Small time skip

A/N doing a small time-skip to get things rolling in the direction I want thank you all for the support


currently I'm spending time with Harry and Felicia we decided to go have a picnic at the park. Bullseye is still at the base training how to combine his perfect accuracy with the shadow abilities I bestowed upon him. Dragging me out of my thoughts Felicia spoke

"Mr. Osborn it's nice you could take a day off to be with Harry"

"Norman is fine dear and I will always take days off to be with my son" I replied

"Ah okay then Norman how's the business going?"

"It's going great Felicia we should be able to launch some innovative products in the near future" I added on "what about you how's the stealing business?"

She looked shocked

"How how did you know?!" She yelled while scooting away a bit

"Hahaha there is little I don't know about my employees and unfortunately your not so sneaky" I laughed and added " anyways it doesn't matter to me Harry likes you and I think your doing a fine job just don't steal from me"

"Of course not sir" she replied in a more relaxed tone

———time skip 3 years (2008)———-

Over the years me, harry, and Felicia have gotten quite close like a real family. Harry sometimes slips up and calls her mom which me and Felicia mutually agree to ignore. I honestly don't know what to do about it.

Moving on from that complex situation the Shadow league base has gone through massive improvements it's now bigger and has some new rooms which the members of the League can enjoy.

Speaking of the league I guess in this world black widow really took out Dreykov because he died and I reaped the benefits of recruiting widows that wished to join me I'm still looking for Yelena's location though which is frustrating.

Currently we have 22 members in the shadow league not including me. Every single one of them is connected to me through my powers making us one of the top assassin organizations in the world right now. Our mission success rate is 100%.

The high table made its move on John so now is the perfect time to strike. First I will recruit John hopefully he agrees, me and him became friends through the time he spent training me.

Pressing a button on my desk I say "bullseye, Elektra, Anna to my office."

Soon they joined me. Anna was once a widow a highly skilled one at that.

"We strike the high table now, take care of all support systems" I declared

They moved into the shadows Immediately already knowing their targets. After they left I told five more of my operatives to move on the high table agents the orders where simple either kill them or subdue for potential recruitment.

Disappearing into the shadows I appear behind the boogeyman himself

"Hello John we meet again" my voice creepy as always sounds out

Not saying anything John attacks me sending a jab to my throat I redirect it with the back side of my palm then send a jab of my own


With my jinn physique I'm around 10times faster and stronger than a Peak human. Poor John had no chance.

"Arghh good to see you too doc" he said through clenched teeth

"Listen John I can help you, join me and my league and you will be safe you can even get another dog" I said calmly

"Huh should've known that damn league was your creation" he replied and added "not joining I just want to live a quite life"

Scoffing I said "your an idiot if you think they will ever let you go John your too good at what you do" continuing I said "listen if you join me out of respect to our friendship you will be able to do what jobs you want and live peacefully at the compound"

"God damnit I don't have a choice really if you put it like that" he said

" good now just shake my hand and say 'I John wick pledge my undying loyalty'" I said while activating my jinn form

"I John wick pledge my undying loyalty" he repeated while clasping my had

"Don't make me regret this"

"Regret is only for fools" I replied

We both disappear into the shadows


Appearing in the base I turn to him and say

"get Acquainted with some others or not I don't care. I do suggest to train with your new abilities though" after saying my piece I disappear again

Appearing In my room I change into a suit and walk to Harry's room and knock twice



"Harry you ready for tonight?" I asked through the door

"Yeesss!" He replied cheerfully

Today my company is hosting a charity gala, I have hosted several before but I never asked Harry to come however he's been begging me to go for a long time I finally gave in yesterday. Those damn puppy eyes are a powerful weapon.

The company went through a major change after the technology branch was made. We have been donating to charity's and orphanages bringing up my public image an outstanding amount and Harry looks up to me greatly. Not to mention the sales on our products are through the roof.

I wonder if that will change when I bring him into the fold. I won't have my son be weak.


Once we arrived at the gala I brought Harry around to introduce him to some friends. Then I saw tony mf stark walk in with a beauty on his side like he owned the place. I mean I invited him as a curtesy one rich man to another but I didn't expect him to come, he never went to the others.

Walking towards him I said "tony stark I didn't Expect you to come today"

He replied "ahaha I decided to grace you with my presence today Norman"

Arrogant prick.

"Well we are always happy to have another billionaire attend our charity events" I replied calmly

"ah yes I will definitely make a sizable contribution to the cause. Now excuse me I see some very good looking things that Require my attention" he replied walking off to a group of ladies

Well tony will be tony. Before I can make my way back to Harry my phone rings, picking it up I see it's an agent I had looking for yelena.

"Sir we found her."

Hanging up the phone I walk back to Harry for the rest of the gala.


A/n damn writing two chaps a day is tiering not going to lie. Might go to one I'm not sure. A lot happened this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. I have some great interactions planned for yelena and Natasha in the future.