Grace Robbing Pharaohs...

Walking to the end of the hall, there was this spiraling white energy blocking the next room, but looking at it I've noticed that it's spacial magic, it's probably a rift?

I don't know? But walking into it seeing as this thing???

Whatever Greg's dumbass dragged us into just seems to be a "test" which their using to guage our strength.

I don't like this, and I sure as hell don't trust them.

Any of them, even Greg and the rest of the team.

There's only one exception to that, and it's not cause he was nice to me, Aster's proven time and time again to me that he can be trusted. And I'm not a bias woman either so that's saying a lot, because I thought I would?

At one point in time I was ready to kill Aster, it took like a year and a half before I could even think of trusting him by a sliver, sure our lives were intertwined but I didn't see it as anythin more than a mutual thing.

After all, back then I only saw him as a demon, nothing more and even then, we had a mutual relationship and I'm saying that because of our demonic contract I had made with him, he got to use my body and I got some perks in exchange from him. And it benefited me more.

Because he never touched me once, I'm still virgin.

Mentally not gonna lie, my minds a little heinous.

But like I said before, after the first year after the Lich attacked my new home at their brothel, he just... How should I say all this, we got closer, but I don't know?

I don't even think he sees me as a possible interest.

He's always with someone though, mainly guys, but it's not like I get jealous, somewhat? I was just hoping for a bit more with him, after all, our contract is still valid, he even protects an teaches me new things.

Sigh... What can I say, I'm just in love with him.

I mean no not like that, I'm just interested in him!

He's always in my head and never not in there.

It's like he just lives there rent free and stuff?

Then again, we've been together for 3 years.

But even then, I don't know if that's it doe?

I don't know actually, he just has this...?

I don't know, charm to him, I like it.

Plus, he makes me feel safe.

I like being around him.

I really do, unlike them.

The others, I don't like.

They're dumb heads.

Uh, why can't I stop thinking about him, I'm about to enter a new stage! No I know why! I'm worried! I know this is a trap and he probably does too, it's set for him.

And I can't let them take him, even if Greg agrees to it.

If that happens I'll grab him and we'll run, even if the sect decides to come after us because of it, this time around, I'll be the one to be protecting him, ALRIGHT!

Blinking as I entered an open red soiled arena, there's this bandage covered freak in the middle of the arena and he's wearing a bunch of gold and jewels on him?

"Greetings, I wasn't expecting you so soon!"

"Greets back..." I wonder if he would like them?

"I like your style, I was watching you, you know"

"You have a bunch of jewelry on?" they're sparkly.

"Ah yes, it's not uncommon for a Pharaoh to flaunt"

"You trying to hand them over..."

"Pardon me?"

Rasing my hand his shadow lifted and strangled his ankles surprising him, and kicking off the ground, I got to him in mere seconds as he suddenly got confused.

And jumping and kicking upwards, "I said hand them over, was I not makin myself clear enough?" I said with a bright smile as I know he would love them so much.

What can I say, Aster's still my master, and as a willing servent of his, who says I don't wanna make ah good impression on him, plus "It" has something we want.

Aster spoke of our money issues earlier.

If I sell those off, that'll settle it quickly~

And I'm sure he'll praise me for doing this~

So knocking him on the head with my foot, hitting his head up as he looked to the sky, I then kickt my other foot against his chest flippin off him an landing back.

Hitting the floor I launched at him, jumping again and grabbing his face, I kneed him in the nose, holding onto him tight as his head was stiff in my hands; I twisted.

With a sharp dart, *crack* I heard bones popping and he sharply exhaled air as I'd snapped his neck straight on the spot, after all, it's not like it matters what I do.

And breaking it, letting go and getting to my feet, this man who was like around 5'10 fell back, with his face full of blood, his breathe irregular as it seems like I didn't kill him, boo... But he seemed paralyzed?

And in doing that, I looked to his arms, and then his neck, and then to his feet, waist, head, and all around his torso as he was holding onto some good stuff??

Going over to him, I looted his arms of 6 golden arm rings, taking the 3 crystal embued necklaces off of his neck, and then looking down to those noble footwear.

"Those look nice too?" I should take them as well.

But as I pocketed the 6 rings and put on the 3 golden necklaces with a bunch of jewelry on them, I heard a sound, and jumping back sand fell down and then-

"What are you doing to Lord Ruhi! Are you robbing him human!" I hear as a man appeared from a sand cloud.

And looking at him as he appeared approaching me with 2 curved blades out, I drew my sword an stared at him as he looked serverly pissed at me, an I said.

"Yeah, he lost. . .Deal with it" what does it want?

And hearing me, the sand all around trembled, and looking at him with a straight face, "Balor's beserk" moving my head around as he clenched his fists.

He opened his mouth full of bandages, but as he was going to blink I stomped the ground and in a swift motion, leaping, my blade was at his stomach.

An holding it with a single hand, I kicked both my feet to the ground, cracking the soil under me, an as I was, I twisted my body, cleaving the freak literally I'm half.

And hearing his blood spatter across the floor.

And the smell of an unusual blood smell?

