A/n I swear chapter titles are hard to come up with. Saw someone comment why Norman doesn't just one shot people with touch of the plague. The answer is we are getting to the people that can body most poisons as hulk and thor think of how strong their body systems are. Plus readers will get bored if all fights are like "I touched him he dies now all In a day's work"
After Harry's party life went back to a semblance of normalcy, I have been researching how to activate the X-Gene in all humans which I learned is a lot harder than I initially thought. It's interesting because all humans have the X-Gene it's just dormant and almost impossible to find with simple blood tests.
In more recent activities I have agents constantly monitoring Dr.Banner and it seems Hulk is going to start very soon because Ross keeps pushing him. Honestly part of me would feel bad for the guy but I want his DNA to experiment on.
If I can somehow make a safe version of the Hulk even if it's diluted a lot then I could achieve so much.
Currently, I'm at home with my family enjoying a nice meal when I sense people approaching my house fast.
Turning to Harry I said, "Go upstairs now!" leaving no room for discussion
Felica no doubt felt it too as several people destroy my front door like trained soldiers.
Me and Felicia giving them no time to respond flew into action
One of my ten rings flew off my arm decapitating two people at once.
Like broken marionettes, the rest fell all with broken necks. Shadows slowly recede into their places.
Seeing them all dead I used my extremis flames to burn the bodies into ashes. The gentle night breeze slowly made them drift away.
Someone dared to attack my family and thought they could get away with it?
Several names of those who could be responsible flashed through my head but I settled for one Jackie Rivers, she owns a competing pharmaceutical company that Oscorp is dominating she is also one of the people that pushed for New Life to be sold to all companies and researched on by her people I think her exact words were 'I think all reputable Pharmaceutical companies should have access to new life so we can make sure it's safe'
I'm going to definitely pay back my dues to her soon, first though I'm going to have to see how Harry is doing. you see I could have killed those weaklings the second I knew they were coming here but I decided to let them in my house. I knew Harry wouldn't be able to resist looking to see what happens and this way he gets to see something very valuable. How feeble human life is.
My shoes echo throughout the house as I slowly make my way upstairs. The smell of blood and burnt flesh still wafting through the house.
"Get rid of that putrid smell will you dear?" I said to Felicia as I ascended the steps
Reaching Harry's room I knocked twice
Each knock clearly heard throughout the mansion.
"Come In." I heard Harry's quiet tone
Opening the door I am greeted by the sight of a clearly distraught boy sitting with his head down on the edge of his bed.
"Harry I want you to know they were here to harm us. Sometimes you need to do the hard thing to protect the ones you care about. Human life is feeble the smallest thing can lead to a loss of life. Remember that you saw today and grow from it." I said my tone showing small amounts of affection
Harry didn't reply I could tell he is thinking hard about what I said and what transpired tonight.
---narrator pov -----
In a scientific research lab, a skinny white man with a nametag that reads Dr.Banner could be read. He was in the final stages of his research for Thunderbolt Ross.
"I'm close." Dr. Banner mumbled to himself
As he said those fateful words everything went very wrong. Gamma radiation started to spread and he got consumed. Slowly he started to see things dead animals, explosions like a bad drug experience.
His body started to change muscles bulging anger consuming him.
Right before he completely transformed a plague doctor appeared right behind him stabbing a needle into his back extracting blood.
Dr. Banner on instinct threw his arm back but jit nothing. The Doctor got what he came for.
Anger consumed him and in an instant, his body burst with power transforming him into the HULK.
He burst out of the military base and screams "RAHHHHRRRRR!"
Thunderbolt Ross in haste looks towards the yell and sees the green monster rampaging around the military base.
"All soldiers open fire on that green thing!" he shouted on his radio
"Yes sir!"
"Um, sir will bullets even hurt that guy."
"Shut up and shoot!"
Sounds of soldiers hastily making plans to take down the green monster could be heard throughout the base.
Unfortunately, it was all for nothing as Hulk stormed through the gunfire towards the exit.
His green fist rained down on the tiny insect blocking his escape.
An RPG was launched right into his side making the green beast skid back a few feet.
