First Night On The Job!

Leaving the brothel without seeing anyone else here, I just left without anyone, I know the buddy system was here to make sure we were all safe, but I'll. . .I'll be fine.

. . . . .

Outside the brothel, actually, I needed a plan on how to gather some attention to myself, because what the girls usually do is walk around or stay at the brothel hoping that someone stops by or Lex's associates come by.

But I'm not like that, and I'm not like them.

Thinking about it for a minute I looked around to see a bunch of red lights filling the street. Then there was a brothel in front of our own with whores dancing inside the building, and being seen through their windows.

Now they had a smart idea across from us, but I don't like how they're out showing us. It's a human brothel an from looking at them, they look new, like this month type new? They weren't here a month ago were they?

Hm, looks like we're going to have to outshine them.

After all we were born for sex? How are they booming.

And then look at us, were getting no real business.

Looking around some more I saw whores all mostly human kind trying to sweet talk other humans down the street and every beast that passed by ignored those sluts, and only a few humans glanced at them.

From what I know about the Red Light District, there's only one time where the outer core where we live can get real business, and that's when the citizens pockets are low and it's late in the month.

And that's because in the beginning of the month everyone goes to the brothel's and bars in the inner core, where everything is better around there.

Better sex, booze, and business, and then in the middle of the month like now, the business goes off to the middle core where they can afford that core's entertainment.

And then, after that at the end of the month when everyone's pockets start getting low and they don't care enough and just want a cheap fuck, they end up turning to the establishments in the outer core, here, and that's late in the month, but I need a way to stop that cycle?

I need a way to draw people's attention maybe not in the begining of the month so we don't get on the bad side of the businesses in the inner core, we can't afford to offend them just yet, but we can push our luck with the ones in the middle core, and that's the business we need to start getting, because we need not copper.

It would be way better if we started making silver.

Yeah, that's the newest goal, hm let's see if I can advertise our brothel somewhere in the middle core, and maybe even Nara's to help her out.

Yeah, now that's seem like a good idea.

Making up my mind, I then looked left of me and walking away from the brothel, I then continued on my way to the middle core, to get there it would usually take half an hour and even more, to get deep in it.

But that doesn't matter, the nights gonna be long.

Looking up to the sky, the 3 moons were shining bright tonight, and it made me smile as they looked, enchanting, hehehe, lovely night for a hunt.

. . . . .

Red Light District, Middle Core

Getting to the middle in half an hour, I found myself in a beautiful area covered in green light? Why the hell is the lights here all green? Isn't this supposed to be like the red light district or something not the green light?

You know what I don't care, looks pretty I'm not gonna lie, even slightly more appealing to the eye than red?

Walking more into the area, I then looked over to where people were going and lot of them were walking deeper into the district while others were hooking up with street whores or going into brothel's.

The stench of sex was stronger here then the outer core and it made me want to pinch my nose as it had an alluring smell to it all around me, it's like the whole place stimulated the mind and soul, and I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it way too much, it was a little pocket of ecstacy for the nose, and it was bewitching me.

But I couldn't break now!!!

I have business to do!!

Plus I'm broke so I can't do anything here...

Looking around a lot more, I saw a booze place where both men and women alike walked into there, and it's not just them, I mean humans. But also beasts, and its name, the name of the place was called the Chilling Lantern?

I assume it's a tavern from its strong stench of booze covering the around where it is, and then the people wit booze just walking out and not staying.

Actually let me rethink that?

It looks like a tavern because it looks like a upscaled version of a bar, plus from how it seems, it's like the folk going in there are there to just get fucked up.

And so seeing more people walk in there.

I decided to head in there myself.

Following the groups of townsfolk I walked into the tavern and instantly getting there I saw many tables made from the trunks of trees with many cool designs and then waitresses walking around carrying booze.

I guess I walked into the right place?

And looking to the back area there was a little stage and it looks as if a bard(musician) is readying himself to get ready to proform music for the lot of them.

But before he does let's see if we can advertise for the brothel before he gets a chance to play, so looking over to the barmaden who looks to be in her late 30s, and cleaning a large glass, I walked over to her and stepping next to a stool, I caught her attention as she glanced and stared at me, "How may I help you?"

"Hello ma'am, I was wondering if you would allow me to promote a recently opening brothel that's coming back to the outer part of our district?

