
A/N: hope y'all are enjoying this ff and leave a review if you want to. Another thing before you read I said this is au so what's going down is Natasha actually killed dreykov. And most of the widows are in the wind. The red room is no more. One of black widows earlier shield missions was in 2009 and it's 2005 right now so I can only assume she killed dreykov around 2007-08.


After a month of training I was pretty happy with my progress for a old man like me I have gotten quite experienced in the art of killing. Currently I'm eating dinner with Harry and Felicia his nanny.

I asked after Taking a bite of my medium rare steak "How are you doing in school right now Harry?"

"Great! I have loads of friends and Felicia helps me with that dumb homework!hahaha" He replies with a triumphant laugh as if he outsmarted the whole school

"Yes Harry has been great mr. Osborn" Felicia added on

"That's my boy remember work smarter not harder and keep those grades!" My voice dripped of pride Harry is a good Kid and I'm glad he's my son

Harry left the table leaving me and Felicia to ourself. She took a couple of glances my way opening and closing her mouth like she wanted to say something.

"Felicia if you want to say something just say it" I said in a carefree tone

" ah okay mr. Osborn I was wondering if you would be able to attend a talent show that Harry's in for his school he didn't mention it because you have been very busy recently." She replied with some hope in her voice it's nice to see that she cares about him

"of course I will attend please tell me the date and time and I will be there"

-time skip 1 month-

I have finished with my training with John I've learned a lot and I can confidently say I am a damn good assassin. Heading into my office I turn on my computer and watch the video I took of little Harry and his friends doing a dance on stage for the talent show I might've watched the video a couple times to many but I can't help it he's my son now and everything he does makes me proud and happy I don't care what it is.


Finished up with work I shadow walk twice and make it to the base of The League Of Shadows it's located under an area of the Catskill mountains. I finished my worker robots and they are incredibly Efficient they made the base very quickly it's not huge but it will work for now. A couple of days ago I started to set up and tech room where I will have my high tech computers and security. I already made a list of the first recruits I want in the League. Elektra, Yelena, taskmaster, fantomex and bullseye.

My first targets to recruit are Elektra and bullseye I need them in the League they are too good of assassins to be left to the hand and kingpin. So I did what any rich person that wants to meet with an assassin does I hired a hit through hidden and highly illegal channels that I learned from John. The hit was simple kill jimmy the kidd he is a notorious crime boss and Is always surrounded by his goons I also happen to know that kingpin hasn't been happy with him recently hopefully that motivates him to send bullseye for the hit.

-1week later narrator pov—-

On a roof across jimmy the kidds compound you can see bullseye about to move into action when suddenly tendrils burst from the shadows wrapping him up and constricting all movements.

"Tsk tsk tsk bullseye or should I say Benjamin Poindexter creeping on rooftops are we now" a terrifying but ethereal voice that send shivers down bullseyes spine is heard

"Mmph who a-are youuu" he responded struggling to break free

" your new employer" the voice responds

"New employer my ass. ahhh!" As he responded the tendrils tightened their hold

Seeing that the tendrils brought his arms to his side he reaches for his belt barely able to grab the pin of a stun grenade and pulls it.

"Ahahaha fuck youuu" bullseye shouts as the grenade blows up creating enough light to make the tendrils disappear


As soon as his feet touch the ground bullseye launched forward throwing multiple blades at the plague doctor


At the same time the good doctor reacted and made shields of shadows.

—pov change Mc-

I dodged immediately I can't believe I didn't think of a situation like this. Deactivating my shields I rushed out to push him into a hand to hand confrontation.

Bullseye met me and started showing his martial arts prowess we went blow for blow seemingly at a draw until bullseye hit me with a sweeping kick and as I fell landed another blow on my chest.

"Arghrhrr" I started to get up pain running through my body

Once I'm up I see bullseye with a gun in hand


it felt as if everything was in slow motion I could see the shadows crawling to defend me


The shadows around seems to hug me in their embrace as the bullet sunk in them to never be seen again

"Well Benjamin that wasn't very nice I'll see you soon and I guarantee you will almost throw yourself at my offer" I said in a eerily calm voice. Sinking into the shadows I don't even bother to hear his response for I know he will join me it's already destined.

During our hand to hand exchange I pumped him with all types of cancer that bastard will die soon and I am the only cure.

Appearing back at my base I scream in frustration the whole time I planned to give him cancer but I never thought that he could break free from my shadows and I lost pitifully I must get stronger. Many methods rush through my head but none of them seem feasible right now. Sighing I Remove my outfit and disappear into the shadows. The days to come are too important to mess up and I need rest.

———————-end —————————-

A/N okay so first real fight seen I need to improve them a little more. In the next couple of chapters I will give Mc a oc power up and it's honestly perfect for his character. Hope y'all enjoyed it!