Bullseye 2

A/N: just read a ff it was good then Mc got nerfed ruined everything so just wanna say i will never nerf my Mc


It's been two days since I pulled a Deadpool and gave bullseye every cancer you can imagine and he's currently in a hospital bed. He's already caught in my web soon he will join me willingly. I plan to wait until the last minute for the full effect of everything to hit him. Make him feel hopeless trapped in a abyss with no salvation.

Currently I'm walking towards a stockholders meeting to decide the future of Oscorp. I want to reform Oscorp into not only the leading science research institution but also have a new technology branch like apple from my old life.

"Good evening gentlemen" I said taking my seat at the head of the table

"Good evening" everyone replied

"If I may Norman, why have you called this meeting today?" Bill smith said he's as dirty as they come Embezzling funds and always trying to run schemes

"Yes why have you called this meeting it wasn't scheduled" another dirty share holder said

"Well it's simple bill I'm taking over full ownership of this company I want you all to sell your shares peacefully" I said while a kind smile

Boom the whole room went into an uproar

"You must be joking Norman I will never sell my shares!" Bill shouted and the rest agreed

" well it's simple really" taking out a huge file I said "either you sell your shares peacefully or I get the police involved and you all face prison time and I can assure you I won't rest until you get 'fair' treatment"

I passed the files around to each individual they had everyone's crimes from petty simple stuff to huge horrendous crimes.

"Just sign this paper and everything will go away" I said in a caring tone

No one responded for a while but eventually one signed and like dominoes the rest did eventually it was only bill left and he had no choice but to sign the document for his crimes where the worst.

"Pleasure doing business with you all, please enjoy the rest of your day"

Usually doing something like this would've been much harder but I'm glad it wasn't or I would've had to take care of them all.


As I shadow walked into the base My mind is racing for ideas to get stronger. Tomorrow I will go to bullseye and offer my deal again this time I'm sure he'll say "yes boss".

As I'm walking I hear a sound no a voice as I get closer I can't make out what it's saying.

"هل تريد القوة"

‎"هل تريد القوة"

‎"هل تريد القوة"

The voice says over and over again, it sounds Arabic. I finally found the wall it's behind the voice now Deafening I can't even concentrate.

"Worker1! Worker2! Destroy this wall now!" I yelled or at least I think I did before the robots could even move the shadows around me launched forward with so much force that stone wall burst open fragments shooting out everywhere but somehow all away from me.

I tried to back away and shadow walk out but the shadows seemed hungry and they rushed forward and grabbed the object of which I can only assume the voice came out of. It was a small jar with a creepy face graved upon the surface.

The last thing I can remember is my shadow consuming the jar. Then it was just pain. Soul tearing pain.

——-narrator pov—-

In the under ground base of the league, a huge shadow cocoon beating Rhythmically like a heart could be seen.





With each beat the noice got louder until


The cocoon burst leaving only a single man. No a man cannot be what is used to describe this creature standing before us today.

-Norman pov-

Information ran through my head and power through my body. A jinn a mythic creature from Arabic legends tried to possess my body. But unlucky for it my shadows and mind immunity fought back making me erase its conscious and merge with its body making me a jinn human hybrid. How I know this I'm not sure but information about what I am was implanted into me.

With this new power I can take on my jinn form turning my skin grey and eyes yellow. Also boosting my physical stats. I cannot die from old age and most importantly I have gained the ability to make deals. Say for example I go to bullseye and ask him to join me and he says yes I can offer him power in exchange for his undying loyalty and when he agrees his soul will connect to my shadow and jinn powers letting him have low level shadow control abilities I can increase his powers, decrease them and even kill him in a instant.

With this new found strength the shadow league can be no will be unstoppable. Turning back to normal I check the time [12:15 am] I've been in that cocoon for 4 hours.

Letting out a sigh of satisfaction I shadow walk back to my house.


The next day, walking into my office I get right to work the tech branch of my company is just starting off and I can't slack. I build multiple designs and schematics for the first version of my phone.

"Mr. Osborn the press is out side for the conference you asked for"

"Thank you Cheryl I'm be right down"

Walking onto my stage reporters start shouting questions at breakneck speed.

"Quite down everyone I know you all have questions about my shareholders leaving me all on my lonesome so I will start with this. I have a vision to improve this country both with the aid of scientific research and technological research that is why I have decided to open a branch is Oscorp to support the growth of technology!" taking a breath I continue " starting march 21st Oscorp will open a branch to aid technological advancements! I hope young programmers and engineers will apply for jobs with us in the future." Waiting for my speech to sink in I prepare to leave "good day everyone"


Norman checked his phone seeing that it's 9pm he equipped his outfit and sunk into the shadows.

"Hello Benjamin long time no see" Norman said in his creepy voice

"I-t was you bastard *chuh* *chuhh*" he replied coughing

" I can heal you Benjamin and even give you greater power alls I ask in return is you to join me and undying loyalty" Norman responded

" fuck off" Benjamin spat out

"Think about it. I will give you 30 seconds if you do not agree you WILL die"




15 second later Benjamin raised his head and said "please heal me I'll do it. I will join you"

"Perfect" Norman said in a tone that would send shivers down anyones spine

Activating his jinn form the whole room seemed to gain a terrifying atmosphere

" just shake my hand and say I Benjamin Poindexter pledge my undying loyalty"

Raising his weak arm Benjamin clasped his hand with Norman and said in a sickly voice

"I Benjamin Poindexter pledge my undying loyalty"

As he finished speaking Benjamin felt something connect to him then relief flooded his system.

"I-I am cured!" He yelled emotionally

" yes yes you are now come" Norman said Grabbing Benjamin and they both sink into the shadows.

——Norman pov—-

Appearing in the base of the league of shadows with bullseye I turn to him and say

" this is the leagues base of operations you will stay here and train with the shadows until I call for you"

"Yes boss" bullseye says

"Well then Benjamin welcome to the League of Shadows!"


A/N thank you for all of the support I'm really enjoying writing this story!