I grabbed my blade and holding it turned to see him cut in half, and going over, I whipped the blade using his skin or whatever the hell the bandage on him is.

I have to make sure my blade doesn't corrode from the blood, that would be bad if it ended up rusting.

And after I did, I glanced over to see nothing on him, and looking down disappointed, I turned my blade an said, "In tribute to lord Balor" stabbing it in the head.

An twisting the blade before taking it out and whiping it again, I went over an did the same to the other one, the thing about doing these tributes is, the more I do it and on the stronger races, the more my power will increase, after all, my power comes from a demon.

An if I pay a tribute to that demonic race, and it's lord. Demon Lord, Lord Balor, I'll be gifted a slight boost. To me it's a win win, because I use his demonic skills too.

And if I get strong enough, I can learn another skill.

The same goes for the others in our team, expect...

Greg, he's the only bastard under a different Demon.

But that's because we're under Rika's household.

Which is surprising because it's not a succubus or an incubus like my master, instead they have a pact with a battle like demon, Balor who they're serving under.

I'd rather pact with Rika or Aster, but they don't pact.

It's only because they don't know how to or are too weak to do so since every pact is under some Lord?

Anyways, looking around, with 2 dead, I glaced to the entrance I came in through, and looked opposite of it to proceed to hopefully the last one. But as I did, I saw another drop of sand falling from the ceiling. And as I did I sighed as I was going to have to kill one more.

"Congratulations~" I heard confusing me?

And as a tall man appeared decked out in fine wear and jewelery in front of an opening hallway, with this blue lantern lights and stuff, he then went on to say.

"Your captain was right about you being useful"

Glancing at him as he seemed to be the leader from his tone and the way he was talking, I said, "Since you seem to be in charge, where's Aster, take me to him"

But turning around and going to the hall, he said while walking, "Can't do, he's wit one of my underlings right now, they're busy with business, so you have to wait"

He said walking into the hall, and not following him, I looked over to the two fallen freaks, and looking at them as they both seemed to be alive, the other one paralyzed while the other one fighting to live even with a whole in his head and body cut in half, hm?

They're both alive despite being stabbed in the head.

Going over with my sword and turning it around to get to the hilt, I found the flint, and doing like I had in the begining I made some sparks, an I seemed to have.

Setting them on fire, I felt much better now.

Watching them, the man popped out of the hall to see me an what I was doing... "Uh... Is that nessisary. . ."

Looking at the fire, "Yes... It is"

"Are you coming? To the end?"

"No, imma wait for Aster"

But not liking that, he snapped his fingers and I appeared in a room with 8 doors all around and a table in the middle, Avery was already there???

She was sitting down shaking, and seeing her.

As I was behind her in this octagon shaped room.

"Oh... So you didn't die?"

I said startling her as I was seemingly behind her.

And walking over to a seat on her right side, I came over and sat down, "I don't like this, why'd he send me here?" I complained as I looked to my new jewelery.

With 3 arm rings on each arm, and then 3 necklaces with crystals embued into them, they all looked nice.

Smiling, "I hope he likes them," they're for him.

But I'll wear them till he gets here, I can wait.

But I hope he doesn't take too long, I don't wanna stay here without him for long, I'll get too bored witout him, and I'd rather be in his company than this girl's here.

Hm... How much longer do I need to wait.

. . . . .An Hour An A Half Later. . . . .

Waiting here with a scared Avery who seemed to calm down after I got here, an even moved closer to me but stayed at a distance after I started looking over at her.

The stone door in front of me that looked like some dried up wet sand started to shake and lift up, and with it doing that, I woke up as I felt my heart rock.

He's coming I just know it, what took him so long?

And hearing his steps, "Aster?!" I called out to him.

And not able to see anything but a silhouette I was so worried, while sitting here I began thinking and I even got to thinking about what he was doing with some other freak, or what it was doing to persuade him.

Because I'm a 100% this is a trap for him. And judging from how the leader reacted to me killing his underkin, it seems like it's worth losing them to gain us, and him.

Unless I'm completely wrong, but then why would he be chatting with one of the freaks while the rest of us are sitting on this waiting room, nothing just adds up?

So getting up out of my chair as his steps came close, I saw his silhouette walking into the room, and looking to him, he came out to the light, but I almost vomited.

"Uh... It's just you..." it was him, not Aster...

And seeing that it was only that bastard Greg and not Aster, I sat back down as he's been with the, whatever the hell they were for way to long an I really didn't like it, also, where the hell is the others, they're here huh?

I don't know, but they should be alive, if not either fine but still, they're still useful as warriors, it'd bea shame.

But fuck them, "Where is he?..." he has me worried...

"Huh?" I heard Greg's raggedy voice as he came in.

And looking over to Avery, I said, "I'm sick of waiting, hey, girl, stick with the idiot over there, I'm gonna go look for my mans, you can stay or come, but I won't be insuring your survival, it's your choice to come"

I said getting back up, and going over to one of the doors, I punched it shattering the stone and hearing Greg comment in the back, but ignoring him I left.

"I don't trust these things, I need to find him an go..."