Chap 170: Demon Cult

"Hahahahaha!!!" she laughed, "You're kiddin me right! You lured it with a mouse?!" she slapped her hand on the desk, holding back tears after hearing my story.

And leaning against the counter of test tubes, "I can't deny that it was crazy, but it was well worth it, but this wasn't just any mouse, it was my favorite pet, Charlie!"

Holding my hand up, black haze came off my arm and swirled into my hand, creating this small little creature made of black, it was a shadow mouse, it was Charlie.

And seeing him form in my hand, she came over, an looking at his cute self as he groomed the fur on his head, "Aww! He's so cute, and really really small?"

"Yeah, though he is really small, he's super smart" I said as this was just a recreation of him, the real him is probably still somewhere in Black Rock, or maybe even dead, I don't know, it all happened in "that" spell.

The spell that gave me another life as a shadow witch.

Though, I'm greatful for it, it was way better then the life I had with Aster, or how I was when I first came to this retched world, though, I miss Bella, and my mom.

Next time I see her, I want us to become friends.

Because I can't be sisters with her anymore. Because I'm not her sister, and I'm not a witch anymore, I'm this Demon sorcerer which has its perks too, not gonna lie.

Either way, I wanna connect back to how it used to be.

Even if it feels somewhat wrong in a way, I don't think so, because I love her, to me, she's my little sister still.

And glancing over to this pharaoh standing there just adoring Charlie, I wonder... Can she help me get back to Black Rock Grove? The village of shadow witches?

Thinking about it, Charlie ran up my arm, sitting on my shoulder, and seeing him I chuckled, and then looking over I heard a puff of stream as the potion finished.

And looking over to the alchemy set up, "Hey, it looks like they're done, Kora" I said as the once dark green mixture turned bright pink; filled up with positive energy as it absorbed the energy from the air all around us.

Seemingly startled as I said that, she straighted up, an looks back over to me, "Forget the potion, I don't think I need it anymore," she said soundin nevous suddenly.

And walking over to it, "You sure? We've been working on it for 2 hours now," I said going over an, "Wait, Ast, don't touch that!" she said reachin out, but I grabbed the pink vile of potion, and turning back to her said.

Continuing what I was saying, "It wasn't a lot of time, but it looks like a success to me?... Hm, what's this?"

I said as something smelled funny about this potion.

An with this urge to drink it, I looked back over to her to see her looking at me with a cautious expression, I don't know why she's lookin at me, but it's not good.

Because that face she's making says... Put it down.

It's almost like she wants me to do it for my safety.

Yet at the same time, I don't wanna, I want this now.

It smells alluring, tasty, it's like it's calling out for me.

"Aster..." she called out my name, and looking back to her after lookin back down at the pink vile, "Yes Kora," I said back almost confused as she slowly approach't me, and coming over with soft steps, she reached out grabbing the vile from my hand, sayin, "Look at me..."

I was confused, and as my eyes drifted, she said.

"No, don't look away, only look at me, understand"


"Because, I regret making this potion with you?"


Looking at her fully and confused by what she meant.

"I don't regret this but I do too? Because in this short while I've come to like you, so I regret making it now"

She said sounding confused herself? But why... An jus glancing at the vile in her hand, I asked, "...What's in it, what's the potion?" I said, asking her almost shaking.

"Don't worry about that, the leader asked me to make it, so don't worry, well you should, but not for now, ok"

Tilting my head, "Can you be more clear on that?" I said as it sounded like it was made for me, or for someone close to me, and I'm not supposed to know about it?

Pulling her hand with the vile back to her and stepping back, finding herself standing straight back up an just making some sand corq to cover the delicious smells.

"Its Plan B encase you're refusing to help us"

Hearing that, it had me full of questions?

An crossing my arms, I don't like this...

"Are you going to try replacing me?"

Flinching as I might have been spot on, she's hard to read, but after talking with her a bit, she's opened up to me an it's almost been like we've become friends.

But that doesn't mean she's not hiding anything from me, I know she is and it seems important too, an from her reaction it has to do with something similar to it?

