How Is This Preparing For School...

Feeling that less than an hour of sleep in my system. I stood up with no regards for my sleep deprivation, an it's going to fuck me over I know that, I know too well.

Though I feel like I can make it through the day. .

Which is complete bullshit because I know I can't. . .

Doing a little spin, "I'm tired as a duck!" I said out loud with pride and then fall back onto the floor, to lay 'ere.

And hitting the ground I think I woke someone up; as I hear, "Huh? What was that?!" and pointing to the sky or ceiling or whatever, to show I'm down here to them.

"It's just me. . .I'm. . .Really tired"

And hearing me, I heard a slight chuckle.

And then I pointed over to the bed saying to her.

"Don't be alarmed, next to you is a fairy who works here. She kind of crawls into this bed occasionally"

I said so she wasn't alarmed by the sleeping Succubus.

I didn't think it would work, but I gotta encase it does.

"Why's she pink?"

"I have. . .no clue?"

"She's kind of cute?"

"I'll take that complement on her behalf"

"Don't worry, you're also pretty cute"

"Aww, thanks~"

"Actually, everyone I've seen here is?"

"Now you just ruined that special feeling..."

"No seriously, y'all are pretty beautiful people"


"Are all of you fairies?"

"Maybe? Keep it a secret cause we might be"


"Now onto that bet"

"Uhh... Which one..."


Sighing, "Can I at least keep train fare for this week so I don't have to walk in-between districts?" she said as she was trying to negotiate, but I waved my hand.

"I guess since I'm Victor. You keep half? I want you to come back next week, since you made me a promise"

"Sounds like a deal then!"

She seems happy she didn't lose everything.

Sitting up, I looked over to her taking out two leather pouches, one empty while the other one was THICK!

And I watched as she took out a whole ass gold coin! From the pocket of her pants layed off on the side.

And then a few silver!

Lastly a single copper!

Holy fuck! That has to be like 161CP

That's way more then a single fuck would get me!

I think gambling my life away is more profitable?

No wait, I don't wanna do that? Uuhhhhhh...

Maybe?... Do I?... Hm... Do I?

Shaking my head I then heard, "Here" and lookin over at her she tossed me a pouch, an said, "It's 161 unites"

And grabbing it out of the air, I gasped and looked to her saying, "Wait, this is way too much?!" but then she laughed at me, "You're way too cute, just keep it"

And then she threw up her other coin pouch and then grabbed it out of the air, and glancing to me she said.

"We made a bet, you got me to cum in 4 minutes"

But then she turned over and sat up.

"Now I'm curious, how much do you charge?"

Hearing her say that I turned over sitting up more.

An before I spoke, I looked to the sac, and put it aside.

"Uh?... 5 Copper Pieces!"

And hearing me she burst out laughing.

But I was honestly serious, it's a good starting price?

5 copper coins isn't to little or too much is it???

"Seriously?!" she said with an eye raised.

"For someone who got me cummin' that quick an even got me to where I spent the whole night after minutes, I take that back, after 4 minutes, sells for 5 coppers?

And looking at her nervously, I didn't nod my head.

But just sitting there, I actually needed to think on it?

Not allowing me to think of something, "Why not sell for 5 silver? I know you can pull it off" the girl said?

But hearing her, I said making this simple.

"I'm new at this stuff, my goal is to gather some fame rather than actually make money right now, plus if we aren't cheep then we can't gather a bunch of people"

I said making sense, we have like 0 fame around here so if we can get just a little more to where we can get people to start stopping by, then money will follow.

"That made no sense?"

"Yeah. . .I'm working on it"

"Like if anything you should have said it like, rather than having more money in my pocket I'd rather be famous or have the brothel get recognized more!"

"I guess I should be taking notes from you then?"

"I never said you couldn't, but don't take it to heart"

"Don't worry, I'm not..."

With a blank expression as yeah I should have stated what I said better, I don't really know now, there isn't really much of a objective other than money an fame?

Actually do I need any more of a reason after those?

"But yeah, the goal here is fame and money"

"But didn't you say you were new? Not objectives?"

"I am new, I used to be in desk management"

"Oh really? When'd you start in this profession?"

"Last night"

But saying that her jaw dropped.

"Wait, I didn't take your virginity did I?!"

And hearing her I chuckled.

"God no, I lost that like 4 months ago"

And saying that, I felt like her brain broke?

"4 months. . .I was jesting... But 4 fucking months?!"

And hearing her and seeing her face.

It was priceless, wait till she asks my body count.

Because that's probably... Around 40 actually?

Which I shouldn't be bragging about, ugh....

That's nasty, just nasty, how do I not have an STD?

Oh yeah, I forgot, Incubi are immune to such diseases.

"Was it like, with a fairy or–"

"You could say something like, " a wild Tina. . ."That"

And hearing me she looked away, and whistled.

After a few seconds there was this akward silence.

But then with a snap of a her finger I was asked.

