Chap 140: Blink Hounds Attack!

Looking over to see a hairless dog I recognized it from a roleplaying game I think I used to play, that thing is a Blink Dog, a Fey Creature that has the ability to blink in and out of existence 6 times before it has to rest.

To be exact the ability blink is teleportation but no one usually knows how the fuck it does it, so it's magically teleporting to avoid direct attacks, for the most part.

And looking down.

Looking at my hands it's as if solid darkness had roped around my hands and formed earthy gauntlets from like an old LITRPG, TCH, OUCH THAT HURTS! My freaking head why you gotta make me suffer!

Shaking my head the hound started circling us, and as it had I heard the others as they drew their gear.

"Be careful, that thing is dangerous!" karin

"Thanks Hiro you saved my ass..." Zoe

"What is that thing?" Urusla

"I don't know but it looks scary!" Sora's pets.

"Bruh she just said it was a fucking blink Hound" Iris

"I wasn't paying attention!" Urusla

"She was next to you!" Iris

"That thing looks frendly?" Rika

"It looks kinda cute?" Sora

"Bruh, it looks ugly as fuck, where's its fur?" Kasumi

"The real question is why is it yellow?" Rika

"Stop talking and get ready to fight it! This creature is a pain in the ass to deal with an it only targets–" but as Karin was talking I cock blocked her and yelled.

"You 5!" looking at the pets, I pointed at them and said to them, "The Blink Dog is a good willed Fey Creature so if you move out the way it won't attack any of you unless you try to harm it, so get out the way" I spoke to them and then turned my attention back to us.

"Now as for us, Succubuses! Karin and Zoe, that one wants a piece of our asses and it won't stop until it has us by the neck or is ordered by something else to stop with it's attack!"

But in saying that and hearing a few ill reactions from out of them, I then heard the male pets voices.

"We're not leaving a bunch of women to fight this beast! What kind of men would we be if we did that!"

And hearing them, I didn't care for it but I admired their spirit, "So be it, you'll fight with us then, but if any of you wish not to, now might be the time to get the hell out of the way" and saying that the two girls left from out of where we were as the men asked them to not join us in fight, and they listened.

Because even if we had the advantage in numbers, this thing was leagues ahead of us and none of us from what I know besides the two necromancers have been able to fight monsters, and from what I heard even Karin seemes cautious of this creature.

. . . . . .

As the creature was circling us and we bunched together to form a circle where we all faced outward so that it couldn't catch us off guard, suddenly...

The hound raised up it's head and howled.

It's voice echoes through the forest and I couldn't tell what the hell it was doing just now? Maybe it's trying to distract us by doing that? But then suddenly out of the fucking woods we heard several howls.

"Y'all heard that right!" Sora's pet, Charles.

"No shit we all heard it, "Sora's pet, James.

"There's more of them?" Zoe?

"Fuck..." Karin


"Fuck it girls, let's kill the hell out of some dogs!"

Clenching her cheap dagger, Kasumi said that and then threw the fucker out like she had a spell ready to deal with these fuckers and I looked away believing in her as they were good and I can focus on myself.

"Bitch what are you doing! You don't know magic?!" I heard Sora clearly and holy shit she's right, Kasumi doesn't know any spells other than her succubi ones?!

And hearing that and looking over to her crazy ass she broke from the formation and broke for the woods, running into it and see that the blink dog vanished from sight most like chasing her.

And seeing that I looked to Karin as my body was too stiff to chase after them, "Karin go after her! Kasumi's not a fighter she'll get herself killed!" I pleaded and she nodded her head running after the two of them.

. . . . .

Getting her to run after the two of them I knew they were going to make it back alive now, as for us, now that's a good question, because they're all coming.

And by "they" I mean the other blink dogs.

But then something hit me, "Wait that bitch can fly?!" and now I'm realizing why she ran off without much of a care, if she felt in danger she'd fly away from it?!

"Wait Karin can fly!?" I heard Zoe say turning to me.

But hearing her Iris spoke, "No, he means Kasumi, my sister, she can dust that mut without even trying!" and hearing her Rika turned to her, "Aren't we trying to not expose ourselves, why are you telling her the truth?"

But in saying that, Iris clicked her tongue.

"What does it matter if Hiro's girlfriend knows about us? Yo Zoe, Zoe right? Anyways, the six of us, me my sister and the rest of us including Hiro are Demons"

Iris said exposing us Infront of everyone and getting a reaction from all of us, because she was so bold on it, she then said with a snicker and cocky aditude.

