Plans in motion

A/N: thank you Ri_On for the idea of his teacher and Kaisen1 For the maid

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter things are going to start to pick up in the coming chapters as well


It's been two weeks since I thought of the perfect base for the league and since that day I've been spending time with Harry, discreetly buying some ware houses to use as safe houses or backup bases if ever needed. I have also made massive improvements in my shadow walk I used to only be able to go to my house and any further it would feel as if I'm hitting a wall but eventually I pushed with all my might and broke through it, I'm able to go about 100 miles which is amazing.

I also thought of the perfect method of shadow walking to my base. I have set up several discreet way points that are always covered in darkness so I can shadow walk to them independently and arrive at the base in only a minute.

The thing I'm most proud of though is how I've been abusing the shit out of Norman's high iq I'm not saying tony stark level but it's pretty high and piled with my knowledge of engineering from my past life I've been making robots that can be used to dig out a nice underground area. There not complete but they soon will be.

Also if I might add the nanny I got for young Harry is black mf cat aka Felicia hardy I have no idea what she's doing being a nanny but I thought she would be good and Harry seems to like her I have nothing of absolute importance in my house anyways.

Okay back to the present I have formulated a plan to recruit John wick to teach me the art of well everything he knows it's crazy he's in this world but it seems like the high table isn't as fearsome as in the movies. How I found out about them? Well it's simple really I was out one day with Harry and he wanted to look for any pets he might want and I saw him buying food for his dog.

I asked if I could pet her which he surprisingly agreed to unfortunately he didn't think I would give his sweet dog Leptospirosis a very deadly disease in which most cases fatal, it can be treated but In most cases it takes a prolonged time and the dog might never be able to recover.

Now he could've been just the actor but he had a dangerous air around him that screamed to me don't fuck with so I focused on his shadow to remember so I can shadow walk to him.

Finished formulating how this will go down I equip my outfit and creep into the shadows.

——————————pov John wick—————-

Sitting on my recliner with a glass of Blanton's Kentucky single barrel bourbon whisky I take a sip and let the rich burning sensation wash through me while in thought of what I should do with daisy tomorrow poor girl has a horrible sickness and she might not make it I'm giving her as much treatment and support she needs but the vets say she might not make it. As I get up from my recliner I feel some one behind me whipping my head around I see a plague doctor rise out of the shadows.

"Hello there John I've come with a proposition" the man? Said in a creepy but regal voice

———pov narrator——-

"Hello there John I've come with a proposition" Norman says

With his outfit on his voice automatically changes to what John hears.

John takes his glass and threw it at Norman before he could even move to a weapon shadows spring to life snatching the glass and entangling John before he could even blink.

Because it's night and there are some lamps on the room is full of shadows Norman can abuse to get his way.

"Now now mr. Wick wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the one person who could cure your dear daisy now would you" Norman says in a authoritative voice

" urhhhh What do want from me I'm out of the business and what do you mean you can cure her" John says while struggling to get out of the shadow tendrils entrapping him.

" I wouldn't dream of bringing the boogeyman back in business no what I desire from you is simple train me to be an assassin to kill with any object to be able to best those that seek my downfall and for that I will cure your dog and even make her more healthy than before" after his little speech Norman sits comfortably on Johns recliner like everything is so trivial to him .

' how did he know where i was who is he, if he can really cure daisy I will do it' thought John

" if you can cure her I will do it but only for a 2 months and if you can't learn fast then that's on you" John finally spits out

"Fine I'm a fast learner anyways but don't think you can go back on what you or you will regret it dearly" Norman says while walking up to the dog

Putting his hand on daisy she slowly seems to wake up and get more animated.

*woof* *woof*

She barks and runs towards John who slowly falls into her embrace as Norman Released the shadow tendrils

"I will be back tomorrow to start our training goodnight mr.Wick" Norman says as he sinks into the shadows

———time skip one month——-

Time flew by as Norman and John trained everyday. John would always kick Norman's ass but he was slowly starting to improve John also gave him multiple targets to assassinate that where just local gangsters and such but Norman couldn't use his powers as a rule.

——flashback 2 weeks———

"you're barely good enough for what's next,use everything I've taught you and kill this man without ever being seen" John said as he tossed Norman a file of a local gang leader.

Diego Sanchez arms and drug dealer always holed up in his hideout with at least four guys around him at all times.

——Pov Norman—-

I made my way to the compound that Diego was holed up in and quickly knocked out both guards making sure I was unseen to all gangsters that are positioned in the compound.

I see two of Diego's men in-front of his office I need to be fast the men I knocked out will be found soon. Taking a rock I picked up I throw it into the hall way making one gangster come towards me while the other is enjoying his alone time with a joint.




He's close right as he was about to reach the corner I'm positioned at i lunge at him hitting his throat first then pulling him towards my corner keeping the crook of my elbow positioned below his chin.

"Shhh go to sleep" I said as he becomes limp while in my hold

" hey Man you find anything yet or was I just some noise" I hear the second man say

Not replying I still my heart and take out my suppressed pistol lunge out of the corner and fire one clear shot to his head


He fell over slowly as I rush to Diego's office open and open the door

"WHO the FUCK are you!" He yelled and reached for a gun

Not even responding I double tap him and walk out also firing another bullet into the guard I killed. Always make sure to double tap is something I learned from the boogeyman himself.

—-flashback end—-

I didn't feel anything when I first killed and I know for a fact I would've broke down if it was my past life.

Something is changing me. And I don't know if it's good or bad.