Testing limits

A/N: so I haven't thought of who should teach him the art of assassination any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Also any suggestions for the nanny cause she might be one of the two love interest because I want Emma frost to definitely be one. Any ways enjoy the chapter.


I woke up with the ptsd evoking sound of my alarm, sitting up groggily I roll off my big ass bed and walk into the bathroom as I brush my teeth I look up into my mirror and see something I didn't even bother to check my appearance. Honestly for a forty year old man I look pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

I walked down to the kitchen after getting ready for the day and see young Harry eating a bowl of cereal seems like he's a cheerios kind of guy what a heathen.

" hey bud I'm going to drop you off at school today but I won't be able to get you" I said as I ruffled his hair

He replies with a radiant anime smile "Awesome!!!"

After dropping off Harry I drove to the office with a small smile gracing my lips honestly Harry is starting to grow on me I can't help but want that kid to live his best life.

After finishing up the work I had to do this morning I decided to start testing out my powers seeing as the Oscorp of this universe isn't all crazy and doing reptile and goblin experiments the work I do is pretty simple as the boss I just delicate funds to promising research while also keeping the profits of our already out products.

Ah I got sidetracked so as I said I'm now testing the powers I have been granted with shadow control I started making tentacles that I could manipulate to grab and constrict my enemies I also made them pointed so they can stab and slash as well this is by far the coolest shit I have ever seen and I can't help but anticipate how cool I'd look in my outfit.

Next I tried my shadow walk which is basically teleportation so I tried to go to one of the shadows in my bedroom my house is about 11 miles away I mean might as well try. Focusing on the shadows in my dresser I walk into one in my office. A sinking and dark feeling sweeps over my body and disappears in a matter of seconds opening my eyes I see my bedroom god this is so sick I can't help but let my inner chunni out

"Muahhahah bow before me mortals for I am the shadow emperor" I say in a low chuckle

Shadow walking back to my office I decide to test the limit of my shadow walking later I decided to go eat.

—-break/ pov change narrator———-

Norman finished eating at a local steak house paid a nice tip and left. As we was walking back to his car he spotted a victim to test his touch of plague ability. He carefully made sure to align himself so they would bump into each other.


As they collide Norman puts a compound of various poisons into his body and walks away not even considering for a second how messed up it is to do this.

"HELP! HELP!" He hears a pedestrian scream

Turning around Norman rushed to help the poor man that just face planted into the side walk out of 'nowhere'.

" stand back! I will try cpr! Call a ambulance!" Norman shouted 'valiantly'

The culprit started the cpr while at the same time extracting the poisons he put into the man through his ability touch of the plague then pumped adrenaline into his system and other helpful antibodies and cures.

The mans eyes started to flutter open while the ambulance finally reached them. They took him to a hospital while also thanking Norman for his oh so 'heroic' deeds.

————break and pov back to Norman——

Well that was a good dry run it was honestly cool seeing my ability in action I could have used an animal but honestly this was a good alternative to see how it worked on the human body. Slowly plans started to formulate into my mind of how I could use this as my advantage for example I could give influential people diseases then show up with my outfit and say I could cure them for a price. Muhahaha I'm a genius that could work perfectly.

Next I started to formulate ideas for a base of operations for the league of shadows I want it to be outside the city but also not so far to the point I can't shadow walk to it. So I searched for the closest mountain range new New York turns out it's the Catskills mountains 139 miles from New York that's the perfect location alls I need now is to make sure I can shadow walk there, the location is hidden, and find a way to build the base secretly.


A/N okay another chap also in his mind there's a certain detachment from actually killing people to poising them or giving them a horrible disease that will as you can see I also made it so he can extract diseases like a plague doctor.

Also Norman is kind of a genius so I'm going to do some genius bullshit and make robots or sum to build the base under the whole mountain obviously it won't be that big to start off but will slowly grow larger.