The Rebirth Of A New Witch

Hearing the words of death itself, "You shouldn't have threatened my sister, Demon!" I failed to comprehend the situation at hand and remember what I had done as there was a knife to my damn throat I gulped hard.

"Before you kill me, just let me explain!"

Gritting her teeth, she pulled back the knife stabbing me in the shoulder, I wantto scream but my very own shadow betrayed me as it wrapped around my mouth covering my violent shout of sheer pain and agony.

Letting go of the handle she then went on to grab my face and before I knew it I was getting my head pusht into the wall as she was cursing at me, scaring Bella.


Clenching my face hard she kept shouting words out.

"You and our big sister deserve to die, she's obsessed with you Demons and even has one of her own, she's all about power and she doesn't give two shits on us"

"Now you want me to stand here and let a lieing shit like you explain and manipulate me with your lies, I'm sick and tired of beings like you in this world, Demon!"

"You threatened to kill my big sister, Bella"

"You terrified her, and yet you still want to make it out to seem like you had a justified reason to do that. . ."

"Bullshit! That's completely bullshit!!!"

"Why don't you just step into our world for a change, I'm so sick of bastards like you and my older sisters!"

"You don't understand what we've gone through"

"You don't understand what we had to live through"

Pulling her hand back a fury of black energy swarmed her hand shocking Bella over behind her, "Mella what are you doing!" Bella yelled out in confused shock.

"Don't worry big sis, I'm just going to show this shit how much we suffered before I send him back to the abyssal plains. Demon, I want you to feel my pain"

But as she said that and it felt like she slowly pulled her hand back, I looked away and uttered out a few.

"You've been wronged too huh?"

Her hand then slammed into my head and everything became blank, blinking several times, I woke up anew.

. . . . .

Being embraced by a little pale girl with black hair and eyes, I heard a voice in my mind as I looked at her and saw her shedding tears and crying as we hugged.

"This was 3 years after I was born"

"Bella was holding me in her arms as she cried"

"Mother and father were arguing"

"My third sister was reading a book"

"And the eldest two already teenagers were happily talking while ignoring our bitter mouthed parents in the other room, arguing over something ill pettied"

"This was the day when she died too"

"My mother was going to be struck and then her head would hit the counter and she'd die In front of us all"

"Our father was a cruel warlock and the father of us all, yet, he hated me and Bella thinking we had been bastard children of our mother in an affair. She never had cheated though, but he didn't believe her so he would have always mistreated us or forced us to leave our home and return when the blue moon would shine and the black witched sun would rise after a sacrifice"

"When our mother died, he became worst and tried to defile me and Bella. Our third sister Saradonwitch killed him as if our father had been possessed"

"After that, our family split apart, our eldest sisters abandoned the three of us and our sister, who may have already been a bit crazy found herself working for the queen of the current Ravenrock in the world of shadows under Queen Raven, who worked with our coven, and contracted her. Raven wanted our sister"

"And she got her, and she still has her to this day"

"But still, we were grateful, we survived another day"

"Our third sister Saradonwitch cared for us for a few years outside of our coven, but when she became a powerful witch it's as if she lost interest in us and just like our other sisters, abandoned us, only to call for us whenever she needs something of two weak witches"

"We later found out she had achieved the powerful rank of a saint and was even given land and power under Queen Raven, the only reason she ever even called for us wasn't to see us, but because we had power that she could later use for her own benefit"

"She'll probably use us as experiments later"

"But I'll save me and Bella from her grasps"

"I'm the Hero of this story, a witch who grew up in pain an saved her and her sister from this crule world"

Hearing her all the way through as if she had gotten in to an emotional state, I moved my head and lookin up at the pale little crying girl, I moved my hand up wipin the tears from off her checks and then I heard in my mind a sudden gasp, out of nowhere and then a blur.

"What the hell! You aren't supposed to be able to do that! Are you hijacking my spell! You can't do that!. . ."

But just as I was hearing her voice, I then started to hear her voice less and less and as everything turned black once more, I then suddenly felt the urge to cry.

And doing so, crying as my lungs strunk and went on to expand, I opened my eyes to see red and a pretty face of a pale skinned woman with long silky hair.

Blinking several times I then heard a popping voice.

"Mommy mommy can I name her!"

Glancing over as I cried my lungs out.

Her voice became unbearable but then I heard.

"Let's name her Mella! Like Bella! Me Bella"

And hearing a soft laughter.

"Okay, Bella, we'll name her Mella then"

Shutting my eyes everything went blank, I fell asleep.

* * * * *1 Year later* * * * *

Apparently I'm stuck in some sort of witch illusion and now I'm re-living the life of that shadow witch named Mella? I think it's her way of telling me fuck you.

