A Death's Memories.

Everything was black, "Aster wake up," but then there was a sweet feminine voice and opening my eyes to a ceiling lit by a dimmed light crystal, I went and sat up.

Moving my hand to the side of my head, I felt the bed shift and turning my head and seeing a woman with a long flowing head of golden hair and wearing al'white.

"What is it?"

But hearing that and seeing her turn around on the bed she puffed her cheeks and put her hands on her hips pouting at me, "Don't what is it me, Asy" and said.

And looking at her with a cold glair, "Also don't look at me like that either! Humph," she pouted more an then turned facing away from me and crossing her arms.

And seeing all that, I shifted over on the bed an movin my body over to sit next to her, I moved my hand to her chin and pulling her head this way I kissed her.

Letting go and sitting straight I looked away from her.

"My apologies, it's been a very long week, Sapphire"

But in saying that and sounding indifferent I heard her giggle and glancing at her I saw her radiant smile, and she lookt at me with those overly loving eyes of hers.

"All forgiven darling~ I was just messing with you~"

And hearing her say that, I didn't move nor express myself, I just sat there and with an indifferent face I then went to stand up as I was half naked in robes.

"Now. What is it you woke me up for" I said glancing at her with not so friendly eyes but instead those of your mere business instead of one happy to see another.

And sighing, she said, "The king went on about those tarnished reappearing and he wants you to get rid of them all today" she said and turning around I spoke.

"But I just got back, why does his warriors do nothing"

But hearing me she smiled and put her hand on her cheek looking at me with ravishing eyes, looking me up and down hungrily but not trying to show me it.

"Maybe he just likes you~ What's not to like though"

But hearing her sensually speak like that I crossed my arms and looked down at her as she can't be serious?

"Tell him I can't, I have something else to do today"

And hearing me, "Like me~" but I didn't smile like her, instead, "No, I promised Sia I would spend today with her" and hearing me say that she giggled happily.

"You're doing well on keeping your promises, dear"

But hearing her I bit the inside of my mouth angry.

And looking away I then went on to say to her.

"Tell the king to get rid of the tarnished ones himself, I have no business with him or them today, an that even goes for you, I have't business with you today either"

And hearing me she chuckled.

"Asy you're so cold~ Even me? What if I want to come too? You won't ditch me again will you now, dear?"

"You do and we'll go eslewere... Sapphire"

But in saying that she laughed.

"I'll tell his Majesty that you have inportant business to take care of today. But um, he might make me take your place on killing them? It'll be tough for me"

And hearing her nervously say that, I walked over to her and pressing my knee against the bed in-between her legs, I moved on there and lifted her head up.

And looking her in the eyes, I said, "I believe you have what it takes to take care of them on your own," I said moving my mouth onto hers and making out with her.

She ran her hands around my head kissing me deeply.

And breaking away, "I love you," I told her and smiling like crazy, "It must be my birthday or something cause you don't like saying that a lot hahaha, wow asy~"

"Seriously, say that again and your all mine today~"

But hearing her sensually talk like that, I got up and then stepped back, turning back around and sighing.

"For something supposedly holy, you're quite ah devil"

I said and walking away, I heard her giggle and say ah, "Sorry, it's hard to be an Angel when I'm in love with a Demon like you babe," and hearing teasing voice, "Sir Aster Hiragi" she said sitting at the edge of the bed.

And hearing that I almost chuckled, and grabbing the door and openin it, I then paused and, [=mimic=] had then went on to close the door as I released my form.

Breaking my human form mimic but not returning to that horrid small primordial demon form, I returned to my devilish form and with a seducting smirk said.

With my long tail sweeping the ground floor, "Oh so is that how were playing it, lady Sapphire O'Nellie" And turning around with a seductive smile I looked at her.

And sitting there and now blushing, she studdered.

"Wait I didn't think you'd get turn on! I was kidding!"