"Quick question, are you available on the weekends?"

And hearing her ask that, I smiled and said back.

"Of course! I'm more busy on weekdays though, but–"

But she cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"How do you feel about reserving a spot for me every Saturday around 6–8, I'll pay you of course for... Time"

And hearing her out, was I about to get a regular!?

Hitting my hands together, "Of course! That would be awesome! Just come here and we'll do whatever you want for the payed hours, it doesn't really matter!"

An' hearin that she put her hand to her mouth laughin.

"You're sounding more like you're looking for a friend then someone to have sex with?" and hearing that. . .

I rubbed my chin and then said with all honesty.

"I'm down for being a friend or sex partner?"

And hearing that, she laughed and then hoped down from the bed and then went in front of me. Where she then put her hand out and said over to me, smiling.

"My name is Jade Rei' Ellery" and blushing extremely hard as she introduced herself to me; she wasn't and didn't have any pants on, only a shirt and raw ass out.

But then looking down the next second after glancing at her open hand waiting for me to shake it, my blush grew even deeper as I realized how naked I was...

I'm so used to being naked around women I forgot I was a guy, and now I suddenly feel so embarrassed!

Shaking my head and timidly grabbing her hand.

"I-I'm... Aster Hiragi. I-It's nice to meet you?..."

And shaking them, she then went onto say.

"I've caught interest in you"

Hearing her, I let go pulling my hand back with flush.

"How can you just say that so boldly!"

But crossing her arms she then went on to say.

"I was raised in an honest household"

Speechless, "Oh..." that... Made more sense.

"But why, why me?" I had many questions right now?

"I could name 2 maybe 3 things, but I'll just tell you that I'm interested, it's all you really need to know~"

And looking away as she made me flustered.

"Oh, I'm fine with that, so... What now?"

"Hah, you really are cute~"

Not answering that, I waited on a real response.

"I mean, I haven't payed for anything else, so I guess this is the part where you kick me out, or ask me if I want to pay for another hour with you, sweety"

But as she said that, I looked at her and put up a few fingers up as I actually couldn't entertain her, now.

"Actually, I have class in a few hours, I do have to get ready for it as well, and I don't charge per hour, also I need to change forms, so I can't do anythin with you"

And hearing me she raised her brow, "Also a student, I'll have to keep that noted, Rosa Imperial university I assume, I go there too" she said but then cut me off before I could tell her I might not be a Uni Student. . .

"Also you should charge by the hour, though it might not last the entire hour, you should do it rather than per session, in all honesty, it'll improve your fame"

And hearing that and she knew how to get to me from what I assume is the stuff that I said to her earlier. She then went on to tell me, "Plus most people like taking"

"I don't get it?"

She broke my timidness and brought out curiosity.

Looking at me as I said that, she smiled softly at me.

"Just be yourself, talk to them, I promise it'll work"

"What will work? I'm lost???"

"Hey, do you do escort work?"

"I'm planning on doing some... Why?"

"Because now I'm your first escort job, are you free anywhere between 5-6, Wednesday the 22nd?"

And hearing her jump the gun like this so quickly–

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my mind for a phrase.

"Yeah!" I said trying to ease the pain. Shuttin my eyes.

"Great, though you need to work on your confidence and or reaction time, because you could have shot me down or you could have negotiated with me on more"

She said, wait is she trying to teach me how to hoe?

"Huh? You're confusing me. . .Jade?"

Hearing her name she then jumped back, sitting up.

"Oh! Sorry, I was getting to into this!"

"No worries..."

"Let's talk more about this Wednesday!?"

"Uh. . .Sure..."

"Also since I asked you out, anywhere you want to go specifically? I'll take a request if you have anywhere?"

"Not really, I don't know Rosa's layout that well"

"Really?! I guess I know what we're doing now!"

Hearing her, she was just hurting my head at this point. But to be honest it was nice, unlike how I'd expect for a whore and client to interact to another.

It was sweet. And I like her personality in a way.

. . . . .

Shortly after a nice conversation, Jade left me her number and had to leave, sadly I don't have a phone, and I kind of forgot they existed to be honest with ya.

Like, they're only use is communication so. . .I haven't really been doing a lot of that anyways, but maybe it's time that I get one since mine was take long ago.

I should have enough for one now anyways, I'll go and get one on my way back home, if I can even find one.

I'm still wondering how they were made in this world?

I swear it has to be dwarves or the warforge meches?

I can't be too sure, I'll ask Lex about it later, he'll know.

Getting up onto my feet, I looked over to a sleepin' girl and walking over to her and sitting on the bed, I can't forget the promise I made to Urusla, wait was it one?

I don't remember, but, there was one an it wasn't bad.

Though from how she sounded at midnight was kind of how Tina was like, it was sounding a little crazy...

I'll have to make sure Ursula doesn't turn out like her.

Last thing I need is a Demon Yandere with me.

But now I'm wondering something? How is Tina?