And I don't know how to get out of it, but I've been jus' living as Mella for a year now, an after the first few, an I mean after the first few months, I'm just going with it.

Mother left the witches hometown for a while and now since we're left with father who works with the head of the coven, he kicked me and Bella out of our home.

Mella wasn't lieing when she said he was a crule man, he only acted that way to me and Bella an he only did whenever mother wasn't there, she was our protector.

But when she would leave and she left a lot, he kicked us out and now we live in the woods, Bella and me had found a cave and in the mornings, we'd head into the town but she'd leave me and always come back wit some food that she stole from the markets.

It wasn't much but we had to survive on it.

Mother came back but when she had and Bella had suggested for us to go back, I refused, it must have seemed like the real Mella and her went back but I don't want to go back to a place I'm not even wanted.

I've been Mella way longer than I have Aster and I've taken up a new trait or two, and since I'm a witch now I don't have that same lust or conditions as a human.

Plus I'm one and a female again.

Though it won't be for long.

Just whenever the real witch desides to undo her bad shit fucking magic, this illusion is so fucking insane!

It's really cold out here and Bella's seriously a good sister. Way better than the others, I admire her.

Weeks after I refused to go back and Bella stayed by my side the entire way, our mother came looking for us, but by the time she found us, we were sleeping.

She took us home thinking we got lost playing, and that's what the father had made up as well, I wanted to call him out on it, but Bella stopped me from it.

She was scared of him, and so was I, that bastard.

This continued for another year and we mostly lived in the woods, how I managed to survive is because I'm not an infant in reality and I prayed magic day to day.

And by that I strengthened my will to survive by trying to self learn magic as a witch, and I even got the witch Bella to do it with me, we both caught on quickly.

But we had shadow magic and I didn't understand it.

So one day when we returned and our mother was there, I asked about enrolling us into the covens little place for training Young witches and she was excited.

From her reaction it was her proudest moment taking us to meet with the other witches and warlocks to get us inrolled, she even bragged when she found out that we had already taught eachother magic.

The others were impressed, but mostly in Bella.

I stayed quiet pretending to be shy about this.

But in reality I too was excited to learn this magic.

Another year passed and it was the day when the both of them were fighting, like when I first came here and then popped into the beginning of this illusion.

Every day I'm starting to believe it might not even be an illusion, I even learned some magic and even the principles to magic itself by witches here?

Was this really an illusion, or something bigger?

Like shoot, I've already learned one major spell.

A few minor and not important like this one.

But forget that, looking up Bella was crying and then the others were arguing, and the father was mad cause mom was showing more attention to us.

He called us not even their kids and just some shits who they picked up, and it got me mad, and as he was talking, I pushed Bella off me and stood my ground.

Getting up I stormed over there, but when he saw that, he got angry and as I yelled something at him, he raised his hand and struck me, and it hurt very much.

I've felt pain in this illusionary world, but this hurt hurt.

Darkening my cheek and bruising me, he then kicked me making me roll, and he yelled out.

"You little shit, you should never have even been born, how dare a useless little fuck like you dare talk back!"

But the next thing I knew, blood splattered the area, and looking over, my mother with a spear made of her own shadow had peiced through his body, scaring all of her children an even me as I saw what happened.

The bastard had drew his weapon on me and she had just killed him in order to protect me, I was mixed up.

And I was also terrified by the sudden family blood shed, and then a scream of my sister's shocked voice.

Mother eventually got locked up and pushed by the coven, though it was an act of self defense protectin' me, she was locked up for 5 years for his murder.

In that time, my eldest sisters morned our fathers death and blamed me, the middle sister Saradonwitch didn't though, and she was with me and Bella, on our sides.

Though she didn't really do much, she was always distant from the rest of us, but I was still pressured.

During the next fire years I left home and lived in the forest, and in that cave me and Bella used to live in, she found me there and we both made it our home.

We loved there, bathed in the river and went into town to this giant old tree where we would get lessions from the elder witches and taught about nature.

But most importantly magic and it's very essence.

. . . . .

When I became eight, I forgot completely who I had been in the past and me and Bella who never had been apart moved on from being taught by our elders to being taught magic by 2 warlocks of our coven.

The reason for that was because we were ahead of the rest and egar to learn even more, our thirst for knowledge had overwhelmed us an it's all we wanted.

Those 2 warlocks became our tutors and we left the town so they could train the both of us, while in doing that we met with adventures who we partied with as mages in training and we went with them on quests where our tutors would teach us on the way to battle.

I almost died a few times but they always came in for the save, I was never allowed to wield a weapon and instead had to use nothing but attack and form magic.

Attack magic included 5 skills I had to have as mains.