"Are you sure, because I have an hour to spare~"

And hearing my offer she froze up, and lookin off to the side and then grabbing her face as she started turning pink, she threw it all out and looked back towards me and opened her pretty little mouth.

"I might not be able to walk after this... But heck yeah!"

But as she said that while being enveloped by her blush, I took a step towards her when the door suddenly clicked and opened and then I heard softly.

Yawning, "Daddy? Is that you?" I heard her little voice and turning around a little girl with a teddy bear came in and seeing her blue and red eyes and little horns.

I turned back around a stepping over to her kneed on down to her, and seeing her back hair and horns just like mine, they've already grown huh?

"Yeah Sia, I'm back"

And looking at me she dropped her teddy bear and rushed at me, jumping into my arms and hugging me as if I had been gone for so long, it's only been weeks.

"Daddy! I mawished you so much!" Sia

"Oh really? I have too, but guess what~"

Hugging her and standing up with her in my arms, she looked up at me and getting confused, "What?" my Sia asked and hearing her I chuckled at her voice.

My Sia's voice is the cutest, I love her so much.

"Today it's just going to be you and daddy, mommy isn't goin to come with us because she has something to do, so I hope your fine with just hanging with me"

"That's okay~"


"Mommy can come with us when she's not busy, and I just want to hang with daddy today anyways!"

And hearing her say that, I held her on my arm letting her sit up and turning around to Sapphire, I spoke to her as I had our daughter with me now.

"You heard her dear, I guess you'll have to come and see us later when your finished, so I hope you don't plan on keeping our Sia waiting now~"

And hearing me like this, she looked at me stupidly an with a crooked smile, said, "Yeah, I'll try to be quick..." she said back but we both knew it wouldn't be quick.

And walking to her with Sia on my arm, I said, "Now Sia kiss mommy goodbye, she needs your love today, it's going to be a long day for her, okay sweety~"

And sitting next to her, she hugged Sapphire, "Bye mommy, love you" she said adorably as the both of them hugged, and after she did so I leaned in to her.

And whispering into Sapphire's ear, I said.

"I changed my mind, finish the mission for the king quick and get back to us before nightfall and I'll do whatever you want when we get Sia to go to sleep"

And hearing me say that she flinched and looked me dead in the eyes mouthing, 'Anything!' and seeing her wanting to say that so very bad out loud, I did it back.


She then shot up to her feet and balled her fist up.

"I'll meet you guys in a few hours, mommy is about to show these tarnished who's boss!" and hearing her Sia laughed, "Mommy's funny isn't she?" I asked.

"She's very funny" Sia

Sapphire rushed out the room to go get her battle attire ready and as she left I looked to Sia and asked.

"So, what would you like to do today Sia?"

And hearing me say that sparkles sparkled in her eyes, "Can we go to my favourite place!" and hearing her say that she must mean where she goes with her mom?, "Yeah, but you'll have to show me, okay"

"Yey! Let's go to Greenville park Daddy!"

"As you command"

* * * * *

Blinking several times I woke up on a standing body of black water and as I was in the ocean, I gasped for air and grabbed my chest, what the hell was that?

Was that a memory? No it's not mine? Is it Aster's!

Not me but the other Aster, the future one?

Gasping for air it felt so real just then.

What the hell were those feelings I felt.

What the hell did I see.

Did I have a wife and daughter?

What the fuck?!

But fuck that what were those emotions?

Wanting to shut my eyes so badly and return to it...

I couldn't, the water suddenly started vibrating and then the water started turning into waves, and as I was having trouble even breathing now, I sunk down.

The water filled my lungs and I started soffocating.

I started drowning..

This's, my end...

Closing my eyes as the last of the air in my lungs came out from my mouth I then heard a cold vile voice like that of someone with a hole in their throat.

"We found one, bring it back to the dark realm..." V1

"Why is a behazmeth lingering in this realm?" V2

"I thought there was only one behazmeth?" V3

"It doesn't matter, bring it back, bring it home" V1

Boney hands grabbed me from behind.

