
A/n: thank you all for the support!! Enjoy this chapter. Also to clarify from the last chapter when he is not in his jinn form he's 10x all stats of a peak human (kinda like the super-soldier serum) in jinn form that gets multiplied so he has the strength to lift about 10 tons.

Also beware first attempt at light romance themes so it's going to be pretty cringe probably. BUT NO BETA MC EVER.


It's been a week since the last gala i hosted. Since that day I decided to start training Harry in the styles John taught me.

"Good job buddy now go take a shower to rest" I said ending our two hour training session

Seeing as Felicia is going to be here soon I went to my room and got dressed making sure I look particularly handsome. God I don't know why I am wanting to look good for her. Splashing some water on my face I stroll out of the bathroom and head toward the front door.



Right as I reached the door I heard her knock. Opening the door I greet her With a small smile "hello Felicia, please come inside,Harry is washing up right now"

"Hey Norman you look all ready for a hot date tonight?" She said in a sultry voice

God this women does something to me.

"Haha do I now? Unfortunately I just have a night filled with paperwork" I replied

Pleasantries out of the way we both decided to sit in the living room to continue our chat. I sat on the couch and she sat very close to me.

"So what do you have planned for Harry today?"I asked Breaking the silence

"Hmm I planned to help with some homework, but I don't think he needs it honestly then maybe watch some movies and get takeout" she replied

"Yeah that boy is a smart one, takes after me"

We talked for a while more sometimes she would say something a little flirty but then Harry came down and I left for the office.


After I finished work I equipped my outfit and shadow walked to the base. The operative I had watching yelena just came back too.

"Is she still there?" I asked

"Yes boss, she seems to be hiding in a safe house in Italy right now." She responded

"Good we move now. I want as many people as she knew from the red room to come with us" I said my voice laced with happiness

"Yes sir"


Me and ten agents shadow walked the closest we could get to her location. My shadow abilities have became so powerful over the years that I can now go anywhere I've been before with my shadow walk. Luckily for me I'm rich as fuck and in 2007 i traveled around the world with Harry under the guise of making personal donations to charity's.

——pov Yelena Belova——

My name is Yelena Belova sister of Natasha Romonoff and I'm currently trying to track down some of the widows that disappeared after the red rooms destruction. All of the sudden people appears out of the shadows I try to go for my gun but a shadow restrains me.

"Who the fuck are you people huh" I spat out in my Russian accent

"Your new boss" a creepy voice sounds

I look over towards the voice and see. A plague doctor?

———-narrator pov——

"Your new boss" Norman responded

"Huh? Yelena said confused

"Oh fuck your the damn shadow idiots. Why would I join you" she continued

" three reasons. One your fellow widows did and they don't regret it one bit, two the ability to be something more than just a good assassin, three and this is the most important one so listen carefully. I can tell you about your sister and where she is." Norman said in an Enticing voice

As Norman finished some of the widows revealed their faces. Yelena's eyes widened for just a split second before she went back to normal taking in the information she just learned.

"Yelena join us you won't regret it" some of the widows chimed in

"Yes he treats us well" another said

"He can really tell you about Natasha" said one

That was the final nail In the Coffin. Yelena firmed her decision right then and there.

"I will join you"

"Good now repeat after me, 'I Yelena Belova swear my undying loyalty'" Norman said activating his jinn form while stretching out his hand

"I Yelena Belova swear my undying loyalty" she repeated clasping his hand instantly she felt something change in her.

"Good pack up what you need we leave soon" Norman said

—— break——

Once back at the base Norman left again leaving Yelena alone with the others.

"So the fucker just comes and goes at any time" she spat out

"Yeah pretty much" one widow said

" have some respect though Yelena because if you don't you'll regret it dearly" a new voice chimed in

Turning her head she saw someone in the signature black cloths of the shadow league.

"Oh really and who are you" she said

"Names bullseye and I was the first member. Much like you I was cocky and rude behind his back" continuing he said "but I regret doing so every day. Our boss may seem like a scary guy but take the picture in your head and multiply it by a thousand"

" oh really tell us about it" said Yelena everyone also seemed to perk up at her comment even John who was just chilling with his new dog sunflower

"Heh okay but let me tell you how he recruited me in the first place"

After he was done everyone was dead silent with fear palpable in their hearts. Everyone but John whose eyes turned particularly cold.

'THAT BASTARD WAS THE ONE WHO MADE DAISY SICK' John was furious to say the least.

"Now I will tell you about the biggest mistake of my life. And that was crossing that monster" bullseye continued.

-Flashback 1 week after bullseye was recruited-

Shadow walking to his base Norman came in-front of a furious bullseye. You see Norman limited bullseyes powers so he can only shadow walk in the base not outside of it.

"You bastard let me leave here and do what I do best!" He said his tone venomous

"watch how you talk to me boy I will only warn you once" Norman replied in a terrifyingly cold tone

"Oh shut the fuck up you couldn't even beat me when we fought the first time" bullseye spat out

Whipping his head around Norman said "I warned you Benjamin, what happens next is a product of your own doing"

Suddenly bullseye collapsed onto the hard concrete floor screaming in pain


"Stooopppo please make it stoppp"

Bullseye felt as if his whole soul was being Torn,rebuilt and torn apart again.

"Fool" is the last thing Norman said before disappearing again. He made sure that bullseye couldn't pass out from the pain and left him there for six hours before he freed Benjamin from his torture.

—-flash back over—-

"And that's why you never mess with him EVER" bullseye said walking away leaving the shocked listeners behind.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter I wanted to give more insight into the league. Also Yelena joined pretty east because like what else can she do with her skill set and also she can learn about Natasha.