And then formulated magic consisted of spells that required me to conjure magic circled made from my own energy and cast using mental strength, it's tuff.

I can only cast one formulated magic attack at a time.

And my main spells consisted of, Claws of Darkness, Create Darkness, Shadow Bolt, Evard's dark tentacles, and finally my personal favourite, Create Darkenbeast.

Claws of Darkness allowed me to sommon dark magic or more reasonably my shadow magic to encase my hands and create long monsterously sharp claws.

Useful as it gave me a foot more reach.

Create Darkness creates an area of perpetual darkness starting from my shadow that no light can even dare to peirce unless it's that of holy light.

It's saved my life many times when I was hurt.

Shadow Bolt also known as shadow burst belongs to the evocation school of magic, and using my energy I can create a force of greyish shadow energy to shoot at who, and I mean whoever I choose. And the bolt never misses whoever I see and shot it at. And it makes whoever I hit feel this wrecking pain~

It also stuns then because of the pain, it's so cool~

Evard's Dark Tentacles is a stronger version of black tenticles, I basically formed a contract with a tenticle beasts from another world and it helps me out when I call for it, usually though formulated magic circles.

But without Evard, I can conjure shadow tenticles from out of my shadow to use as a defensive action.

Create Darkenbeasts allows me to encase a beast in darkness and shadows at nighttime and enfuse them with my powers to contract them into servitude for all night or as long as they stay in the dark; they're mine.

But when sunlight hits my pets, they usually return back to normal, same goes for when light magic is involved. I don't like seeing them go back to normal.

Those were my five main spells, and it was also instructed of me to try and master those five and not an abondance of spells to improve my magics.

Bella likes ranged magic more than me though so she has a few ranged attacks and one barrier spells as her mains, though I'm an close attacked an high defenser.

We usually work as a team but the instructors are all like we should learn to be more independent, screw them, they don't know what they're talking about!

. . . . .

After a quest to a salamander hotspot to learn how not to be detected more as we tried blending in with the shadows to improve our stealth, we got news of our mother being released so we wanted to go back.

Leaving the month after our training in that forest, we left to a demental rift to head back home, it took us 9 months to return back, a very long time as we had been traveling for the last few years, long years.

When we got back we were sweaty and smelly and yet our loving mother embraced us tightly before she had us leave to take baths before telling our tales of travel.

The last 5-6 years had been eventful and she was very impressed by me and Bella's progress, and she was thankful to our tutors who respected her a lot.

. . . . .

The next three years passed by quickly and after us leaving the care of our tutors, we started picking up on crafts, I took up Alchemy and the Magic Arts while Bella learned how to make medicine and potions from our mother, I usually went with Bella to collect hurbs.

While at the same time she would "Bella explain" to me how bella could craft many things, and she even started asking me to help with it and I did because I love her and mom needed a break from her too.

I learned basic potion craft and medicine over the next 2 years of hard work and through we were criticized by our eldest sisters and ignored by Saradonwitch who didn't bother us, we thrived.

By the age of fourteen, I ended up leaving home and I traveled a bit in search of artifacts to sell so I could be useful to mother and our sisters, I didn't want her and Bella to starve as it's been a tight season for the us.

It didn't work out well, but I came back with a baskil and the carved flesh of a unknown beast to make up for it, they were glad I came back, and Bella made me a promise never to leave my side as I had upset her.

I guess she didn't like how long I was gone for?

By the time I was sixteen, it was October when I woke up with a nightmare, it was a dream about Bella being threatened by a boy and I hated it so much that I went to her asking if she had been threatened by a Demon.

Though she hadn't, I was still worried for her.

* * * * *October 31* * * * *

Waking up to the sounds of rumbling, I sat up and seeing Bella waking up in shock next to me, I got up and out of bed and rushing into the living room where I then saw the others in the same amount of shock.

The few of us along with mother rushed out of the house but when we did, the air around us became thicker and the sky up above became purple.

The sun dyed purple and the smell of rot filled the air.

"Mother, what's going on?" I screamed.

"I don't know, get inside now!" but just as she said that we heard a crash and the ground below shook!

Looking over as wood chips flew throughout the air.

The coven house next to us had caved in as a large bolder had struck it, and standing in the border was a woman with long black hair and dark tanned skin.

And turning around, she stood up straight with blood on her hands and her eyes glowing a nasty necrotic green, one that screamed a powerful Necromancer.

And looking down at us and smiling, she said.

"Hi there, my name is Izumi, now tell me witches, where did you hide the key that sealed Asmodeus"

And hearing that name my heart trembled for a second. I was struck with fear as I looked into her eyes and my sisters grabbed me shoving me behind them.

They were going to fight it?

