Family’s X-Gene awakening

It's been a couple of days since I got back from Wakanda, I didn't do much really, and just relaxed for a while after all rest days are important. Though during my rest days I have been drawing up new designs for my Oscorp phones and tablets. I have been trying to design something thin but durable at the same time with high processing power. The New technology is just a small project for the company so I can take a little time, I don't really want to rip off Wakanda tech for the designs because they will one hundred percent notice.

Speaking of Wakandan tech, I stole some pretty good stuff. For example, I found some prototype energy shields. Those will be very useful to me, I will be able to give my agents these shields as an added protection.

With 2011 steadily approaching I am preparing for some big changes. Harry will finally be fifteen and I will have him join the league and start doing missions. Both Harry And Felicia will soon get their X-Genes awakened and will need to train their asses off. And last but not least my sleeper agents have infiltrated a lot of groups. Like Hydra, Hand, A.I.M, and more low-level organizations like Underworld syndicates.

With all of my sleeper agents and other agents, the League will be able to take down these groups and control them. I'm sure in doing so a lot more people will know of us but that's a small matter.

Currently I'm working on the Destroyer that I took from Asgard I came to the conclusion that since it's broken there shouldn't be a way for Odin to find it. I also had Magik check to see if she can feel any magic and she said no so it should be safe to take out of my shadows.

Currently, I'm using my Extremis flames with my shadows to imbue the properties of my shadows into the unknown Asgardian metal. Since the Destroyer was well pun intended Destroyed I had to add some other metals as well. All I'm all I made three mini versions of the Destroyer after splitting up my materials. Each Destroyer is made with the unknown Asgardian metal, some Vibranium, and Anti Magneto metal that I got from Tony for free. I'm not sure why he calls it metal if it's not even metallic but I decided not to ask. I haven't figured out how to make the mini Destroyers move on their own but I can control them with my Telekinesis And I might add I'm pretty efficiently at that.

Even though I came back from my training trip it doesn't mean I stopped training, I train a lot still every day. I have a feeling the next step of Telekinesis is the state of nothing, meaning I just use my mental capabilities and do not actually expel my energy to lift and control objects.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling it will take a little longer to reach that stage.

---Odin pov ---

"Any luck locating the Jinn?" My wife Frigga asks

"No luck yet," I replied with a deep frown

"Tch it's hiding pretty good." my wife responded in annoyance

The Jinn are creatures that have astonishing life preservation skills. But the one on Midgard won't be able to survive for long, I am hunting it and once more Gods figure out there is a Jinn on Midgard they will too.

Jinn were just some weak creatures well that's what everyone thought. But they weren't, the Jinn had the unique ability to make deals and contracts, most Gods just agreed to the contracts and deals without even thinking about the consequences. 'What can those weak creatures do to us, Gods!' is what they would say. Eventually, the Jinn made enough deals, and the gods needed to honor them. The disgusting creatures used the contracts and deals to start a war between the pantheons named the War Of All Gods. During the war, the Jinns would somehow steal our divinity becoming stronger and stronger. By the time we all realized who the culprits were, it was too late most Pantheons lost a lot of Gods, and the Jinn were strong.

To stop the Jinn all of the pantheons turned their swords to the Jinn and we thought they all died, I guess not.

Even if I must visit the other Pantheons I will find it.

-------- narrator pov ------

In Wakanda, King T'Chaka was sitting on the throne in a foul mood.

"Father what's wrong?" Shuri the princess asked

"Nothing of your concern little princess," T'Chaka said in a soft voice

"Hmph, fine don't tell me." said angrily storming out of the hall


The door to the throne room opened up and Okoye briskly made her way in. From the way she walked and the displeased look on her face, her mood was obviously bad at the moment.

"Did you find the culprit?" The king asked lightly but Okoye could tell he is furious

Word got leaked about the theft to the tribes and they are furious with King T'Chaka. They are saying he is incompetent first, Ulysses Klaue and now this.

"No your majesty whoever did it disappeared completely," Okoye said with a sour expression

"*sigh* This is troublesome. You may leave." king T'Chaka said

'Who has the capabilities to do this?' The king thought

------ Pov Mc----

Today was the day Harry and Felicia became mutants. Walking through the corridor with them by my side we make way to the pod I used except this time it won't be pumping out blood.

"Who wants to go first?" I ask them

"I will!" Felicia says clearly excited

turning to her I gave her a quick hug and small kiss. "Okay get in," I tell her

"Yes sir!" she replies with a small salute

Once she enters the pod Harry turned to me and asked "what do you think she will get?"

Thinking for a little bit I reply "probably something to do with stealing."

"Pfft yeah," he says

"Ready Felicia?" I ask her

She gave a small nod





The pod immediately got moving, I could see Felicia trying to get out of the pod but she has to stay.

Eventually, the pod door swung open and revealed my beautiful cat.