"Wait, something's not right?" V3

"What is wrong: |=£✓\|" V2

Voice 3 & Voice 2:

"The behazmeth is trying to connect to the abyss"

"Why would it want to spawn in the evil shard's pit?"

"I think the one who birthed it has a shrine there?"

"Why would the first behazment want to spawn him and his spawn in the abyss and not home in the dark realm, their motherland? Is the behazmeth insane?"

But then the first voice jumped into the talk.

"It's easier to leave the abyss than it is to space jump regularly out of the dark realm, he planned this" V1

"Then what do we do with the second behazmeth?" The second voice asked the first one.

"Just send it back, the behazmeth is traveling with humans and tanar'ri Demons alike, if we just revive it from here then it'll come back to us one day soon"

The third voice spoke out.

"Revive it? But can't it revive itself?" V1

"No, this one doesn't know how to, it's too early" V3

"The behazmeth incubus knows nothing of itself and or its own origin, it's unlikely for it to know how to use it's own abilities, and we doubt it would know that too"

The second voice spoke out.

"Then how do we revive it?" V1

"How'd it die?" V2

"It fell from 25 meters and crashed it's head into a sharp bolder buried and poking out the ground" V3

"Then how do we revive it?" V2

"A little less than a second has passed since it died out there, so if we just pour some of dark realms rift into the behazmeth, it's soul with devour and recover"

And saying that the other two gasped from what the third voice said and without a seconds thought, the boney hands grabbed onto my body and snatched me'body deeper into the black ocean.

. . . . .

Blinking several times and then gasping for air, a haze of black darker than the night itself was swimming around my vision and I sat up as I was on the ground.

"Yo Hiro you okay! Why the hell were you in the sky!"

Kasumi said running over to me, and as she did Urusla landed Infront of me and out of nowhere grabbed me, "Why the hell did you let go you dumbass, you could have seriously gotten hurt idiot!" and with her grabbin me tightly and I couldn't breathe well the others then went and came over to me too checking on me.

But I had no clue what just happened?

Wasn't I laying down and being pulled under water?

"Hiro you okay! You just fell from the sky, hit your head against the ground, laid there for a second, and sat back up! That was so fucking scary!" I heard Zoe?

"And you! What the hell do you think you were doing dropping him from up there! He could have died!" I heard Zoe yell at Urusla who had her wings out and demonic form out in the open, but I don't think she really cared and since we've been calling each other kin this entire time she might have figured Urusla's also a Demon like me? no wait, am I even a Demon?

I heard voices? 3 main ones but little whispers too?

They all called me a... Behazmeth? What's that?

Wait is that what Asmodeus's race is really called?

I guess that makes me a behazmeth Incubus then?

Ugh my head hurts so much, did I really hit it that hard? Ugh it's like a headache times seven and more?

Shaking my head and pushing Urusla away while she was being scolded by Zoe who was pissed off at her, I then stood up and stretching my body asked them.

"Hey, does anyone feel uneasy?"

I asked and looking at me upset, I then looked to the others who were worried and as that feeling came even stronger, I sensed something darting at us.

And in an instant as Zoe was going on about somethin along with Karin who came to my side worried for me along with my sisters who saw it happen with them.

I kicked the ground and shoved Zoe to the right, and as she was pushed out of the way this yellowish thing appeared and looking like a hound tried to slash me with it's claws, but as it was I swung my claws up at it.

And as my hand came swinging up, darkness covered my hands and formed gauntletted claws, made from this dark mist that hardend like stone instantaneously.

And as my claws hand swung up and it's claws came hitting mine, it vanished in an instant and turning my head as I sensed it's presence appear behind me.

I turned around to see a yellow hound growling at me.

And just as I did and the others followed, I then heard.

"Everyone be careful! It's a fey, Blink Hound!" Karin