Pre-First Day On The Job!

Hanging out in the back room for the next hour after Lex had to leave for business. I started meditating to transform into my Human Form? And some people... Might be wondering why I'm doing this and not just using Shapeshift to alter my body, well that is gonna have to be the only easy answer I can easily give.

The difference between my Shapeshift and this Form Mimicry is that after extending my magic to shift into this marked form I saved in my head which shows on my left wrist as a solid little black rectangle, kind of like a form life line or something? It locks me into the form without extending the use of anymore Mana.

Though that also means it can't break unless forced.

And it takes an hour of concentration to pull off too.

Though shapeshifting is a lot easier to alter my body, it also means I have to think about every part of my body and manually change it again, and during this entire process it also used up my SP, that sorcery power which I don't know the limit to, like at all.

So I'd rather not take a big risk, and plus while I was meditating I changed my Form's save into something new since I didn't really want my human form to be different from my small form, I want it to be a human version of me in a way, and also some more real to me.

And after doing that, I also added an Alt Human Form which I'll check out tomorrow morning before I head off to school, meaning now I have 2 solid marks on my left wrist. And now I need to buy some more clothes since both of these human forms aren't small like my True Demon Form. I want to be 5'10 and not feet tall.

Also since I don't want to be noticed at school, I tried cutting out my Incubus appeal to make me less and more unapproachable, while also not looking like the one person someone could bully, so no more than ah average build, I'll even see if I can buy fake glasses.

Because to be honest I just want to make it through the day in school, if I have to go then I'd rather stick to my self, these schools are pact with mostly humans and beasts and I'd rather stay out of both's drama.

[Form Mimicry]

Feeling a burst of energy shroud my body, it feels so warm and comfortable that I just want to keep my eyes closed, but I can't do that, I gotta work.

So opening my eyes and looking to my hands, my skin looked the same, I was a pale brown, but my hands looked bigger then ever before, I guess it worked.

Uh, but those scars in the middle of my hands, they were from when I met a cannibal woman and she slashed both my hands and feet, I remember how painful that was, I hope I never run into her again.

But if I do. . .I won't run away, and I won't be scared.

Getting up, I then realized how tight these clothes were and as I fully stood up my shirt strangled my chest, and my pants did the same down there.

Struggling to walk, I then walked to the door in these tight clothes, and getting to it and stepping out of the back room, I was next to the desk area where no one else was in, I guess the brothel's still not open yet?

I can't believe it's almost been a month since that day I killed those girls? It feels like it's been forever since then, I still can't believe it, and then that odd illusion?

Shaking my head I didn't want to remember that day.

Because to be honest it hurt my head thinking of it.

So walking into the lobby even more and then into the residential hall which is technically what it is? Since all of us sleep in it, and it has our rooms and such?

I then walked down the hall and to the last door which was Lex's office, which was like the farthest from the entertainment hall, which is smart, thinking about it?

Getting to his door, the door was ajared, and seeing that I guess he's in there, so opening the door, "I still don't get it though? Does she have to come here?"

I heard Sora and opening the door she was in front of his desk and talking to him, and hearing the door creek, both of them glanced back here at me.

And with both eyes coming to me, I nervously chuckled. Both looked super serious right now.

"Hey... Lex, you have a set of clothes I can borrow?"

I asked and Sora turned around and with this darting stare full of seriousness, "Who the hell are you?" she asked meanly and I responded with, "Aster... This is my human form, and I didn't realize how small I am?"

I said and her jaw fucking dropped. . .

"You're kidding me?. . .Right?!"

And I shook my head and looked past her at Lex.

"So do you have anything, because my only other option is asking Kasumi for a crop top and shorts or going out nude, and I don't like the latter"

I said and I saw him trying to hold back the hardest laugh of his life, like his face was turning purple.

But as it was, Sora had came over to me and I didn't really notice, and she got to my right side and leaned in which startled me and I stepped to my right.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

And getting flustered as she was so close for like no reason at all, I was kind of startled by her actions.

"You look nothing like how you used to, Hiro?"

And hearing her and her calling me that, I was going to ask her to cool it on using that name because I'd rather not be associated with the Natsu clan, ever.

She then went on to say.

"Your hair was mixed, eyes were this vile red, and you even had a lighter skin and more athletic build? But. . . Now you have both black hair and eyes, your browner, and both your skin and face look more radiant? But in a good way and not a punchable manner? And then you have a more slim body. It's as if you mixed your real body and altered it to make your form bigger?"

In an instant, she pointed out many things about me and I wasn't the only one who was shocked, so was Lex as she called me out on everything from long ago.

And hearing her I guess I had to explain myself.

