Covenant Clash: Unyielding Bonds and New Alliances

Getting to the other coven by foot, all my children at the age of seven to eight came with us, making them 30 of Nurma's and mine, as well as 2 from Autumn and Athena each. Then 1 of Alison's since they're two years apart. Making our forces 35 strong, plus us.

Arriving at the entrance, it was like a cathedral mixed highschool? And at the gates we appeared from their view, and they we're in sheer shock when seeing us.

But glancing at us and the chattering girls, they stood straight and grabbed the gate for us. Walking past the two of them, "Don't forget to come watch our fights~" I said, going inside to see a chatter of people in flocks.

Wearing robes and carrying wands on their belts, and diverse of age and sex all around, but all of the same race, pure witch or warlock, hm, an interesting place.

And as we entered, everyone's eyes darted, shock had filled them as they gazed upon a human shaped monster like me, with deviled eyes and a small army of creatures similar to me with green skin, around a group of witches and a goblinoid girl all dressed nice and full of pride as they walked into anothers coven.

Following, as traffic in the halls clustered, instructors sensed us, and started coming out, wands in hand at what could have been an invasion if not told of us.

And when stepping out, "What's a GrandMaster of weary magic doing here," one of them spoke out, but to my surprise, Nurma yelled as our kids were shook.

The instructors mana was violent, our kids can feel it.

"The hell you mean! You're coven challenged us to a sparing match you bastard!" She snapped, walking over to her and putting around her head, "She speaks the truth, we're the Forest Guardian's Nature Coven"

Lowering their guards, "Is this any way to treat your invited-guests, pathetic," Athena stepped forward.

"To be fair, you look like imps," a kid said out loud, making Nurma furious, but I kept her from fighting a kid until the coven's chief came out to see us.

Observing more than acting, Alison came over to me as we stood near the kids and let our lovely leader do the talking, while I also held back Nurma, "So what do you think of our current situation, it doesn't look good"

Hearing her, "Yeah, they're trying to mock us, they all knew we were coming yet started acting," I said and she shut Nurma from commenting to talk, "I could tell that too, should we just leave, it's obviously a set up"

But looking up at me, grinning, "Actually, why don't we just crush them~ They're still good connections, right" she said, and liking that idea, "Yes, they are~"

Plotting in the background, our kids heard us as this coven's chief arrived talking to Athena, and getting inspired they started showing fighting spirit, to then shouting out, "We're Gonna Crush Them! ! !"

Exposing our plan to the others who just looked at Alison, Nurma who was picked up, and me. Athena darted her head to us yelling, "I'm like, trying to not pick a fight. You... Ugh. Quiet all of you!" She yelled but their chief laughed, saying back, "It's all right"

"All the better for today's event," the coven leader said to her. And following the coven leader who liked our spirit, we made our way to a temporary lodge.

The matches would take place in the afternoon, until then he wanted to talk to Athena, Alison, and Me. We went with him to his office and spoke as the children ran around meeting the other kids there. We saw it from the window and it made me happy to see.

We continued our meeting and a possible tie to each other, he wanted to make an alliance with us because of a few emerging evil covens expanding to our home.

Hearing that was displeasing, but moreso when he mentioned marrying off my kids to some of theirs, I knew better to let that happened, so I spoke up.

"My kids will seek their own ties. If it just so happens to be one of yours, them so be it, we'll commence in ritual ties, but other than that we will not arrange it"

I said telling them my wish for my children, "I see, but this is most beneficial for both of us, Lady Athena, it is not unreasonable," he said and she shook her head to him, "My Priest does not wish so, so we will have to decline your offer, but how about one of my own!"

Laying her hands on the table, "If you want blood connections to us, give us some of your children and you have my word, they will captivate the Priest's spawns. You'll get stronger ties with us in the future"

Hearing how she twisted his words against him, she then went onto say, "They'll study with us, come back to y'all let's say once a month if wanted, and all while here gain the attention of our children in advance~"

Hearing her out dispite the refusal for even the idea, I thought about it, and that would solve their feeding, I supposed it's not an impossible request in a way.

Then again, we also have trade plans for this same reasons, maybe Athena wants more than I thought?

"Now what do you say to that my Priest, will it satisfy you if it's on our terms," Athena said, and looking at her sourly as it was our kids we were selling out.

Giving it some thought, and despite me being very protective, they'll want to meet people eventually, why not give them childhood friends or something as well.

"Discuss it with the others and you have my approval" I stated as this shouldn't just between us three but as a coven, "I agree with him," Alison said.

Hearing us, "Alright, now what do you say, Coven Chief Barlebell," Athena said ready to make a deal.

"I can start the paperwork, but there's a few IF's and conditions I would like to add as well as more formal and public policies and rules for both our children"

Listening to him, we started working on the paperwork until the time of the sparing matches. Which the instructors started setting up already.

Getting out into their massive training yards, individual matches began in pairs of nine on both sides. Looks like the same number of arena's too.

I'm surprised, they have triple our forces, so it's not looking good on our part, but watching the matches my children with Nurma have the advantage over speed, evading their spells to land clean strikes.

It's unlike watching normal kids, they're so mature and wise in their own way when dealing with issues. Maybe this deal with this coven will be a fruitful one.

But one thing for sure is... we're going to CRUSH THEM, and watching this groups matches, we did.

Watching from the side, I was grinning like crazy as the girls were cheering. The kids on the opposite side ended up crying which had my smile strengthening.

But for the first time, I saw more than half my children extend their hands out to their opponents and give them a hand. And that made me start to think.

Laughing, "I so would have left them in the dust if that was me, these kids are too kind!" Having fun I got to see the rest of the matches, the second group only had two winners on our side, but it was a staggering batch in the third group, but when it came down to it, our last batch took the lead winning us the spars.

But there was still a lot of fighters on the other side, so we proposed finishing them up, and as that had only irritated them, we initiated 2 more rounds of this.

But as soon as Alison's daughter finished her match, giving us our winning points, it was now time for the real matches to begin, and Nurma was fired up.

And warming ourselves up, we were ready.