curving backwards, and then lastly her pink batish wings sprouted from behind her back.

And startling me, "I... I said too much, I needa go" and hearing her as she said that, she turned facin the girls and she jumped into the air flappin her wings heavily.

But as she did I jumped and grabbed her foot, "Wait! I have something to say to you first!" I said but when I'd grabbed her foot we shot into the air already far past many trees in the air, her wings were strong and fast.

And feeling me and looking down she was shocked, "Hiro! What the hell let go!" she said but what the hell does she mean let go! "The fuck you mean! I can't fly!"

And hearing that and looking down at me as I then started wighing her down, she kept flapping wings but fuck it imma say what I have to say now!

"And if I let go imma probably die so I'mma say what I wanted to say now you obsessive short munchkin ass stupid bitch motherfucker! Let's form a contract!"

I said but this was to benefit me not her.

After thinking for a few seconds, and how much it really fucking sucked to hurt her like that, I guess I could use a pair of wings not of my own right...

Look I'm doing this for me not her okay!

So shut the fuck up Hiro and Silfey, I don't wanna hear anything when I come back to that black space!

And hearing me yell that out at her as she kept flying upwards despite my weight being added to the mix.

She was shocked, "Fuck you asshole! I'm not a mun– Wait what did you just say?!" she got mad for a little bit then realizing what I said switched instantly.

And feeling my hand slip as my hands had been slightly greesy from Zoe's hair I could hold on much!

"I said that I'd choose you for something in turn!"

I said honestly as this I wasn't doing anything for free, I am a Demon who needs to benefit from everything even if it is a little matter, it has to be something!

But just as I said that and lost my breath.

My hand slipped and I fell as we were like 80ft up!

And telling back I didn't have any wings so I just fell...

And seeing that, "HIRO!!!" and screaming that, the idiots on the ground who might not have noticed looked up to see me falling, falling fast, to earth.

And after screaming my name she changed direction and flipping her wings shot after me, but she was kind of too late as the more I sped the farther I got away.

And the ground wasn't that far away.

But she went for me and as she got a yard away I plummeted to the ground and— everything blackent.

. . . . .

Blinking several times I was laying on a black ocean. And laying there the waters were calm, and I got tired.

Closing my eyes, I wanted to fall asleep..

And not able to open my eyes again, I fell asleep...