"It doesn't matter if those two find out, and then the five humans are kind of ours anyways and they made a deal with Hiro not to snitch, so who cares bruh"

And she had a point so I didn't say anything.

But the other three were the opposite of me.

And even Zoe was shocked.

"Wait so the six of you are really siblings! I thought it was like some fighter sibling shit?! Also I knew one of you were also a feind or something aka the pink girl, but I had no idea there were so many Demons?"

She said getting shocked again, I think she knew of demons well before us because every time she hears about them she looks like she's getting overwhelmed?

And hearing her say that I interrupted her little thing.

"The only blood siblings here is Iris and Kasumi, those two are actually siblings, as for the rest of us were all usually born in nests so our race is really close with all our kin even if we're not from the same nest like that"

I spoke on it and Iris nodded her head, and the others yelled at her as they were mad at her.

"But still you can't just do that without our permission!"

Rika yelled at her.

"I agree with Norika, don't ever do that again!"

Ursula said fixing her form fully back into a human.

"I don't really care, but at least warn us first"

Sora even agreed with them.

But hearing them she crossed her arms and pouted.

And hearing their conversation I kind of felt down at the moment because we were just speaking on that whole were siblings and stuff, but I'm not sure I am...

Because if I'm right I'm not even a true demon.

Hell, I know I'm not fucking abyssal.

But I think I'm a behazmeth.

No, I know I am.

And I don't know what that means but I know what I heard and they were speaking about Asmodeus and from what I know he's the first incubus 100% I'm sure.

But something just doesn't feel right about anything?

Because if he's the last and first of his kind.

And now I'm the second incubus of whatever his fucking race is, that dark realm Devine race shit.

Then I'm a dark realm monster and probably even worst then what a Demon would be considered.

And to be honest that thought is horrifying.

Also what did they mean shrine in the abyss?

And what were they, were those things death?

Because I'm pretty sure I heard them say I needed to freaking be revived and I hit my head on a bolder top in the ground, and looking over... I see it, a red rock.

The rock is painted in my head blood and yet moving my hand to my head where I was hit by it, I didn't feel anything not even an indent, and wait, looking down at my hand what the hell do I mean I don't feel nun?

Looking at my hands they were shrouded in fucking darkness... Yet at the same time though I couldn't really feel it with my hands on my head I felt nothing?

And thinking about it I clenched my teeth.

Did I seriously just die a few minutes ago?!


4 fucking months here and I die from falling.

Damn it damn it damn it!

Shutting my eyes I was fustrated and as my breathing was heavy, I felt a hand on my arm and darting a look over, I saw Zoe looking at me with soft concerned eyes and seeing them, I took a deep breath.

And calming myself, I said, "I'm fine," I said and she kept holding onto the arm part of my shirt.

"Are you sure? Hiro..."

"Yeah, I'm just a bit... Uneasy"

"You said that before and then pushed me out of the way" and hearing her I chuckled, "Yeah, I did didn't I"

"Yeah, so thank you for it again"

"No problem, I told you, you can't die with me"

"You told me that? Because I remember you claiming me for yourself and cursing death hahaha"

"Now that sounds about right"

But as we said that and had a small laugh, suddenly I felt something again and as it was like a knot in my chest, I looked over and then out of nowhere 4 fucking yellow hounds appeared around us.

"Shit they're here!"

But in saying that, I looked to the girls and yelled!

"Everyone who can't fight go into the air and keep an eye out for anymore dangers, those why can fucking fight and know they can, stick with me!!!"

And yelling that, Iris and Rika jumped in the air and batish wings sprung from their backs and they flew up into the air and went almost above the trees.

"Sora you know battle magic right!"


"What about you Ursula!"


"Take this then!"

Grabbing the mace from my side I then threw it over to Ursula and catching it she readied the weapon, and as such happened the 3 human men readied their swords while the 2 human girls stood on the side.

It's better they're there.

They're really useless.

No offense though.

It's true though.

And with the six of us armed and ready I then heard, "I call forth Bonemen from the Earth's grave!" and as Zoe said that 2 pairs of bone hands popped out the ground, was she sommoning Skeletons! The hell?!

"You can summon skeletons!"


"How the hell you know there were corpses near us!"

"I don't need corpses for any of my conjurings!"

"That's so fucking badass" Ursula and Sora yelled.

"Agreed..." I couldn't deny that, it really fucking is?!