HULK pt 2

When I told Harry that he will be training harder than ever I meant it. Harry's new training schedule is simple. Wake up, train, eat, go to school, eat, train, dinner, and sleep. Not only am I training his body to a degree where he can take the boosted serum minus, but I am also training his shadow powers through my method which is turning the house pitch black at all times where even the sun from the windows can't illuminate the house. So he has to train in the dark, eat in the dark and walk around the house in the dark.

Of course, this is easy as can be for me and Felicia, Harry is slowly getting the hang of it but I'm guessing that by the end of the week he will be able to thrive in the darkness.

Currently, I'm sitting in my office at Oscorp just going over some details that need my attention when I turn on the news a sight greets me that curls my lips into a devilish grin.

{Jackie Rivers CEO of Rivers pharmaceuticals has been found in her house dead. She appeared to have died from Coronary artery disease. We wish all of her friends and family a peaceful mourning and our best wishes.}

Coronary artery disease? Such a painful illness to die from, well she should have thought twice before messing with my family.

----Flashback to the night Magik joined----

I'm currently at a gala for a dear friend of mine Jackie Rivers. Walking over to her I gracefully take her hand and give it a gentleman's kiss on top while at the same time giving her severe Coronary artery disease.

'Make a snide comment about what you did' I suggested into her mind

"Pleasure to see you Jackie it's been a while," I said dismissing all formalities

"You as well Norman," she said with a forced smile

Leaning in closer for a hug she whispers into my ear "how did you like my present~."

"What present Jackie? I never received any?" I said in a confused tone

"Ahaha well it might've got mixed up in the mail," she replied with a small hint of bitterness

Well, she will only live a little longer.

-----flashback end--

Since that gala, it's only been a couple of days. And according to what I know the Hulk will have a brawl with Abomination very soon. It will be nice to have more samples to study. Now with my X-Gene research, it's getting complicated I have asked the mutants in the League what their trigger was to awaken their mutant ability some said a traumatic past experience while others said a happy moment so I think it involves a certain stimulus to awaken it. After finishing up my office work I shadow walked into the base to continue my research.

----pov fury ----

A green monster escaped a military base and now is on the run. What the actual mother fucking shit is happening these days! We have to find Dr.Banner before he hurts someone.


My door opens revealing Phil, "read this file and assemble a team we need to act fast." I said in my commanding tone

"Yes sir!" he replied

I can't help but have a feeling that those shadow fuckers are going to mess something up again.

-----Mc pov ----

Currently, I'm reinforcing a cell in the league base to withstand the strength of Abomination. I'm fairly certain it will hold but I want to make sure that it will.

"Boss Harlem is being torn apart by two monsters!" said Elektra running in

"Good," I said flatly


Elektra gave me a weird look.

Leaving the cell I said, "Call Laura, Taskmaster, Bullseye, and John."

"Yes sir," she replied

Once everyone gathered I gave Laura a syringe and another one to Taskmaster.

"Once you get an opportunity to extract DNA from for big green one use these I will handle the other one. Bullseye and John take care of anyone that tries to intrude." I said in a chilly tone

Part of me is excited for this fight it will be my first test run in my True Form.

Once everyone was all ready we disappeared into the shadows.

------narrator Pov--

A group of people appeared out of the shadows and quickly moved into action. After this fight, Harlem will never be the same.

The Plague doctor conjured a dome of shadows around Abomination and the Hulk with him at the center.

*RAHHHRRRRRR* the Hulk screamed out and charged blindness not stopping him



Two figures met his charge and bound him I. Shadows


Taskmaster used his new vibranium sword to pierce Hulk's stomach


Laura used her claws to quickly leave small gashes on the beast's skin

"Ah fuck." is the last thing Taskmaster said before Hulk pried himself out of the shadows using his forearm like a club to fling Taskmaster to the side


His other fist aimed at Laura but she nearly dodges resulting in Hulk hitting the ground



She gets two more slashes in before backing off at a safe distance


Hulk easily pulled the sword out of his abdomen and threw it to the side

Lifting himself off the ground Taskmaster mumbled "this is fun." and rushed back into the fray

With Abomination Norman is using the Ten Rings and death flames to bombard Abomination from a distance.



