Switching Teams In The Brothel

For the next few hours of the day, we spent it training and Lex didn't stop it until I was able to learn to focus on growing my claws, which I got after a few hours...

But they weren't so much nailed claws...

After learning to focus energy into my finger tips and extend my hand out to let my nails take in energy and grow out into strong and hardened claws made from nail, my nails didn't really grow, but something else–

Something else happened.

. . . . .

Looking down at my hands I focused some energy in to the tips of my fingers, but when I did the swirly bits of mist, mark on my fingers that Lex always compares to corruption starts shifting and becomes this dark, ghostly energy, ebony in a way, and then it extends.

After extending, it takes shape of claws that go out like an entire finger, "Third time in a row, I guess you can't actually grow your nails out like me, but this is cool"

And looking over at Lex as he said that, I frowned cause this wasn't normal, why are my claws different?

Is it because I'm a different incubus then him?

Could it relate to when I died and was revived by the dark realms rift energy? Maybe that could be it.

"How so? Isn't it a bit odd, it's like my energy is startin' to try and appear everytime I try altering my body?"

But after I said that he opened his mouth talking.

"To me that seems better, because say if those things brake at least you don't have a chance of getting your fingers messed up, unless your hand get cut off..."

"I still don't like it... It's too weird for me?"

"No, actually it fits you and that power of yours, and because of that, I'm going to name them Dark Claws"


"Yes... Why, do you not like them? I mean the name?"

"No... That's not it, it's just, I'm more of not a dark gal"


"I mean, *cough cough*, I'm more of a Earth type guy and I'd rather of had something like that and or even fire since I've gotten used to that already, but this? That darkness, it just gives me the chills ya know"

"Oh... I get it, but still, it's a neet power to naturally have, most dark mages take years to even get their hands on a shred of dark magic or dark affinities, I even had a hard time learning some, so be lucky"

But as he said that I sighed, "My luck always turns into misfortune, so I can't really be happy about this" I told him as Hiro's cursed misfortune carried out to me too.

"Hm? Remember what I told you a few weeks ago, if you get strong enough then you won't be affect by it, if you can overpower the negatives then it'll be better"

But hearing him, I couldn't really believe that.

"How so?"

"The strong are always going against their destiny for power, so if you join them then you can basically tell them to fuck off and choose your own path in life"

And hearing he sounds like my pa? Ouch that hurt!!!

Shaking my head, I then looked over at him and said.

"I guess that makes sense, I'll take you up on that"

And smiling at me like a fool, "I expect no less" and he really does sound like that old fart, ouch! Still, that is not wrong and I'm even thankful for that! Ouch! Ouw.

With my head panging a little, I felt incredibly dizzy but looked to Lex once more as my head was spinnin.

"So... Wat.... What's next?..."

And as I said that, leaning back on the couch as I was so very dizzy, he then went on to say a few things.

"Actually that's it for lesson 1, we'll pick back up next weekend" he said surprising me as we were done?

"We're done? What about the other things?"

But in saying that I got his attention.

"Actually, I can't teach you the others? They all come naturally, because the bite one just means that you're able to bite harder, way harder than a human can, and now your bite strength is enough to snap bones, and then the other two are just Prehensile meaning that it acts as extra limbs, which if you practice moving them then you won't even be able to tell that their apart of you and everything with moving them will come like natural, also your wings haven't started growing yet"

"So all I really needed to teach you was how to use your claws, which was faster than I ever expected, it took me and the rest of us a few days to get it, I guess because your a sorcerer that it was like second nature to quickly learn it, but still, I'm very impressed, Aster"

Hearing him say those things I rubbed my head as the dizzyness came down while he was talking, and it just had me smiling as I liked that complement very much.

"Anyways, now that we're finished with training, we'll pick this up next week, we're going to go to the nest for that though, I have to introduce you to a few people if there even there? They should be though"

"I'm taking you because your going to need to get to know our market place, so you can get items, elixers, weapons and tools and other things that you might not be able to find in this town and or realm"

And hearing him say that, I got hyped up!

That sounded so freaking awesome!

But then he paused... Oh no...

"However I have a condition for doing this, and you can't really refuse either since your kind of at fault"

And hearing him gulp, what I do now?!

