After spending some alone time with Felicia I decided to go back and research more into the X-Gene and the DNA samples from Abomination and Hulk. In my past life, I was an engineer and I loved to create things but once I reincarnated as Norman the passion to build and create new things didn't disappear but went from engineering to chemistry and biology. So researching for me is a huge passion and I love delving into the mysterious world of genetics.
The sound of the soothing rain pouring down on top of the base soothed my mind as I began to study the bone marrow of Abomination. My mind working in overdrive trying to pull any comparisons I can between Emil Blonsky's DNA transformation and Bruce Banner's.
I swear I will be able to make a method to unlock the X-Gene safely if it's the last thing I do.
----- time skip one week -----
Weeks pass and my schedule has been packed with activities. Every day I train Harry, spend time with Felicia then conduct my research. The League members are enjoying their little break and I'm happy. Harry is extremely close to achieving the required bodily strength to handle booster serum minus.
*pah* I caught his incoming fist with ease and gave Harry a light flick to the temple in return
"Ugh, why do your flicks hurt so much!?" He grunted in pain
"It's a dad power," I replied with utmost confidence
"Huh yeah, sure it is....Probably all those drugs you took to get so strong," he mumbled the last part
"Oh wow, I'm a druggie now? I guess you don't need any 'Drugs' then to get stronger huh?" I said in mock anger
"NO! I need them who said I don't take drugs!" he replied in haste
"..." did my son just admit to doing drugs
"I don't mean I take drugs now! I'm talking about whatever you took!" he added quickly noticing my silence
"Yeah sure bud whatever you say I'm just going to go tell Felicia about this I'm sure she can give you the drugs are bad talk," I said I'm sure there is a teasing glint in my eyes
"Nononono don't do that! I beg of you!" Harry quickly said in a pleading tone
"Ah, I guess this time I will let it slide," I said with a smirk
"Thanks, dad you're the best," Harry replied sighing in relief
Yeah, right next time you are annoying I'm going to threaten you with this information.
After spending some time at home I immediately dived into my research again. I have come up with some theories of how to awaken the X-Gene, my best theory is that to awaken the X-Gene if it is nonactive of course the body needs to reach simultaneously a high level of emotions and body stimuli. I can't currently make my body stronger as I've already used all of the serums I've made but that doesn't stop me from making a new one. Hopefully, I can get some of Thors DNA and create something like an Asgardian serum.
Noticing I'm low on genetic material from Abomination I walk over to the cell he's being held in.
*BANG* as if knowing I'm nearing his cell he started to pound on the walls.
Tsk annoying. Thankfully he is in a weakened state and all's I need to do is launch out a couple of Rings through the small slits I've made in the cell
Like a hot knife through butter, the rings sliced apart his legs. Using the shadows to stop his squirming I picked up his legs and left.
Now, something I did find fascinating is from Banners DNA. My initial sample when he was mid-transformation and my newer one where he was full Hulk mode show some anomalies. For example, when he was turning it was like every cell in his body was massively expanding and contracting, and his Hulk form DNA was like the Berlin wall strong and sturdy. Truly fascinating I can research this more.
Blonsky's DNA on the other hand was weird. It kept moving and moving, splitting and connecting like his body couldn't reach its full potential. I hypothesize that he can't turn back into a human because his DNA is always in a state of constant changing like a loop.
----- pov Yelena -----
My sister called me to meet with her. Of course, I told Doc about it first I mean he would probably figure it out anyway. he's annoying like that, he told me that Fury probably told her to contact me to see if I can divulge any info about the League. Doc gave me the go-ahead to meet her but he said to say anything but the truth.
I can't wait to mess with Natasha she deserves it for leaving me anyways.
Appearing into a shadow in her apartment I don't exit it right away but first, check for an ambush. Seeing that the coast is clear I exited the shadow.
"Hey sis," my tone calm
"Hey Yelena," she replied
"So why did you want to meet?" I asked
"I was wondering if you could tell me what your boss is up to," she replied
"Wow, so this isn't for sibling bonding," I said rolling my eyes
"Unfortunately not. So what can you tell me?" she asked again
"Listen, Natasha Doc is a very scary and dangerous man don't test him." I said in a grave tone
"I know that. Why do you think I'm asking you about him!" she said sounding agitated at the end
"I don't know.." I replied appearing to sound uneasy and nervous
"Please sister just tell me." she pleaded
Really Natasha pulling the sister card? It makes me not feel as bad for playing her now.
