Thor end

A/N: I'm feeling a little better so I should be able to post my chapters on time! Also, I just want to clarify one more time so don't get some comments about how Asgardians are just aliens. ALL ASGARDIANS IN THIS FF WILL HAVE DIVINITY but that does not mean all will be strong.


It's been a day since I ended Abomination's life the life force that he gave me was mediocre but then again I haven't drained many beings of their life force. I'm estimating that soon Loki will send the Destroyer down to earth in his attempt to kill Thor. I plan to wait until Thor destroys it and then strike, hopefully in the end I will not only have more Asgardian DNA but a Destroyer as well. I hope if I put the Destroyer in my shadows then Odin or Heimdall won't be able to find it, at most they will know it's somewhere still on earth.

Currently, I am with Felicia and Harry. Right now Felicia and I are both attacking harry, I am attacking from a distance, and Felicia from up close of course both of us are limiting our strength.

*swoosh* harry barely dodged a shadow tendril

unfortunately for him in doing so he ended up right where Felicia wanted him *bang* he got kicked in the gut launching him back

"Okay hahhh, I think hah that's ah enough," Harry said panting

"Okay we will stop here but we shall resume this battle tomorrow," I said

"Thanks, dad." Harry said clearly exhausted

"Haha, no problem son!" I replied with a big smile walking toward him

He must have assumed I was going in for a hug because he spread his arms wide

I merely smiled back at the boy

*bang* I kicked him in the leg causing him to fall on his butt

"Ouch what was that for!" he yelled

"Your enemies won't give you the option to resume a battle the next day," I said walking away

"We love you, Harry!" Felicia said walking out with me

Some might say that I am being harsh but he needs to have the right mindset and experience to join the League. The biggest reason for all of this is because at fifteen Peter Parker became Spider-Man and at fifteen my son will join the League, I mean he will take some light missions nothing too heavy but he will still join.

Of course, I asked Felicia's opinion just to be nice not like she would have swayed me but surprisingly she agreed.

'I agree Harry is smart, strong, and has great mental fortitude. But please don't send him on any crazy missions.' were her exact words

Of course, I agreed with her little request. I mean what counts as a crazy mission for me can be a totally different level of crazy for someone else.

On another note all's I need is more Asgardian DNA and I'm set to awaken my X-Gene. And it just so happens that soon Sif, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg will come to earth in hopes of aiding Thor. But if I am correct and all Asgardians in this universe have divinity I will need to bring stronger forces.

----- narrator pov----

At the shield site in New Mexico, one can see Agent Coulson on the phone with Nick Fury.

Coulson: Sir I let him go

Fury: why!

Coulson: because he wasn't talking and I think that letting him go might lead us to something.

Fury: okay this is your mission but keep me updated at all times!

Coulson: Yes sir!

--pov narrator the next day----

In New Mexico, one could see Thor in a building talking to Jane foster, Professor Selvig, and Darcy Lewis when suddenly four people knocked on the glass wall.

"No way," said Professor Selvig

"What the fu-"

"My friends!" Thor shouted cutting Darcy off

"I've never been happier to see you, but you shouldn't have come I'm still in exile," Thor said his tone full of sadness

"What are you talking about?" Lady Sif said confused

"My father is dead because of me. You shouldn't have come." Thor explained

"Thor, what are you talking about? Odin isn't dead." Sif said confused

"What? But Loki said... LOKI!" Thor shouted coming to a realization

"Yes, my friend Loki has taken the throne and gone mad with power," Hogun added

"We must stop him," Thor said with determination

"So who are your friends Thor?" asked Jane

"Ah my lady we are Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Surely you've heard the tales. Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and I, Volstagg the Svelte." Volstagg Proclaimed

"Um of course yeah heard all about you," Darcy said with sarcasm

*boom* a loud explosion sounded in the distance causing them to look over

Walking out of the building the Asgardians immediately knew what the metal monstrosity was

"The Destroyer," Thor said in a grave tone

"Evacuate the people!" Thor shouted to his companions

"Sif, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg my friends, please buy us some time," Thor added

"Of course! We shall buy as much time as you need." Sif said

Sif and the warrior Three drew their weapons and launched themselves into battle. Divine energy seemed to radiate off of them.

Volstagg rushed forward and Fandral grabbed him a three him propelling him towards the Destroyer at great speeds


*bang* Volstagg's triumphant battle cry was cut as the Destroyer launched him away with it's forearm

*psshhhang* the destroyer fired a beam of energy at Fandral *pangggg* he expertly blocked it with his shield

"Arghhhhh." Fandral roared out holding back the mighty beam

When all was lost a beautiful figure appeared above the Destroyer and plunged her sword in it's neck *shiing*

"Hah hah we did it!" Fandral said in excitement

Alas, it was short-lived the Destoyers body seemed to twist around like a snake its head now facing Sif. Noticing the Destroyer charging up another blast Sif quickly retrieved her sword and jumped off its body.

"Stay back and guard Jane and the rest!" Thor suddenly shouted


"No buts stay your hand!" Thor shouted cutting off Hogun

The warrior three and Sif slowly retreated back to the mortals.

"Will he be okay?" Jane asked nervously

"He better be," Sif said

"Brother! Please if you want to kill me do it! I don't know what I have done to hurt you but these people are innocent Loki! They are regular people they are INNOCENT! Don't take out your hatred of me on them!" Thor shouted arms wide open while walking toward the Destroyer

The Destroyed stopped and Thor thought he finally got through to his brother.