I asked sophisticatedly and looking at me her eyes sharpened as she put the cleaned glass down, and looking me dead in the eyes, she asked.

"Will it take long"

"Not at all, just a few seconds and I'll leave"

But hearing me say then I'll just leave, she gave me a scary stare and clicked her tounge, "How much gold are you willing to give up for this" and holy fuck did she just ask for gold? Wait... Gold is common outside Rosa? We're just very cheap over here for some fluff.

But holy fuck most of us are poor as hell, I can't afford that, what should I say, no I know what to do, but will it work? I don't know? Maybe it's worth a shot? Hmm.

Fuck it!

Leaning up against the counter, "How bout instead of a trade I give ya a long kiss~" I said flirting and as I had it was as if a blood vessel popped on her head.

But as she was about to probably hit me with something, [Charm], her eyes mirrored red for a second and looking at me she clicked her tounge.

"10 seconds for 10 seconds up there"

Hearing her say that, and it even working!

Holy crap I wasn't expecting this to actually work!!

Wait? Did my charm skill improve?

Typically it turns whoever it's used on lustful?

Fuck it, I'll check on the skill later!

"You have a deal, ma'am~"

And after that, I hoped up on the counter, sitting on the edge and turning over she pressed against her side of the counter and I grabbed her cheek.

Kissing her, it wasn't the best but it got me horny.

And after a whole 10 seconds of this and me almost soffocating as we didn't break away and she sucked up all my air, I then broke off and took a deep breath.

But then I heard, "You have 10 seconds up there, go before my proformer starts" and hearing her I hoped down from the counter saying, "Thanks ma'am!"

Running over to the back and getting over to the little stage where that proformer was reading himself, I got before the lot of people in here and looking at all of them as I was sort of blushing after the kiss.

I then caughed and said out loud.

"HEY everyone! I'll make this quick. I'm an Incubus also known as a Sex Spirit belonging to the fairy race! And I work for a brothel that has both Male and Female Sex Workers! We're called the Silver Moon Brothel and we're located on Ellis Street in the outer area of the red light district! Come and give us a visit, we're full of half experienced workers and the others are amateurs but if you stop by, you'll get a cheap fuck for a few coppers and better sex than most of the whores in the middle district! So come check us out, it might just be what your looking for! Now thanks for listening to me! Gotta go I'm out of time! Goodnight everyone!"

Saying this all with an optimist and happy demeanor I waved bye to everyone and then I suddenly got the cheers of many people, most of the beastern race and the others of other nonhuman races, but still, I got a few groups cheering and I hoped off stage and then ran for the door, because I'm not sticking around!

Leaving though the doors, as soon as I did I stumbled over and grabbed onto the wall, holy shit! My heart is racing so freaking fast, also... I'm so freaking hungry?

I don't know why, but my energy is super low and that has me feeling hungry right now? I guess I need to re- charge or something, does low DP make me hungry?

You know what, that might make sense actually?

Also, there's one more thing.

I think I'll only be able to pull off charm one more time before I'm completely out of DP, and I don't know if being empty on DP results in me going into a lust frenzy or me just passing out from exhaustion.

But then as I was thinking all this, the taverns door opened and I then heard a few voices, "y'all wanna check out that brothel that guy was talking about, that boy was kind of cute" I heard a feminine voice.

And looking over I saw a group of four, both boys and girls and hearing that, I butted in as they appeared to my left coming out those tinted green wooden doors.

And seeing them, I said, "Oh hey, are y'all interesting in coming to the silver moon?" and hearing me the lot of them jumped, looking over in startling shock.

"Ah!" that black haired girl who spoke jumped.

"We're you waiting for us?!" a bearded man spoke.

And hearing him say that I scratched my cheek.

"No? I was catching my breathe when I heard y'all?"

I casually said back and looking at me both a black haired man and woman said, "Oh," like they got me.

And taking this as a chance to gain business on the spot, I then said acting all cutesy, "So, are you four interested in checkout out our brothel?" I asked them.

And then put out two fingers.

"We have workers and or spare rooms to rent out~"

And saying that, the bearded man said.

"We're all cousins"

And hearing him, I paused but then put my hands together saying, "Fun for the entire family, I'm not one to judge mate, do whatever makes you happy"

I said but then I got the two brown haired ones laughing, and the bearded one looked at me with cold eyes and even the girl with black hair next to him liked what I said as she too was chuckling at it.