"Okay fine but sister be careful he is dangerous." she nodded at my words
"What I know is that he captured that green monster for a reason that I do not know. And he has been very quiet recently which means either something bad is going to happen or we will have peace. And another thing I know of and this is of high secrecy is---" I didn't finish my words because I willed the shadows to drag me in I acted like I tried to resist and shouted "Help! Natasha!"
The last thing I saw was a look of horror on her face.
I think I went overboard.
------Narrator pov Fury's office----
Natasha quickly enters Fury's office and said "Sir I contacted my sister."
"What did she tell you?" Fury asked
"Not much she did say he's been quiet and purposefully captured Blonsky but she was going to tell me something big then the shadows dragged her in," Natasha said in a grave tone
"Dragged her in?!" Fury asked shocked
"Yes sir they just grabbed her she tried to resist but got pulled in," Natasha responded her tone chilly
"I see this Doctor of Death is a lot more dangerous than we thought." Fury said
'He can capture something that can fight Hulk and use any shadow he wants to control! I haven't seen a limit to his ability yet.' fury thought
"Sir what should we do?" Natasha asked
"I don't have a fucking clue." Fury responded his tone laced with unbridled anger
------- Mc pov ----
"Good job Yelena," I said to the actress
"Haha, you know me Doc! I should really earn an Oscar for my troubles," she responded
"Maybe you should?" I replied in amusement
"Haha okay, boss I will see you later!" Yelena said before walking out
[the next day]
It's finally time to give harry the boost I already set up an extra room in the house that has the necessary equipment.
Turning to Harry and Felicia I said "you ready Harry?"
"Yeah don't worry dad I got this!" he replied
"Good lucky Harry!" Felicia cheered him on
"Who needs luck this shit is going to be easy," Harry said in a nonchalant tone
"Language!" Felicia snapped back
"Sorry," Harry said turning his head away from her
Walking into the room I made a gesture for Harry to lay down on the table. Then I clipped the straps around his arms, legs, and head
"Uh, why do I need to be strapped down dad?" Harry asked in ignorance
"Sorry, kiddo but they are there to minimize your thrashing around in pain," I replied
"Ah pain yeah PAIN MY ASS! can I back out?" He asked in haste
"No sorry kiddo. No bite onto this." I said putting a rubber strap into his mouth
Seeing him bite down I asked, "are you ready?"
He replied with a small nod.
"Welcome to being a superhuman!" I said with a large grin while injecting the serum
Nothing happened at first then Harry's face contorted in pain
"Arghhhhhhh!" he grunts out the rubber strap keeping him from screaming
Soon Harry stopped moving and I checked his vitals. Everything is good.
Harry woke up thirty minutes later. I unstrapped him from the table and said "okay you're going to have to get used to your newfound strength so I'm doubling your training."
"Okay," Harry answers not minding the extra training at all
Later in the afternoon Harry and I started his training again.
The sounds of sparring could be heard all through the yard.
"You're still stupid strong dad it's not fair." harry said while he laid down on the Grass
"Of course I am. I only gave you the weakest serum I have son, anything more and I'm afraid your body couldn't take it." I replied
"Damn then how did an oldie like you survive?" He asked
"Haha funny. Let's spar some more." I said my tone chilly
"*gulp* no I'm fine we have to head down for dinner anyways," he said before quickly shadow walking away
[the next day]
It's been a day since Harry took the serum. I had him take the next couple of days off school to focus on being able to use the appropriate amount of strength when interacting with regular people.
Currently, I'm still researching the X-Gene and I have a feeling that I'm close to making a breakthrough. Just a little more and I can do it.
I'm excited for Thor to come down to earth, I have a feeling that his DNA will help massively uncover the secret.
After finishing up some research I shadow walked to my car and drove to a certain cemetery.
Arriving I opened my door and walked to her grave. It read Emily Osborn, Loving mother, and wife.
"Hey it's been a while since I came by I just wanted to say that Harry is growing up so fast and he's already become a smart and mature young man. I even trained him to be able to protect himself I'm sure you would be proud to see him now." I said as the heavy rain drenched my cloths
"I will come by again soon bye Emily," I promised
Walking back to my car I swear I felt a warm gaze on my back. Whipping my head around I saw nothing but I could swear I felt Emily for a second.
A/N: remember he did get all of Norman's memories so he obviously cares for the late ms Osborn. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!