
A/N: Some of the lines here might be taken straight from the movie just because I like them and think they fit the story perfectly. Also please note this is Au and The Asgardians will have true divinity none of that alien crap thor won't have full control of it as he uses the hammer as a crutch for now. Please enjoy!


---pov narrator before thors banishment---

In a dimly lit room, an old man is known as Odin God of War the Allfather often associated with wisdom.

And in front of him stood Thor God of Thunder looking extremely out of character to what he usually is. Sadness and guilt could be seen almost like they are written on his face with big letters.

"you have betrayed the express command

of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms

and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are unworthy of these realms!You're unworthy of vour title! of the loved ones, you have betrayed. I have had enough of your insolence and foolish acts I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" Odin declared taking back Mjölnir and locking Thor's divine powers.

A look of pure shock and horror plastered itself on Thor's face.

"No father You can't!" he screamed while falling down to Midguard or as earth as they call it these days.

Like a comment shooting through the stars, Thor shot through the stars and ended up landing in the middle of New Mexico.

Catching his bearings he was about to head away but out of nowhere a car showed up and hit him.


Three people rushed out of the car

"Please don't be dead." one of the girls said

"Arghh," Thor said propping himself up with his hands

"Father! Take me back father!" Thor shouted but it was of no use

Eventually, one girl had enough and shot him with a taser.

"Arghhhh." Thor let out a small growl and collapsed

[the next day]

Thor could be seen strapped down onto a table in a hospital because he tried to fight his way out of the infirmary.

Seeing as he was still asleep a man emerged from the shadows and took his blood leaving just as quick as he appeared.

--- pov Mc ----

My agent handed me the blood he collected from Thor and left shortly afterward. I had an agent in the shadow of Jane Foster and had him switch to the shadow of Thor once they met. Seeing as Thor has no powers right now I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to notice anything and neither would Heimdall.

Taking the DNA sample of Thor I immediately began to delve Into the secrets of the Asgardians. Looking at the results I found I'm extremely disappointed. It seems that old man Odin somehow protected Asgardian DNA from being researched.

Sighing to myself I took one last look and noticed something, even though the DNA looks exactly like a human would except for the X-Gene of course, I can still feel a bit of energy from it and it feels similar to my death aura.

Wait no it couldn't be. I mean mutants are here so it's theoretically possible. Are the Asgardians in this universe actually Gods and what I'm feeling is his divinity?

How interesting. I must learn more about this. Even though I can't really use the DNA I'm still going to take some more when Thor gets his hammer back along with his strength.

--- pov narrator Asgard ---

In Asgard, if one went to the treasury they would be able to see Loki and Odin standing across for one another, the ambiance in the room was full of sadness and confusion.

"After the war against Jotunheim I stumbled across a temple in frozen lands and I found a baby. It was quite small for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. It was Laufey's son." Odin said in a somber tone eyes full of sadness and guilt

"Laufey's son?" Loki asked eyes filled with grief and rage unimaginable rage

"Yes, Laufey's son and that baby was you," Odin replied

"Why? You were knee-deep in Jotun blood,

why would you take me?" Loki asked his body language showing his mental state of deep confusion and sadness

"You were an innocent child." Odin replied

"No. You took me for a purpose

What was it?" Loki asked but Odin stayed quite

"TELL ME!" Loki shouted in anger

"I thought we could unite our

kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace." Odin replied eyes and face screaming with guilt

"What?" Loki replied that his eyes lost their usually playful light. His heartfelt like a blunt knife was constantly stabbing him.

"But those plans no longer matter." Odin quickly added

"You are my son" and Odin saying that broke Loki's last remaining shred of love and compassion be once shared

"So lam no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me.

"wanted only to protect you from the truth."Said Odin with a disheartened look plastered on his old face

"Why because I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?" Said a furious Loki

"No, it's not like-." Odin tried to calm Loki down

"You know, it all makes sense now! Why you favored Thor all these years! Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" Loki just finished his speech eyes full of rage and tone dripping with venom

The guards come in shortly after.

---Mc Pov---

For some reason, I can feel my body wanting to do something with Thors DNA but I don't have a clue what it could want me to do. Looking at the blood I got a crazy idea. Turning Into my true Jinn form I could instantly feel the energy in the DNA better. I used my aura or divinity I'm not sure which one is right yet to seep into Thors blood's own. I could feel my death divinity corroding the small amount of Thors, eventually, my divinity overtook his and added it to mine. I could feel myself become a little stronger. I need more Asgardian DNA.

Appearing back home I quickly joined my family at the dining table.