In the next instant, she pocketed the potion vile and said "Yeah, but that's only if you're not willin to even corporate with us even with your Captain's will in all this, after all, that humans doesn't seem to control a demon like you? You don't seem to have any bounds"

"That's because Greg's my ally, I'm not his servent"

"That's the point, if you don't help us we'll be forced to go back to our original plan before we met you, to search for a demon deep in the cental desert an use it's power to accomplish our goals, to fight the gods"

Hearing her out, I stopped shaking and I stopped acting confused, hearing her out, there was no need for me to act along anymore, so looking indifferently.

"You should've did that in the first place, I'm a Sex Demon, not a powerhouse, my powers are like darts, they'll hit the target but they won't do any real DMG"



"Oh... But"

Walking up to me, she put her hand out to my chest, an with a slight smile on her face, "Darts are usually coated in poisons, so, are you sure you're useless?"

Running her hand down my chest, my tail snapped around and grabbed her wrist, yanking her hand off my chest as I looked at her, *nightmare eyes looking deep into her eyes, but they don't look friendly at all*

"I am, I am no use to your cause nor are the others, I might be a demon, but I am a lesser demon, that is why I am traveling amongst a bunch of humans"

I said sounding irritated as I spoke to her, but it was all on purpose, she's not tellin me something, and I want to know what it is, no matter the current cost now.

"Maybe so, but we saw how you handled that sand scorpion, that brute strength and power, you might be weak amongst your race, but we see value in you"

Her words were persuasive, maybe if I wasn't me I would have joined up with them, but sadly for her, I don't see any value in partying with these creatures.

"Very well, I'll help you"

Letting her hand go and turning around, I walked back over to the alchemist kit, and looking over there was a pink vile sitting there, she made two of them, did she?

"That's great! The leader will be very pleased!"

"But one thing, what's with the potion, what is it?"

I said picking up the second one, startling her as she must have forgotten about it being there, and as she looked at me, I glanced at her, and said, "What is it?"

Scratching her cheek, "It's just luring potion made of some abyssal fungi, it's supposed to draw any close" she said, and looking at it, it smells potent of drugs...

It has a heavy scent of Aphrodisiacs and a mix of this thing that's makin me crave it, is that what she meant.

"Can I drink it"

"Well, it is edible... Why? Do you want it?"

Nodding my head as I looked at it in my hand.

It reminds me of a potion I read about it a book?

It reminds me of a love potion, just another type???

Walking over to me, she leaned against the counter as she looked at me lookin at it, "Then go ahead an have it, it's not like we need it anymore, you're joining our side so I guess we don't have a need for the thing"

And gulping as I looked at it blank faced, feeling every part of me craving it, desiring it to the point where I'd even be willing to fight for the death for this potion...

I put it up to my mouth and a drop of it spilled into my mouth, instantly filling my entire body with this hearty heat, and when it did I heard her say as I poured it in.

"They were for insurance Incase you refused to help us, sorry cause we never planned on letting you go"

With liquid all in my mouth when she said that, I took a big gulp, an as everything in the vile poured down my throat, she came around, grabbing me by my chin.

Making me look down at her as a slight drop was on my cheek, she wiped it with her other hand, merely just spreading it across my cheek. An as I looked at...

Her?... *His blood red eyes mixed with a glowing pink*

"So this's Plan B, for you to fall madly in love wit me"

"So Aster... You're madly in love with me"

She said as if it was ringing in my ear, and as I was lookin at her, I lifted my hand up, whipping the liquid from the side of my mouth, and pressing my thumb against her lip, as she looked at me so very softly.

"I'm in love with you," I said back subconsciously.

It was like I was living in a spell but I wasn't either.



"Who are you really, I mean I wanna know what you've been hiding, what you aren't telling us, can you tell me who you really, because I really wanna know, ok baby"

Looking away feeling my stomach boil and my heart race as being around her felt hard, like my body was just heating up and I was feeling lustful jus her alone.

"My name is Aster Hiragi, I'm 20 years old, and son of previous ruler of the dark realm, Asmodeus son of life and death themselves and the first incubus. I am the second incubus of the dark realm knownas something called a behazmeth, and currently act as a captain of the Tsynjo's Nightlight Company in the Demon Cult"