The Life Of A Regular Student Incubus

Returning home later that day and passing out on the bed, I was exhausted to the point where I poofed back into my little Demon Form, I hate School so very much.

The day went like this; went there, got a schedule, and then went to my first class and introduced myself and got ignored by even the teacher more than the others.

I sat in the corner desk and my existence wasn't even there, you can say that it's kind of what I wanted, but for some reason, I felt like I was the ghost in the room.

Next period, I was in a class where everyone wanted to fight eachother, two girls did and one of them came and she slammed into my desk knocking me out of it.

Leaving that class, and going through the halls, there were students walking so slow that I ended up late an even though I was new, I got after school detention.

Next period I didn't understand a word being said.

And then for my final class, I just sat there in a daze.

I didn't understand anything from these classes?

And I can't even read what they write up there.

It was a messy day, I felt so shy that I barely moved.

When coming back home from detention, I stopped by the market and picked up a silver colored phone and then when I finally made my way back, I came here.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with this.

The anxiety of going back is already bad enough.

And I'm just mentioning the few minor of bads today.

I'm not even going to get started on the school itself.

Also I'm pretty sure my homeroom teacher was gettin sucked off in the begining of the class at his desk???

Turning around on my bed as my bag was beside me, I reached for the sky an then said with a deep breath.

"FUCK. . .I'm never making it to college bruh..."

But then just as I said that, my door slammed open.

"How's it going Asty! Get your butt up we're going to train back at my place! Got it! Also I want you to come with Kasumi to the Little Extract Brothel in the mornin before school too, so you can get a little warm up in!"

Nara burst in like this and I sat up groaning.

"Wait! Even in the mornings!"

And hearing her and seeing her little ol smile.

"Damn right bud! Also I'm giving y'all an extra month to come up with a way to make my spider string!"

"You are?!"

"Thank Kasumi whenever you see her alright!"

Hearing her speak I shot up excitedly as there was no fucking way this was happening! How'd Kasumi even come up with a way to get her to agree! It's magical.

"Now get your butt up before I make you run laps!"

And hearing that my expression changed and I rushed to go with her, I was already up, but I think she wants me to go there quickly and not waste anymore time.

"Okay, Okay, Then Let's Go!"

"Now that's what I wanted to hear!"

I felt like she was messing with me?

Is she messing with me?

Later that day I found out she wasn't. . .

* * * * *Over The Next 6 Weeks* * * * *

Today was October 31, and it's been a whole six weeks since I've started my daily training and fluff. Oh yeahs and school, geeze I hate School so very much now...

You know, when they found out I couldn't read.

And then they also found out my ID said I was a Fairy.

They were like okay, so he needs to be in the special X unit, which is basically where they throw the foreigner races, there were a lot of elves, and dwarves, an other random fuckin' creatures there! None spoke common!

And then when asked why I was there I said I couldn't read and they had some big commotion going on until the damn teacher, who was also fey, found what I am.

And by that I mean she read that I was a Fairy.

And then apparently she shut up and sat me next to some girl, I guess who spoke a little common, better than the rest of these Elves and Beasts in my class.

Girl's name jusso happens to be Freya öhnshinger and she's a fair skinned gal with long dark hair, she is also crippled and used a wheelchair to move around too.

Though her common isn't the best, it actually sucks.

But from the last 6 Weeks I've been there, I don't care.

And we became friends, not really by choice though.

It just happened? It conveniently happened???

Because since she's the only other one in my class who can speak good enough common to where we can somewhat understand her to a decent point.

I was forced into working with her as her assigned buddy, in turn we worked together to learn to read.

Also there was this magic tool the teacher had to use to communicate with the others in my class, those elf and beasts, and even a few others, and it helped her understand them and talk to them and teach them.

But did I really need to be in a class with them?

Like send me to fucking grade school!

I'm fine with going back there!

But no, you stick me in a class like this all day.

Oh yeah, I have class with them all day, EVERY DAY!

Because my teacher teaches all core subjects an shit!

But let's get off schoolin' and onto my life outside of it.

So there's Nara's training almost every day.

Every Wednesday Jade saves me from the tuff work.

Jade has been seemingly stopping by and taking me out on dates for whatever reason, I asked her if there was any romantic reasons behind it but she just wants to hang out because I guess she doesn't have anyone.

Though I doubt that, she's a pretty lady, thought that can also be a little tough if she's always being hit on?

After that though, she'd stop by on Saturdays like she had promised and though it would start out with some conversation, soon, when I got hungry, I always broke our talk an made moved on her, she's never argued.

I get other clients but they're just an "occasionally."

And it's mainly from my time working at Little Extract.

Though I'm usually exhausted after training with Nara so I usually head back to the brothel and go to sleep.

Plus I have homework so I have to do that as well.

I never do though, to be honest.

And on my days off from training I usually get a client.

It's one of the random occasionally's I spoke of.

And I'm glad I get them, because I be starving...