"Well, I wasn't really trying to look like Hiro, after all, I'm Aster and well. . .I'm just trying to make a human body for me that is like my Demon form but bigger ya know"

And saying that as nervous as possible because of how close she was to me and I'd rather her be away.

I then took a deep breath and turned to her saying.

"This form is just supposed to resemble me as a human and not a Demon, after my form as Hiro was jeopardized I had to stay away from that old one and I just realized how this form fits me better, since my hair and eyes is mixed and brown, I'll just stick to a neutral color since black is a shadowing color in art"

I said to her speaking my true purpose and then I had heard, "Hm? I like it, I never really liked that Hiro form of yours anyways Aster, too sorcery and weird, keep this one from now on" she said and I looked to her...

And I looked at her oddly because this was bazaar!

Doesn't this chick like hate me or something?

I thought we have beef? Why's she so decent??

Is it because Lex is around? Maybe?? Probably???

Maybe I'm just thinking about this way too hard.

I have trust issues, big ones, I'll just leave this be.

"I'm glad to see you two are getting along"

Looking over at Lex as he was smiling at us, I looked away as that's one way to put it, but then I heard.

"Hm? Yeah, of course. He's not that bad?"

She suddenly said and I was in shock. I jerked back and looking at her with my face literally saying it all.

"Bruh, I thought you out of everyone who doesn't like me here, just straight up fucking hates me?!!!"

But as I said that and she looked at me, she raised her brow, yeah I caught her in her fucking lie, FUCK YOU!!!

"I don't hate you? I just don't like you, like every other incubus in this shitty town, but... Uh, you're alright, I- I uh, misjudged you a bit, but you're a decent boy"

And looking over to Lex.

"He's like the male version of Ursula, but a little better but not as decent of an incubus as you Lexitory"

And hearing that and looking at her, I was shocked an then looked over to him and he raised a brow with that smile still on his face, "Aww, looks like Sora's warming up to us Aster, told you she was a tuff love type of gal"

And hearing him, "When then fuck you tell him that?!" she argued, yelling at him and getting angry, "Back a while ago when you two first met and you told me off and told me to kill myself?" he informed her on what went on back then, and shit I forgot that happened?

But then she crossed her arms and looked away.

"Whatever asshole, don't talk shit behind my back again, got it, or we're going to fight, Lexitory"

Hearing her he started laughing, "But I said it in your face not behind your back," he told her and she looked at him baring her teeth like a vicious animal, she really hated what he was saying? And he's enjoying teasing her? Pfff, they have a weird but funny relationship.

"I'm so going to kill you one day..."

"Pfff, you can try little girl~"

Not wanting to get into this, this shirt feels like it's going to rip so I butted in as there were heavy sparks of tension being sparked in between them both.

But then I felt a tear in my shirt and grabbing the bottom, right in front of the both of them as they were arguing, I just started stripping my upper body.

And before they knew it, Lex glanced over, and seeing him do that, she looked over and, "What the fuck?!" she saw me and cursed as she saw me shirtless.

"I told y'all that shirt was tight and I didn't want to ruin it, there's already blood on it? I don't want it to rip. I'm a broke bitch and I can't afford to buy another one..."

After saying that with a pinch of delusion in my voice as I really don't want to lose this green shirt, Sora then covered her mouth and turned her head the other way, and Lex chuckled hearing me too.

Chuckling, "Okay, let me go get you something, I'll be back in a minute with something for you to keep," he said, and hearing that word keep, I felt the phantom of my tail swaying around, those words were blessings.

Hehehe he's going to let me keep it, awesome...

I'm broke... I know that, and those words are magic.

But then as he got up and left the room, she looked over to me, and with a nonchalant voice said as she was looking down at the side of my arm.

"Hey, what happened to your, slave markings"

And hearing her... I froze... But then a smile came onto my face because I remember exactly what I saw when I came back to life yesterday, and I'm happy about it.

Putting up a peace sign next to my face and smiling, I said, "Guess who died yesterday~" and saying that her eyes widened and she gasped, "No way..."

"No fucking way you serious!"

And hearing her so shocked to hear me say that.

I giggled and looked away.

"Yep, their both dead, don't know how, but this is the proof I have of their demise, and I'm so happy right now that I can't stop smiling, I feel so refreshed"

"I bet you do"

But then I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, "And all it took was me dieing yesterday, and just like that when I woke up, bamb, they were out of my life forever, also I saw Nara, she probably killed them?"

And hearing me she was speechless.

"You died?"

But looking at her as she said that gasping.

"You can just say it was my repentance for killing the lot of you, though I don't think I wanna die again... If I do something bad might happen to my physical body or whatever? All I know is, it's going to be bad for me"

And hearing me out.