But then as he was staring at me with those cold eyes, looking like he might have wanted to fight me, I wasn't taking it or backing down and with a smirk on my face I stood up straight and looking him in the eyes.

But then as I was and was debating on what to do, I felt a touch on my shoulder and touching my arm, was the black haired girl and she then went on to say.

"I'll come, but the thing is, are you on the menu cutie~"

And hearing those words come from her mouth, I was a bit shocked, but at the same time I was horny, so not looking back at the bearded man, I spoke to her.

"With a fine lady like you looking at me, how could I not be," I said flirting back, and then I heard, "Okay it looks like it's settled, let's stop by this brothel" I heard the voice of the other girl, and then the boy next to her who might have been her sibling or cousin?

"Hey, you have women there right"

And looking at him, "Of course we do"

Hearing that, he grinned, "How fine are they...?"

And hearing that, I couldn't help but say.

"Oh, they're better than any bitch in this town"

And feeling me, he nodded his head as he knew what I meant, and nodding back at him as I felt him too, we came to a mutual understanding without much words.

"Sounds like we're going with him then, lead the way"

And not looking over to that other man, I looked over to the black haired woman and said, "So, I guess you're going to be my date for tonight huh?" I asked her.

And she sarcastically said back, "Date? Oh! So are you going to take me out to dinner first?" jesting to me, had not knowing if she was serious or not, I leaned in, and in her ear I whispered, "I mean, if that's what you want we can always meet up later this week without them"

I said just messing with her like how she was to me.

But hearing me I don't think she took it as a joke cause she grabbed my hand and looked over to me, smiling.

"Sounds fun" She said. . .Hah?... Fuck it...

Taking her hand I then walked away with her, and them following us. But as I did I instantly spotted something, and looking past a few people, I saw two people hiding behind buildings in some alleyway, spying on me. I then walked over in that direction and as we got over there.

Walking past the both of them, I glanced over and said, "Found you~ Now follow us back~" and hearin' me Lex jumped and Sora clicked her tounge, "Damn it Lexitory, you got us caught!" she got mad at him but shortly after the both of them ended up joining us on going back.

. . . . .

During our walk, I ended up getting asked, "Hey, so what makes your Brothel different from every other one out in the red light district?" the black haired girl asked and ah before Lex or I could answer, Sora butted in saying all to her as she was walking next to Me and Lex and Her.

"Those other brothel's are nothing compared to us, we're all better then those bitches and it's not an exaggeration to say it, because it's true, we're the best in our district"

And saying that, the bearded man couldn't accept that.

So he cutt her off by sayin', "That's a bold statement girl"

And hearing him she turned around pointing at him and the brown haired man next to him, "Hah, you're pathetic, you think you can handle anyone at this brothel? Hell no! I can take the both of you and dry your balls before you two could ever get me to even cum!"

And mocking the both of them, a vain appeared on the both of their heads, and looking at each other the brown haired one then said to her in a calm manner.

"Wanna bet on that, because I think otherwise"

And hearing him and his cocky response, she laughed.

"If you get me to come I'll let you two come back and raw dog me two times without any charge" and hearin her say that, the both of them looked at each other an nodded looking to her and them both saying, "Deal!"

Meanwhile, looking to me the black haired girl said.

"If you can get me to cum in less than 10 minutes, I'll be coming back to see you next weekend for sure"

And hearing how she was affected by their bet, I'm guessing she asking me to go all out on her, yet little does she know how starving I am, so I'll be sure to make her cum plenty. . .Just hoping she doesn't die?

But then again, she asked for it.

But I guess I should make it worth my while too?

"You willing to bet coin on it?" I asked.

"How much are you thinking about, baby"

But then as she said that I didn't think that far into this, so I just said something worth saying if she made it out of this one alive. it's not like I'm trying to devour her but I make no promises, I'm pretty hungry, and I'm not taking any chances either, so let's just pray this goes well...

For her. . .Also I want something out of this...

You know. . .Since everyone's betting and everything...

"That's all up to you, let's see how much I'm worth~"

And making her chuckle, "I like the sound of that"

Meanwhile as we spoke Lex made his move in the other girl. She chatted him up and he in turn did the same too.

Surprisingly they hit it off well from what I'm hearing and it looks like everyone found who their getting laid with to night... geeze, we are definitely waking everyone up...

I guess sleep is only for the innocent.