"Hey Norm how was your day?" Felicia asked me using my nickname

"It was fruitful but could've been better," I replied

"How about yours?" I added

"It was great! I did a lot of clothes shopping, I could do a private haul for you~," she answered

"*cough* right here mom," Harry said in an embarrassed tone

"Oops didn't see you there your just so short!" Felicia said

"Hey, I'm a perfect height!" Harry said in anger

"Yeah, you are. Don't worry son I'm sure a growth spurt will hit soon!" I chimed in with a smile on my face

"Yeah, I'm going to be the tallest in the family I bet," Harry said in a victorious tone

"Wow! Even taller than your old man? I don't think so."

I am a good 6' 4" in my human form and I don't really know how tall I am in my True Jinn form, I should really check.

"Psh you will be short compared to me!" Harry replied

Yeah sorry, bud but if I remember correctly you grow up to be around 5' 10". With the serums, he can probably grow a little taller though.

Once we finished dinner we all decided to tuck in for the night.

----pov narrator -----

At night one could see Thor at the edge of the shield post that has the hammer being studied.

"Stay here I will claim my Hammer again!" Thor proclaimed to Jane

"Uh, how will you get out?" she asked

"Ha of course I will simply fly," Thor answered like it was obvious

"Um okay then," Jane said

Thor made his way toward the sight and snuck into the building.

While sneaking in Thor was blocked by two guards.

*bang* he quickly hit one guard in the face knocking him out

Before the other guard could react Thor grabbed him and flipped the guard on his back


Running forward towards the hammer Thor was met with a constant flow of combatants.




He quickly fought his way through and made it to the hammer.

In the observation room, a person turned to one Agent Coulson and said "sir there has been a break-in! The perpetrator is making his way toward the 0-8-4!"

"Stop him." Agent Coulson said

While more people rushed to confront Thor he already made it to Mjölnir. Grabbing the Hammer Thor tried to lift it but Mjölnir wouldn't budge, he kept trying and it kept failing like it was mocking him for being a failure, for turning mortal, and for disappointing the Allfather.

"Father! Why must you spite me!" he shouted

"RAHHHHH" thor yelled into the sky his voice broken in sadness

The unforgiving rain pouring and the mocking of the thunder in the sky were heartbreaking for Thor.

"Shows over, ground units move in," said Coulson over the radio

In the state Thor was currently in, he had no energy to even fight back.

Putting Thor in the interrogation room they let him be for a while before Agent Coulson walked in.

"In my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to my men. Why don't you tell me where you received your training? Pakistan? Chechnya?

Afghanistan? No, you strike memore as the soldier of fortune type. Where was it? South Africa? Certain groups pay very well for a good

mercenary like you. Who are you? One way or another, we find out what we need to know." Agent Coulson said in a calm and steady voice

Thor sat their unmoving face full of grief.


Just then Agent Coulson's pager beeped so he had to walk out.

After he left Loki appeared in the room

"Loki! What are you doing here?" Thor finally spoke

"I had to see you," Loki said his face full of fake sadness

"What's happened? Tell me. Is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to Father." Thor said in a pleading tone

"Fathers dead," Loki said

"What?" Thor replied in disbelief

"Your banishment, the threat of a new war, it was too much for him to bear. You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen. It was so cruel to put the hammer within your reach,knowing that you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now." Loki said with fake sadness and grief

"Can I come home?" Thor asked his eyes watering up tears slowly falling down his cheek

"The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon

your exile. I'm sorry brother but I can't." Loki said

"Yes, but couldn't we find a way..." Thor tried to speak but he got cut off

"And Mother has forbidden your return. This is goodbye, brother." Loki said his tone sounding like sadness but in reality, he is happy. Happy that he now rules Asgard

"Goodbye," Thor said

After leaving Thor stuck in sadness and grief. Loki walked up to Mjölnir and tried to lift it. He tried and tried and tried but it would never lift. If one could actually see Loki's face they would see pure unfiltered anger plastered on it.

—-pov Mc ——

Seeing as I have several DNA samples of Abomination I think I'm done with him now.




My shoes tapping echoed throughout the corridor. Once I reached his cell, Blonsky immediately tried to make himself smaller in a corner. I guess I frighten the beast now.

Sighing to myself I summoned my shadows and aura of death, engulfing Abomination within seconds consuming his lifeforce and adding it to my own.


A/N: Sorry for another late chapter this one is about 2k words I hope you like it. Yes some dialogue between Odin, Loki, and Thor are stolen from the movie. I just thought the dialogue from the movie would be better than what I wrote. I hope you enjoyed!