And I haven't seen Zoe in weeks, I hope she's alright?

I don't touch Grace, also her and Kelly refused to work here as Prostitutes, so they found other ways to make money, and it's legal, honest work, they live here too.

And it's not a bad thing, but now we have open spots for at least 2 more men to even out the work force.

I'll think of a way to fill them in, I just need time.

Also my relationship with Urusla so far?


Whenever I see her I say Hi and she ends up asking me how I am like someone usually would and then I go to go and finish whatever I was doing, she also visits.

When it's like around night and I'm not asleep, she ends up asking me to go out with her and drink, I do and we both end up waisted, though it's only on the weekdays I'm free, and I think she knows I'm free?

Oh yeah I think I told her, that also why?

But after that, it's a normal friend like relationship.

I'm glad for that though, also Kasumi has been growin her arm a bit, I mean it's growing back at a fast rate.

Her arms has gotten back to the middle area of the forearm and she even ranked up recently to rank 2.

We both ended up going out to celebrate with Lex who took us out to get waisted and celebrate her.

And talking about Lex, he's been teaching me about the incubus and our powers and even some magic.

But it's mostly just how we have a strong affinity for illusion and charm magic, also trickery and other stuff.

I'm currently learning how to gather influence using my charm, that was lession 2, lesson 1 was just full of him explaining to be basic hunting and stuff and how we're basically onto basic seduction and info gatherin.

It's been useful along with Nara's training too.

I've become stronger and more durable thanks to her.

If I had to give myself stats I'd give myself, STR, AGI, and then STA, which is stamina, because that would have to involve durability, and a few other things, but either way, them 3 have majorly went up a whole lot!

Though my real body hasn't been showing it much.

All it's been doing is soreing my muscles and stuff.

Which hurt by the way, I couldn't move for 3 days, 4 weeks ago, and it was because of some punishment.

Also I ran into Erica a week ago, and she was very happy to see me, I forgot all about her and Mallory and she actually invited me out on a date this week?

I agreed as long as Mallory came, but I was hesitant as I forgot all about her and what she did or who she even was? But I do remember she's actually my girl?

Yeah, she was my girlfriend? Or temporary one?

I don't remember but I think I was in a love triangle?

Yeah, that makes more sense than what I thought.

Also it's been 2 months since I saw them?

I should catch up with them, who were they again?

I think we met like once and then hooked up and then I never decided to reach out to them because I didn't like Erica because of her personality to me at a time?

That sounds about right.

Anyways we have a date Sunday.

I gave her my number so she should text me later?

I also gave it to the brothel girls, and guys, and even I think maybe Nara? Yeah, never mind, I think I didn't?

But I have a few people in there, it's been very useful.

Now I think that should end my mental thoughts for now, I should be arriving at my stop for school today soon, Marina High is in district 3, half an hour away.

But before I do I think I should say something.

I bring about 25-50CP to the brothel a week.

And honestly I'm very much proud of it.

Because thanks to Jade and even some odd requests, I've been making about 100CP maybe less sometimes a week and I've been outshining the others. Actually it is kind of a lie, they get more customers, but That's. . .

That's only cause I spend half my remaining money that I don't give to the brothel in promoting the Silver Moon Brothel out at taverns and drinking places.

It's really expensive though, so I'm usually left with the scraps, though it's enough to feed our humans, or at least mine, Grace, so I'm satisfied with that for now.

I'm glad the others agreed to feed theirs and help out, cause I would be in debt if I had to do it all on my own.

ALSO big news! Mari is a alive?!

Apparently Zim revived her?

I saw her in the market.

And we crossed paths, Zim was with her and when he called my name, I up and ran away, they didn't chase me though? I just heard Zim's voice once more after.

Now I'm here today and a little shaken about it.

Because when we crossed paths, I suddenly felt hot.

I wanted to kill her, it was like a suppressed rage?

I can't even recall all of why I hate her so much.

But every fiber of me just wants to torture her forever.

Not even kill her, I just want to make her suffer an shit.

But shaking my head and slapping my cheeks, no more of these thoughts, I need to focus on schooling!

. . . . .

Hearing the door ring open, I then left for school, and on my way there, suddenly darkness erupted from the ground and then I heard a voice, "This is revenge"

"This is revenge for Bella!"

And hearing such a squeamish voice, I turned around and looked around me, but I couldn't see anything?!

"What the hell is going on!"

Suddenly the world around me shifted and before I knew it I was sliding and falling through the air sideways, like gravity was misplaced.

And as I did, I hit the wall and then fazed through it.

Being swallowed by the wall and then passing into a dim lit room, the darkness was gone but when I went in I was grabbed and then in a twist was slammed up against the wall where a knife was put to my throat.

"You shouldn't have threatened my sister, Demon"

Looking Infront of me in a startling shock, black eyes looked deep into mine as silky long hair pushed out to the side of a pale white face, and looking at who she was I then glanced over to see none other then Bella.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monday, October 31, Year 12