It seems to be working, but not fast enough as Abomination lets out an enraged roar and jumps into the air closing the distance.

'I wonder why my death flames aren't working that well on him?' Norman thinks before turning into his true form



Norman's two upper arms caught Abomination in the air and he uses the momentum from the beast's fall to arch his back suplexing it into the ground.

Shifting his body on top of Abomination Norman rains down a flurry of blows




Each blow leaving huge cracks forming on the pavement like a spider web.

Norman channels all of his death energy and uses it to connect to the Ten Rings on his forearms. Grasping Abomination's shoulder blades he pulls violently

*crackk* *schuurghh*

Both of Abomination's arms rip out of their sockets leaving only his torso, head, and legs.

*RAAAARHHH* Abomination screams out but this time in pain

Before the beast could even put up a struggle Norman makes him disappear into the shadows directly into the cell of his base.

On the side with Laura and Taskmaster, they both had to manipulate as many shadows as they could muster to hold Hulk in place long enough for them to collect his DNA.

They barely finished before Hulk shredded through the bindings ready to squash the bugs before him.

But unfortunately for Hulk, they are already gone.

Seeing as there is no one left to fight the Hulk takes one last look at Betty Ross then leaps onto buildings disappearing into the distance.

-----Thunderbolt Ross pov ---


"Argh." I let out an involuntary groan as our helicopter went down

Seeing that both monsters are still fighting I was about to command my troops to move back but my words got stuck in my throat as five people just emerged from the shadows I was about to tell my troops to stop them when the leader I can only assume a man dressed as a plague doctor creates a dome around the fight that looked to be made of shadows.

"Stop them!" I yelled

Oh, how I regret those words. One second my men raised their guns the next all of them are dead.

"Tsk tsk tsk play nicely will you ~?" one says in a sadistic tone

Fuck this shit I only wanted a god damn Supersoldier! is that so much to ask for!

In about ten minutes the dome fell leaving only the Hulk left. Where did Blonsky go?

I turned to look at the sadistic people and realize they already left.

----pov nick fury later that night---

"--and that's exactly what happened sir," Coulson said finishing the report of what happened in Harlem

"I understand you may leave Agent Coulson," I replied

After he left I let out a soft sigh. I fucking knew those mother fuckin shadow bitches would do something like this.

Picking up my phone I call Natasha

Natasha: yea sir?

Me: can you find a way to meet with your sister?

Natasha: I'm not sure why?

Me: the league of shadows captured Emil Blonsky and I want you to see if she can tell you why.

Natasha: I will see if I can. Anything else?

Me: no.

Hanging up a reclined back into my chair, in the past year too much shit has happened. The avenger initiative needs to happen.

-----mc pov ---

Appearing back at the base I imminently took the two arms from Abomination and the new samples from Hulk and began to delve into my research. It's interesting what I have found it seems in both samples of Hulk's DNA the X-Gene has completely disappeared almost like it's been consumed. And for Abominations own DNA the X-Gene seems to have also disappeared but in a different manner, I can still find traces of it but it's like the gene broke into a million microscopic pieces.

I must research more into this.

[The next day]

Currently, I'm training with harry.




Harry blocked one training robot's blow, dodged the other, and used his dagger to slice the head of the last leaving a clean cut. He has been shaping up quite nicely just a little bit more practice and body training and he will be able to take booster serum minus.

After training, we all ate together as a family.

Harry glanced at me for a second and said "the news showed people that could control shadows like us."

"I know I saw what a coincidence," I replied flatly

"So you're saying it wasn't you?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his tone

"Who knows probably some homeless guy," I said shrugging my shoulders

"When will you two start telling me stuff!" he said in anger clearly not amused anymore

"When you're older," Felicia replied this time

"Yeah just wait a bit." added

"Fine so can I stay the night at Peters?" he said giving up on the past topic

"Sure it will be good for you to relax a bit," I said

"Yeah, this would be a good rest day for you!" Felicia said with a little excitement the notion of alone time with me sounding good in her ears

"Thanks love you guys!" he shouted running out of for door

"Love you!" I said after him

"Love youuu!!" Felicia called out aswell

Ah these last couple of days have been good.


A/N: hope you all enjoyed! How do you like the fight scenes? Thank you for your support everyone:)