"Oh shit I think we pissed him off." one soldier says in a shaky voice
Hulk burst through the blockade the military set up grabbing a door a using it as a shield.
"Stop him!" Ross yelled
Just then a woman ran into the fray "Bruce! Bruce! I know you are in there!" she said in a desperate tone
"Stop shooting!" Ross screamed seeing his daughter risk her life
"Bruce I know you are still in there please come back! We are going to get married!" she shouted with tears building
Hulk stopped for a second and looked at her before jumping over everyone and running away.
"Fuck!" Ross shouted anger clear in his tone
----------Mc Pov ----------
I appeared back in my base after successfully gaining some of Dr. Banner's blood when he was mid-transformation. It was hard but I used vibranium to make the needle of the Syringe. Soon I will also collect more from him and Abomination during their fateful fight.
Quickly going to my lab I began my research into the hulk.
After hours of researching the samples, I have now left the base to return home. Once I arrived I joined Felicia and Harry for dinner, safe to say the table was a little awkward because Harry is still deciding some things. I could just use our connection to make him accept it but I first want to see what he does.
"So how was everyone's day?" I asked
"Good," Harry replies
"It was fun I went shopping and got Harry some new clothes. Then I went and practiced some." Felicia replied in a cheerful mood
"How about your day?" she added
"My day was great I got some new samples to research!" I replied with a wide smile
"That's good!!" she replied and Harry nodded
It's been a couple of days since I took some of Banners DNA and my schedule has been simple wake up, train, eat, research, and eat dinner with family. Harry seems to have gone back to his regular self but I can see in his eyes that there is something new something that I have been waiting for him to have, determination.
For what he is determined to do I have no idea. I'm waiting for him to tell me or I will ask him myself.
But before I do that I think it's time to see what Magik has decided. I hope she has decided to join because if not I can't have her join anyone else her power of teleportation might not be omega class but she is a sorceress as well which makes her dangerous.
Shadow walking to her location I appear behind her in a small apartment.
She turns around ready to attack but once she noticed it was me she relaxed a little.
"How did you get in here?" she asked
"Just walked," I responded
"Uh okay?"
"So have you decided to join?" I asked getting straight to the point
"I've thought about it and I'm willing to join but you have to tell me how you know my name." she answers
"very well you have to Join first though," I said
"Okay, what do I have to do?" she asked
"I'm big on trust so you can just shake my hand and say something like will be always loyal to the League," I said
"Um okay? I will always be loyal to the League." she said clasping my hand
I felt the connection instantly and so did she apparently
"What did you do to me!" she shouted
"Calm down Illya," I said
"Don't tell me to calm down!" she shouted in anger
"I was just granting you the power to control shadows," I said calmly While increasing our connection
She immediately tried to control the shadows in her apartment and it worked.
"Hmph I believe you for now," she said arms crossed
"Haha let's go back to the base," I said
"Wait first tell me how you knew my name," she said with weary eyes
"I knew it because that's my job I don't actually know you now stop demanding explanations," I said sternly letting a bit of the death aura around me be released
*gulp* "yeah okay I just thought you knew me or something." she said sweat gathering on her temple
Yesterday I recruited Magik into the League and currently, I'm eating breakfast.
I heard sounds out in the training room walking over I find Harry training hard against the training robots I made.
"What has got you all fired up to train?" I asked
"Nothing," he replied in a shirt manner
"Nothing huh I can see that you want to accomplish something tell me what is that son?"
"Nothing," he said again dryly
"Hm, nothing you say?"
I disappeared from my spot and flung harry against the adjacent wall
"Still so weak," I said shaking my head
"Then make me stronger DAMN IT I KNOW YOU DIDN'T GET THAT STRONG NATURALLY!" Harry shouted tears in his eyes
"Answer me why," I said plainly
"Because I don't want to have to hide in my room again like a little bitch!" he shouted
"I want to get stronger to protect you and mom I don't care what I have to do!" he added on with passion
Wow is my son a shounen protagonist?
"Good be here every day to train and it will be harder than ever." I replied
A/N: sorry for the late chapter it got deleted and I needed to rewrite it. Hope you enjoy I tried to show what in my opinion a 14-year-old boy that has been through training but not real combat would react like