"I knew you were kind inside brother--"

*bang* Thor got cut off by a strike from the Destroyer right on his head launching him back

"Arghh." Thor rolled in pain

"THOR!" Jane yelled breaking away from her group running towards the fallen God of Lightning

"Are you okay? Please be okay!" she pleaded holding him close

"Leave," Thor said with a battered breath

"No, I won't leave you!" she shouted back

*zzzzzingggg* a quite noise sounded in the air

Thor recognized the familiar sound and heaved his body up

"Stay back now!" He shouted confidently

*whoosh* Mjölnir came rushing down from the sky like a shooting star

*pah* it landed in Thor's sturdy hands

*fwahhhh* power cascaded out of his body Thor's armor started to form on his body once more

"I'm back!" Thor shouted

*wuahwuahwauh* Thor spun the mighty hammer Mjölnir

Letting go it launched forward twoards the Destroyer

*psshhhh* a beam of energy met Mjölnir halfway launching it back

Thor flew forwards catching Mjölnir in the air before attacking again

*bang* Thor closed the distance and sent an uppercut to the Destroyer making it fall *thud*

*whoosh whoosh zzzzzappp* lightning clouds gathered in the sky sending a bolt of lightning at the Destroyer *zamm!* it landed on the machine destroying it. Thor won the battle.

A black car pulled up to them and Agent Coulson came out. Right before he was about to say something Thor and the Destroyer were enclosed in a dome of shadows.

"Oh not these guys," Coulson said

Sif and the warrior three were about to rush and help Thor when ten people emerged from their shadows. Sif and Hogun were able to dodge but Fandral and Volstagg weren't so lucky and received a syringe to their necks.

Sif and Hogun rushed to save their friends but were intercepted by two groups of people one led by Taskmaster and the other by Laura. A battle quickly ensued.




The Asgardians were simply overpowered by the serum-enhanced shadow soldiers after all they just finished fighting the Destroyer. Their fates were two more syringes.

Meanwhile, in the dome of shadows, Norman in his true Jinn form faced off against Thor

*bang!* one of Norman's four arms hit Thor launching him back

"You demon as prince of Asgard I shall purge you!" Thor shouted sending lightning bolts at the shadow dome ripping it apart

*pshanngg* a beam of energy launched from the Ten rings slammed into Thor launching him back once more

Thor hastily got to his feet and flew towards Norman. A fierce battle ensued lighting and death divinity met causing the viewers to feel suffocated. *pah* Thor hit one of Norman's arms away and then followed up with a bolt of lightning to Norman's gut.

"RAHHHHH!" Norman shouted in madness the Ten rings floating around him all of a sudden rushed into his body merging with Norman's powers over death.

*bang* in a blink of an eye Norman was on top of Thor pushing the God deep into the ground

*BZZZZAMMMMM* a wave of electricity launched Norman off of him. Like the weather was responding to Thor's anger the sky turned cloudy and stormy

"HaH, now that was a mistake," Norman said his done demonic and their face morphed into a feral grin

With cloudy weather comes shadows and Norman used that to his advantage. Shadows seeped out onto the ground like a sea of tinted green shadows the whole area turned into a town of death. Lighting rained down from the sky. A fight between two monsters has officially started.

Thousands of shadow spikes and flames rushed Thor while lighting rained down to protect him. They both rushed out to meet in the center again. The fight raged on both fighting for supremacy eventually one of Norman's arms caught Thor's leg and he slammed Thor over and over again into the ground. While holding Thor Norman was constantly siphoning Thor's life force.

*BANG* Norman slammed Thor into the ground one more time knocking the God out. Looking around Norman noticed everyone was knocked out because of their fight. Turning back into his regular Jinn form with his plague doctor outfit Norman plunged a syringe into Thor's body. After that, he took the Destroyer and left. Hours later everyone woke up Thor was confused about what exactly but before thinking about it more he rushed off with the rest of the Asgardians to save Asgard from Loki's rule.

----pov mc---

After collecting Thor's blood and storing the Destroyer in my shadows I left the scene along with my agents.

[The next day]

It's been a day since the battle I had against Thor I have rested and regained my health after the battle I have to admit that taking Thor's lightning head-on is painful. Now it's finally time to awaken my X-Gene. Appearing at the base with Felicia I went inside a metal pod I especially made for this endeavor. Tony's Arc reactor is even what powers the thing.

"Ready?" Felicia asked

"Yes," I responded with determination





Right, when she said one blood filled the pod and I instantly activated my powers to absorb the different divinities. At the same time, I connected to everyone in the League mentally through the contract we have. I felt everything I felt their pain, sorrow, happiness, and anger all of those emotions cascaded into my mind.

It felt like hours but it only took minutes for the process to be complete. Coming out of the pod blood dripping off my body I instinctively knew it worked I could feel another power inside of me. And my divinity increased as well.

----- pov narrator Location: Asgard ---

Thor is now in the throne room reporting to his father what happened on earth. He has already beaten Loki.

"Describe this creature that beat you," Odin commanded him

"Yes, father. It had four arms and instead of legs, there was smoke the creature looked much like a demon. It also had green engravings all over its body." Thor answered

Too focused on his thoughts Thor missed Odin and his wife's eyes widen in shock and horror at the description.


A/N: hahaha two cliffhangers what's his X-Gene and what do the queen and king of Asgard know about Jinns? How did you like the fight scene I tried writing them better? Also when I say divinity for the mc I mean like super super small amounts connected to the domain of death. He's not going to become a God in 20 chaps lol