"I feel good." She says walking up to us

"I bet, what is your power?" I ask

"It lets me steal things! I can steal almost anything object or not! Isn't that so sexy~" she purred into my chest in a very erotic way

"*cough* *cough* hey guys I'm still here so please stop my eyes can't take this," Harry said in mock pain

"Way to kill the mood son. Anyways make your way into the pod." I tell him

"Okay." he shrugged and walked in

"Ready son?" I asked

He had a big grin on his face and nodded





"START THE MACHINE YOU DAMN FOSSIL!" harry shouted bringing me out of my quick countdown

"Damn now I have to start over," I said in a sad tone





I pushed the button at 498 quickly starting the pod up. The process took a little longer than Felicia about an hour. When he came out the little guy looked cocky as hell.

"Tch out my way old man the God of Sound walking through!" Harry shouted out in glory

"Oh really hey God of sound can I ask you a question?" I said playing along

"What is it mortal," Harry said with glee

*fwwooom* I flung harry into a wall with my Telekinesis.

"Why is the God of sound in a wall right now?" I asked innocently

"*cough* fuck you old man."

"So your ability is to manipulate sound?" I ask

"Yeah, it's pretty cool and has some great potential defiantly worth the trouble," Harry responds now serious

"Well, I'm glad both of you got good abilities," I said

---- pov Charles Xavier ---

It happened again two new mutants awakened and I can't pinpoint them at all. Is Cerebro broken?

---- Caliban ---

Hmm, Two new mutants? Interesting. Oh, they just disappeared. I don't think Doc will care too much.

"Mmmm~ come back to bed Cali." the sensual voice of my girlfriend brought me out of my thoughts

"Haha, right away Betsy my love," I replied with a smirk

I'm not going to lie the booster serums from Doc do wonders to the body I don't look like a pile of walking bones now. I'm still bald but I pull it off.

---- Pov Felicia ---

It's been about two weeks since Norm awakened my X-Gene and I have been practicing using it every day.

Right now I'm fighting Taskmaster at the League base.

He goes for a strike with his sword but it disappears from his hand and into my own

"Hehe~." I let out a soft giggle

"You are insufferable." Tasky says

"Tasky why so serious~?" I said teasingly

"Shut up and fight me." he replied

"Gladly." I said and attacked

Using his sword i slashed at him and he took a step back

"I guess you can't even use the sword." He said mockingly

Tch he's right it's not like I can instantly gain the knowledge to wield it. I should just ditch it.

Wait! I got it! Raising my hand I point it at Tasky and think about stealing his knowledge and experience of swords.


Knowledge floods my brain and experience with the sword flood my body.

I immediately burst forward attacking him. We went back and forth and he lost because I kept stealing his stamina.

After the match, I feel something leave my body I can instantly tell what it was. The sword knowledge and experience I stole from Tasky.

It seems like there is a time limit on how long I can steal something.

Well, I should leave to get ready for the annual new year's party.

---pov Harry same time ----

My sense of hearing has improved tremendously and I have been practicing my control over sound. So far I came up with a cool ability where I snap my fingers and increase the sound output exactly when I snap that sends out a sound wave. It's awesome if I do say so myself.

"Hows is the training going kiddo?" my dad asks from behind me

How is it possible I didn't hear him? it makes no sense? Then I saw it his feet aren't even touching the ground he is hovering slightly above it.

My dad obviously noticed I noticed what he was doing.

"Cool right?" he asked

"Yeah pretty cool," I reply

"Want to fight mutant ability versus mutant ability?" I asked

"Sure kiddo." my dad responded

I immediately rushed toward him but I get flung back. Landing on my feet I clap my hand together sending a wave of sound toward him.

He's not even moving. The wave hits him he should be done for! I finally win!

But no he just stands there perfectly fine. Not even a wrinkle on his clothes.

"Decent." is the only thing he says.

Suddenly all of the training bots start to rush at me. They aren't even on so dad must be controlling them somehow.

Once they were all close I used my sound snap move and blew them all back except a few that used their allies as shields.

Forcing me to engage in close combat we fought. Me vs killer controlled robots I like those odds.

They are a lot harder to beat than usual because dad is controlling them. I have an idea though.

*pah* I punched a bot and he blocked it, that's what I wanted *bang* I pushed all of the sound from my first attack into a concentrated blast that blew up the hot. When the parts of it were flying away they stopped mid-air and flew at me I had no time to dodge as I was encased in blown-up robot parts like a cacoon.

"You did good but remember your voice also can create sound." my dad said walking out kg the room not before letting me go of course

Sigh, I guess I will get dressed for new year's.

----mc pov ----











"Happy new year's!!" Felicia, Harry, Peter, Ned, and their parents cheered

Well it's officially 2011 now one year before Loki tries to become king of earth. This year is going to be exciting I can already tell.


A/N: thank you Griffin138 for Felicias X-Gene idea. I hope y'all liked this chapter!