"Then don't be a bitch and die"

"Like that's any easy, I didn't choose to, that rabbit we were traveling with decapitated me, ugh, I felt so very scared when I died, it was like I was under solid water"

"I can't imagine that, everything just goes black when I die? Next thing I remember I'm underground and throwing hands with the dirt that I formed under"

"Never experienced that before? Though if I die again and don't just come back, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be revived at a family shrine, not a graveyard?"

"Hey, that's better than the lot who just form randomly in the abyss, those ones are thrown into the jungle"

"Oof, sucks to be them"


I'm surprised, I'm actually getting along with her?

But then I looked over to Lex's desk and asked.

"Hey, when you have the free time... You think you can help me with fire magic, I barely know anything when it comes to it and the ones I do know aren't the best"

"If you pay me in silver for the hour I'll teach you"

And hearing her it was as if sparkles came out of me and looking at her, "Seriously!" I asked and looking to me she looked at me confused like I didn't get it.

"Money is money, no matter how its made"

And hearing her say that I couldn't agree any less.

So smiling like a damn fool I said.

"I guess I'll come to you if I have any troubles"

"Being some coin and I don't care"

Hearing her, not it made me wonder what crime she had done against the nest? Could it be for a reason like this? She did something bad for money? Damn.

Hearing steps from behind me, I then heard Lex's voice and hearing him from behind he said.

"I got a white tee, black cargo pants and flannel"

And turning around to see a pretty black and white style of clothing in his hands, he threw them over to me and grabbing them out the air, "Thanks, Uncle"

I said and he seemed to like that response.

Coming into the room, "Now that I got this I think I'm going to go now, bye you two!" I said leaving the room and as I did I then heard him say from behind me.

"Have a good first night, oh, and happy hunting!"

He said and she looked to him curiously as I left.

"What's he doing?"

"Aster switched from the management team to help bring in money, tonight's his first night, why'd you ask?" he said back and she said, "I'm just curious"

"You think it's going to end well?"

"Probably not, he doesn't look like he has any skill when it comes to this, he looks like he's just going to cause more problems in the area than help us here"

"Wanna make a bet? I don't wanna see that happen but if it does, I'd rather go all out on it"

"How much we talking about? Lexitory"

"Anything's on the table"

"If you lose, you have to do whatever I say"

"To an extent, I won't allow just anything"

"Ignore anything business-related then"

"Okay, then you have a deal, Sora"

"Lexitory you know imma make you beg right"

"Sora, don't play with me, or I'll tie you up when I win"

"Like you'll ever do that, hahaha, your little student there doesn't look like he can accomplish anything just like you, he'll fail and I'll enjoy watching it"

"Wow, what a bitch? No wonder you succubi never seem to get along with us, we're not the problem, you girls are, hm, but no worries, you'll see, just watch"

"Did you just call me a bitch, Lexitory!"

"Sora, get the fuck out of my office... Okay"


"Love you too"

"Bleh! When he fails I'll make you my sex toy for the month, no backing away from this anymore Lexitory!"

"Oh like that's a threat to an incubus, little succubus"

"Well, it should be, damn incubus! And you see why I have a problem with you bunch! Cocky bastards"

"Says the cockiest here"

*They argued back and forth*

*Meanwhile in the bathroom after getting dressed*

Looking in the mirror at a young adult, I saw back hair and eyes and a tanned face, and looking more at the man in the mirror, I didn't get what Sora mant by me looking more radiant but then again it could just be that she was messing with me or saying that I looked better than Hiro, and or while I was Hiro, and now that I'm me I look better as me than I did as Him? I guess?

I mean, like, my Demon form is my own body.

And like, no one else's as it was mine and mine alone.

Looking down at my body wearing a white tee shirt, and a black flannel along with black cargo pants, I look slim and kind of just kept how my body was to begin with. I just improved my height and changed some of my looks like my bazaar mist-marked fingers.

And then my eyes, which I just changed to black since I feel like if I get too emotional and or hungry and they end up turning red, it'll look more natural and not look like I'm one of those lycan monster people, and stuff.

But then again I have natural nightmare eyes and I'm kind of trying to keep them like normal, so change the white and have black Irises, which is normal right?

I don't know but I'll keep it like this, I'm not a human anyways on my I'd, I'm titled as a fairy, to begin with.

And then back to the mirror check, I looked at my side and then my head and even more places where there should usually be things and I made sure to cut off all of my Demon characteristics from this mimicry form.

I was keen on looking human.

And now that everything looked in order, I guess I should go out and walk around the red light district.

I don't think Kasumi is awake so I'll go by myself.

Turning around and away from the mirror, I left.

It's time to hunt, let's look for someone tasty tonight~