But as they did and my butt hit the ground I screamed out to my foolish sisters trying to challenge that thing.

"Stop! That's the Litch Progenitor! Izumi"

And hearing me my mother turned around.

"Ding ding ding" we heard her from afar.

But then it was too late as she appeared tearing them all in half with her bare hand, and then she fastly went down and grabbed me by my neck lifting me up.


But then with a smile she said, squeezing my neck.

"Now tell me witch, since you know who I am, where is the key your people have been keeping from us" she said and hearing her sweetened voice, I trembled.

Her power was massive, the sheer energy turned the sky and sun purple like the essence of necromancy.

And looking at her as her grip and flesh hand chocked me, I looked at her tearing up with lack of breathe and as she losened them up for me to speak, I pleaded.

"I... I don't know what your talking about"

And hearing that she frowned and a skeletal avatar formed in the background and absolute terror filled me. She terrified me way more than death ever could.

"Tch, you're no use then, bye bye, witch..."

But as she was talking, [Evard's Dark Tentacles] but then everything blackened, and everything felt cold.

* * * * *[Spell Broken]* * * * *

With a hand on my face and black energy swarming around my face, "Evard help me!" I called out to my patron but it felt like my pact with him never existed.

But at that point I had no choice to think and with this feeling of my pact not even existing anymore, and the twitch of this bitch's hand, I conjured dark tenticles.

Feeling them burst out from my shadow, Izumi let go of my head and jumping back, I shot my hand out at her and seeing a hair full of black I shot attack magic.

[Shadow Bolt!]

A burst of shadow energy shot out at her from my hand and hitting her she screamed, "Mella!" and a voice came from the side and looking over it was. . .


I saw a petrified in shock Bella and as she was turned over and looking at Izumi who grabbed her head and fell back, I then kicked the ground to rush and save her, run away and leave this place, but when I did.

And I got a foot away from where I was, a burst of dark energy was shot at me, and conjuring another tenticle to block that attack, it destroyed my tenticle, and looking over, I then watched as Bella ran over to. . .Me?

No that's not me?

Watching as Bella ran to a girl who looked just like me, I was profoundly shocked and taken back, it was horrid to see such a look a like, but then Bella grabbed her and I yelled out to Bella as I didn't get what was going on?!

"Bella what's going on! Why are there two of us, where is mother?! Where are we?! What happened to the others, where did Saradonwitch, Mitchabella and Rosalina go?! Wait no I saw you all get killed?! I need an explanation?!"

And hearing my plead the both of them jolted in shock.

But then seeing her facial expressions and even the face of the girl who looked like me, I then looked down at my own hands, and up at them, and was in shock.

"I don't understand what's going on?"

But hearing that and tearing up as I was so confused and emotional right now, my family just died Infront of me and yet Bella's alive, there's another me, and I don't know where the others are, I'm so fucking confused?!

But then I heard, from the look alike.

"What the hell did you go through when you hijacked my spell? and how come you have our powers, Demon?..."

And hearing her it instantly set me into a panic attack as there was a flash of memory that struck me, it was from 16 years go? I think I can recall a little bit of what it is?

And literally going into a panic attack, "No no no I can't do this, I can't do this, I need to get back to the coven" I said and kicking the ground, [Shadow Dash] I left in a wisp of darkness, unkin to shadow traveling but I left.

. . . . .

Passing under a door into an open street, I conjured a sickle made from darkness and throwing it and hooking it to the top of a building, I shadow dashed onto the top.

Getting up there and seeing a land unkin to me.

I left, I rushed somewhere I felt was safe.

And getting to an abandon Naborhood after dark, I felt so exhausted that I needed to pull this off quickly before I pass out from Mana exhaustion, why do I feel weak?

Stealing many supplies and materials I could get my tanned hands on, I drew a magic circle on the ground inside of an abandoned house, and using the blood of a stray animal I killed, I used a animal corpse too and a few other herbal minerals, and using a match lit the magic circle ablaze while sitting in it. I need... I need.

I need answers.

[Witchcraft: True Sight Clairvoyance]

. . . . .

Blinking several times the next morning, "Holy crap, I'm not Mella? I'm Aster?!" I was in shock as that spell I just casted that took a whole day reawakened me to what I was looking for and I remembered basically everything.

I was trapped in a freaking spell?

Became a witch for a spells inner world, 16 years exact.

And now I'm back and I'm a boy again?!

Looking down to my hands, the only difference is now I am 16 years experienced in witchcraft, shadow magic, black magic, white magic, and can barley remember my life as Aster? ONLY the few major details and stuff?

Laying back, I cursed, "Fuck my life..." I groaned loudly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tuesday, November 1st, Year 12