But if he said I was at faught... Then I probably am, I'm not going to lie, I've done a lot of shit I'm not proud of, I can't really recall all of it, but I'll have to think later.

Mainly because I'm kind of forgetful at the moment..

"I'm sorry, I'll take responsibility, Lex"

And hearing me he chuckled.

"Good, I'm glad your starting to mature better"

And looking at him as he dead ass just said that.

He then put out 3 fingers, I guess it's what I did?

Wait so I screwed up more than once???!

"You need to take Urusla's place since she resigned"

And hearing him I was shocked and yelled out.

"Huh? Wait why? I didn't do anything to her!"

But in saying that he then went on to say, putting one finger up and not 3 which alerted me even more.

"Actually, your kind of the reason she's not doing this anymore, you know she had a crush on you right? Like I mean it's huge, a pretty big thing? And you know how girls like her can be, and I can't think of anything other than her doing this because she wants to be with you, and trust me she does, it might not seem like it since your never around but I frequently talk to all the girls here, and some have good and bad thoughts about you but she has strong opinions on you, and so since your kind of the reason for her leaving, and us losing money, I need you to switch from management to our sex worker team, you can refuse, but you kind of owe me since we're losing money from her leaving"

And hearing him out and being even more shocked as he backed up what she said when we were walking here, I couldn't really believe any of this shit here?

So I tried joking about it to ease my stress.

"It's not like she made a lot of money anyways..."

But then he shook his head.

"Actually, Urusla makes the most money when she wants to work, she just works less than everyone else here, so don't think lightly of that girl, she's inportant"

And hearing him I was stunned? And not that she actually works once in a while but she makes dough?

"Wait so how much are we talking about?"

"When she works she charges silver and usually brings back a gold piece every time, the others only ever bring in copper pieces and occasionally silver"

And jumping back in my seat, "Damn!" I said and he looked away, "She has an aditude problem but she gets along with the people more than the others"

But then he looked back at me and pointed at me.

"And despite you also being small like her and hot headed, which can be just as worst at times, you have a trait that she doesn't and that's being silver tongued and I kind of want that here at our brothel in both our management and workers, though, you kind of owe me kiddo, plus you have to make up to me for making that contract with those humans and pay me for them living her, I don't want coin but I do want you to take care of them since you brought them here and I'd rather have them live with us to profit from, okay?"

And hearing him out I heavily sighed as that was two reasons but what was the third, he had three fingers up and now I really need to know what it is.

"What's the third reason..."

And hearing me, and looking at the ground as I didn't know what came next from that guy, I then heard.

"Actually, the third reason is for you, and it's because of Me and Catherine's training. I'm going to require of you to hunt anyways, along with her, and since you're going to school your going to need lots of energy to keep yourself up and busy. You will get two days off from training with either of us and on Tuesday and Thursday you'll be able to get some rest in"

And hearing him and basically saying in order to keep up with school and their training, I'm going to need to consume energy from other people to keep going...

And hearing his 3 reasons for why I have to switch to the sex workers team, I put my hands to my face and said into them, "When do I have to start doing it?"

I asked and then heard.

"In an hour, I know how much points of demonic energy you have and we've burned through almost all of them and your probably hungry, so grab your buddy and go out tonight, because I know Kasumi's hungry too"

"How much of the cut goes to you...?"

"Hm? I don't take the money? The money goes to the brothel's treasury. So like... Give 40% of what you got to Norika after your shift as long as you make more... Then like 5 copper peices, because everything you're going to make will either go to you or the brothel, ain't that fair? I think it's fair, plus we have to pay a tariff"

Moving my hands out of my face.

"Between the bills of the brothel and the tax going to the nest, it's like 5 or more gold peices a month, and that's only if we're having a good month... Sigh"

And looking at him as he was looking at the floor, I chuckled and then said to him.

"Don't worry I'll pitch in, watch, I'll find a rich girl and help out a bunch Lex, hehehe, so don't worry about it, got it man, just leave everything to me and I got you!"

And hearing me he looked at me raising his brow.

"You don't have to, but I would appreciate it kiddo"

And smiling like a fool, I chuckled and said.

"Nope it's decided already, okay~"

And laughing, "You're funny, Aster" he said but then I pouted and crossed my arms, "I'm dead serious"

I guess he took it as a joke and still is.

But I planned from the start to help him out.