Behind The Covens First Brawl

With both amaziment and distrain covering the area, I looked over to Nurma excited to start out battles, "You ready?" I asked, and staring at me excited, "Yup Yup"

Looking at her, that smile told me she was ready to kick some ass because of earlier when we got here.

So chuckling I turned to our team and asked, "So how are we going to do this, Leader," looking to Athena as she stared at her own kid who was smiling a bunch.

But hearing me, turned her face back to us, "Nurma, Autumn, Alison, You, and then Me, how does that sound Aster," shrugging my shoulders, "Not bad"

While we discussed this among ourselves, those full of loss and achievement cluttered the arena, but on the other side, they were doing the same as us.

And as both sides concluded who they would send out, Nurma went first, walking onto the first platform as we we're going to take our time to showcase our powers.

"You got this Nurma!" we all screamed from the side. And while cheering her on, my shadow vanished and I slipped away leaving a double in my place for the moment.

Because smelling something, a sense of bad intent, I followed it, ending back up in the coven, it wasn't too long before I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't react. Instead waiting as they took a little to call for me.

"Where are you going?" I hoarse voice asked, and turning around to see the coven leaders, I put my finger over my lips and walked over to him slowly.

Getting near, he bucked up like if I'd do anything. But in reality, I have no intent on fighting right now, "I was born a sorcerer so I have a keen sense of mana flow, but when our battle started with my Darling, I sensed something unusual, would you accompany me," I requested of him, which even took him by surprise.

"Um... Given what's going on, I don't think-" but as I spoke and a pulse of dark magic spread throughout the coven's base, "I will," even he now sensed it too.

Finding out way to a specific supply closet, "That's where we keep our maintenance equipment. Why? is there something I can't sense, Priest?" He asked.

And thinking less of him, I could almost get it since my race is more attuned for this type of investigation. But I also think it's due to some sort of enchantment on them, since he would've noticed this sooner.

"Question, in terms of strength, divided in ten, in which would be equivalent to a Transending God, what would you consider your raw power to be" I asked simply. He didn't think about it and spoke.

"I've lived a long fruitful life, I'd say around a 9, why would you consider yourself a 10 when my power is almost double that of your own," telling me this, there was something wrong with the picture if he was right.

"No, the place I'm from uses this rank to identify our power system, I'm currently a Rank 8, what you have identified as a GrandMaster, but whoever is causing this has bewitched our covens to this weird magic. I believe they're stronger than us both combined, they are a Transending God, and up to no good as well" I told him, and glaring at me full of suspicion.

"How do we not know this is your coven's doing," he asked, but signing, I opened the door and saw some janitorial closet, "Because, I would've killed everyone here and harvested your souls, not use something like this," I said, glancing back at him grinning.

Staring, he cracked up a little, "You're a funny one, I misunderstood you," he said thinking I was joking.

Feeling parts of my own vitality slip as I stepped into the closet, "There's nothing in there? Someone would have reported it to me, let's look elsewhere, it's a dud"

Telling me this I got a little annoyed with others tampering with my life, so rasing my hand and clenching my fists, "Let's look behind the walls" I said and crushing the air, I used basic telekinesis to pull everything in the room to me, inching near to kill me.

And pulling a fake wall right out the wall, we saw a set of stairs going underground, "Found it, let's go," I told him, and turning around bout to ask him if he knew.

He was furious, he sensed it, a strong black magic, "I will personally kill whoever is responsible, will you help me, Priest of the Nature Coven" he requested.

And grinning, "I thought you'd never ask, sir," we joined forces, and traveling underground, we were both surprised upon seeing a large test tube full of green liquids preserving a decaying corpse, but it wasn't the worse part about that horrendous sight.

Because as we examined, energy drew into the room, vitality and magic alike, only to be absorbed by this.... Thing. But in the end, there was nobody here, meaning that they had to be up there.


"Let's cancel our fights, it's now more important that we find and punish who's responsible," responsibie for what? I can't feel any black magic anymore, this can't be the source, that vile presence has to be something else?

Can I only sense it because I'm a demonic being.

But then again, there could be a way to draw out both culprits, whoever is using black magic, and the one who's trying to do some forbidden magic arts.

"How about we keep the matches as is," I told him, "What?!" He questioned, but I had my reasoning, "I have to say it'd be a shame if you couldn't draw out the culprit using this collection vessel in our battle,"

And hearing my plot, I guess he caught on, "That will do," he said without thinking, smart man, "I'd like to request my battle to be with you then, seeing as you don't have a choice in the matter as well," he said.

And grinning, I turned my head and said, "Like you could beat me, old man," I taunted him, and grinning like me, "I'll take that as a challenge then, you beast"

Bursting out in a funny laugh, I couldn't keep all this serious talk in, it was too funny trying to insult this man. I take it back, he's not too bad after all too.

But for wanted to take my kids earlier, "I like you Mister coven leader, but I will kill you one day," I told him openly to not stay too friendly, "Get in line, hah!"

Not seeming to get it, "Then again, your kids are mine now. I'll make sure my kids feast on them plenty when they becoming ripe young adults," I said, releasing a bit of my incubus aura, "My kids won't go hungry now"

. . . . .

Returning, I walked back into the open while my shadow clone stood there cheering as I would, and taking his spot, he turned back into my shadow.

Seeing Nurma moving around at area at a lightning fast speed, she would get distance and leap into the air charging her bowstring to shot at her opponent.

But seeing as she missed a few times, even being able to destroy chunks of concrete, she would quickly switch back to her dagger as she decensed, luckily there was a rune on that dagger to make a shield.

Because doing like that was very risky around a magic wielder. But seeing as she shot their shoulder and calf already, she was close to winning this match.

"You can do this! Finish them!" I yelled out in a screaming cheer, and hearing me and smiling, as she landed, she kicked the ground dashing at them.

And as their opponent was out of breath and mana, she came in close and as they tried using another spell, she grabbed their head, bashing it into her knee.

Knocking them out cold.

Finally being declared the winner of this first match.