She's probably fine, I bet she moved on already. . .

I hope... Actually I already know... And it scares me.

Tina scares me, the girl is a trip on a marble, it's awful.

So looking over to my newest addition to this farm of pets I've accumulated, is it a harem? Naw I don't think so? I don't really love any of them but... Zoe, in a way.

Either way, I have my 3 pets now, and I'll take it.

Though I don't really want Grace, or even Urusla.

I guess I can't really complain, I'm grateful for them.

After all, now I have people, I'm not lonely like before.

Back when I came to this world and was rejected by it.

Now I have a family and people who care about me.

That's all I want. . .And I don't ever want to lose it.

So going over to the sleeping Ursula I kissed her on the cheek and then got up, leaving. I have to go to that hellish place called school now, wish me luck.

But then I stopped and turned back, I'm still naked!

Going back in and changing, I left again.

Going to the lobby where I saw Lex talking with Sora again? There was a rectangular bag on the counter next to him and seeing me, he glanced over and said.

"Bout time, there's some clothes on your bed, they used to be mine back when I was in high school, and since you're going in that form, you might jus' need it"

But hearing him say that, I laughed and nervously scratched the back of my head, ready to tell him... That I'm not exactly going in this form right here.

"Thank you, also, I'm going to keep this form for when I'm not in school, I'm gonna go in my Alt Human Form"

I said most likely confusing him and even getting Sora to look over here at me with a confused looking face.

"Your what?" Sora

"How do I put this? It's like an average human form?"

"Can't you just say, loser form?"

And hearing her I was going to say something back when she then went on to cross her arms and say.

"For fucks sakes you're an incubus, you can't be lettin those little boys best you in anything, you're already in good shape and I'd smash! Don't downgrade yourself over anyone, especially cause you think that they will be jealous of you, of course they will, they're human?"

And I couldn't tell if I should be honored or disgusted.

"I... I just don't want to associate with anyone there?"

Looking at her as if she had something else to say.

"And just because I'm an incubus I don't think I'm better than them, actually, I know I am. . .keke, kiddin!"

Chuckling for a sec, I went back to serious.

"Yeah I just don't want any attention, that's all"

Hearing me, Lex then butted in saying.

"I have to agree with Sora on this one? To be honest it is a good way to develop your powers if you started to become more sociable with the races, and make even more friends, and even relationships, shoot, have fun"

"After all, this is your last year in highschool and then by law you have to go to collage for 4-6 years, so if I were you I'd make friends to pass time rather than jus' staying around the red light district, and all of us all the time, because that can be very taxing too"

He was basically just saying be a teen and go have fun, but is he serious right now? Why? Why would I?

"You want me to act like a regular teenager?"

"Precisely! On your free time of couse"

"In what context does that make sense?"

"When your pretending to be human, not an incubus"


"Now get ready, I wanna see that form you made, oh and I also have to go with you to Marina High to make, I mean get you your schedule, plus I wanna visit that school again, me and Catherine will have to visit it"

I guess the both of them had good memories there?

"Wait, so is it really called Marina High?"

But as I said that, "Yes, now get going" he said and I sighed as I didn't want to go, but left anyways to go and get ready, which was just shower, change, and then meditate for an hour to fully shift into my Alt.

. . . . .

Looking in the mirror in the back room, I looked into it to see tanned man with brown hair and eyes, he looks kind of like a stoner as he has long wavy hair down to his biceps and he's just like my other form, 5ft 10, it's not really something too impressive but I'm satisfied with it as an overall, since it's way better than 5ft tall.

Looking to my face, I tried cutting down on my natural looks and I diled it down from like a 9 to a 5, I had one of those small noses to begin with so I decided to rise to the occasion and put freakles up there along with on my cheeks. I dirtied up my face in a not so bad way and instead of going for a pure astetic, I tried looking at the people passing around the streets and I adapt- ed, a few of their physical traits to blend in more while at the same time looking to the beautiful nature of my race and I would slowly adapt and replace them into something more naturally human and regular.

I tried making my Alt as fair humaned as possible.

Mainly to avoid bullies.

And to avoid associating.

So if I just stick to myself I'll be fine.

Also I had to get rid of what I'm going to call my black misty like fingers, "Corrupted Fingers," and then even my eyes, and I know my ID says fairy and I should be fine, though I want this to be as human as possible.

And then we have my tail which is an issue.

And I don't think I've been keeping track but...

I might be growing real horns on the side of my head.

Above my ears there's these little thorns there and it's cool, but I haven't really noticed them, so I might have to check on them later this month to see how it's goin.

As for the progress on my wings? I have no clue???

I don't know if I'm even going to be growing any?!

But forget it, if I don't have wings then I don't need em! There's probably like a good reason to why too!

Humph, I need to head off to school, let's stop thinking about this and focus on the important!

Leaving the back and going back into the lobby.

I think I had everything ready for today!

It's best we leave now to just get it over with!