
Harry's birthday is soon as the new year just happened yesterday. I honestly have no clue what to get him, maybe invite the actor that played Lydia from Teen Wolf again. Harry does seem very confident that he will get her to fall in love with him.

Before Harry's birthday, I do have some business to take care of mainly the Leagues uprising. All of my sleeper agents are in a good position and they will be added by my regular agents. The whole world's underworld will change and those who have any relationship with the underworld no matter how small will know of the League's name and to not mess with us.

I have to admit it is a guilty pleasure wanting to rule something such as this after all if one gets an opportunity like mine why wouldn't you snatch it?

I plan to have my commanders to be my vassals in a sense. They all will be taking command of a specific city. Taskmaster will take Houston he liked that place apparently and he had a perfect location for more training venues. Yelena and John will take New York so Shang chi and Xialing can stay in school. Laura will take Beijing but she will mainly be here and have some trusted subordinates manage the city. Bullseye will take Shanghai no matter how crazy he is the man worked for Kingpin and has a good idea on how to manage the underworld. Elektra, Psylocke, Gambit, Rogue, and Raven want to be able to float between the city's under our control.

Of course, I will have bases in other cities I just want the major cities to have a commander in constant contact. Obviously, I will be in New York most of the time but I will keep in touch with the others every day. The purpose of these bases is one, to be a fallback just in case this one is compromised and two to have clear control in these cities, this provides multiple benefits such as proving we are a formidable force directly cutting off most attempts to harm the League, not like they would work but it's bothersome to have flies buzzing around constantly.

The second reason is to control the flow of information, I might have future knowledge of MCU events but this universe is clearly different than what I have watched. Asgardians are actual Gods and mutants are in this world that can change a lot of things so keeping a steady flow of information will be helpful. Lastly, more people will want to join the League, even if 1 out of 10 of those new people are strong then it's worth it that way I don't have to constantly plot and figure out how to find and recruit people.

I honestly pity Fury when he gets the news the poor cyclops will probably have a heart attack. Currently, I am in the command center of the base. Basically, it's just the middle of the base and has maps and monitors all around the room in holographic form.

Before me stood my trusty commanders, each one of them ready for the battle ahead. I'm not worried about losing I'm worried about winning and not being able to stabilize the League fast enough. Rapid growth can lead to some issues especially communication-wise.

"We will commence the takeover in thirty minutes," I spoke in a soft but firm voice

They all just nodded keeping silent.

----narrator pov 30 minutes later----

On a computer screen, multiple people can be seen in a meeting.

"Za League still haznt shown." a man of German descent spoke

"We know but don't worry they will soon enough." An Asian male said

Suddenly everyone in the meeting could see shadowy figures appear behind the other participants.

"Watch ou--" Someone tried to warn them but it was too late his head left his body, the other members of the meeting soon followed.

All around the world shadowy figures were making waves by taking out big figures in the underworld. One by one whole crime syndicates fell and a new legend carved their name into history.

Fresh recruits turned against their new bosses slaughtering anyone that didn't wish to bow down to the League.

Normal citizens this day January second, 2011 swear they saw shadows moving like demons dancing.

A priest saw a shadow creep behind a man walking down the street and swallow him whole. The priest came home that day and prayed for gods help.

In a single night, the world as a whole changed. Whether people liked to admit it or not the underworld had a massive influence on the general populace and even governments.

Dusk turned to dawn but the shadows never stopped dancing people never stopped dying and the earth was drenched in motes of blood. The underworld called this event the great uprising. The civilians called it the night of the demons. The governments that were impacted by the uprising called it the day paperwork became the true devil.

The day after it rained. As the soothing sound of rain hit the earth the blood started to wash away like tears from an angel the world wept for the lost lives of those that tried to fight back.

----pov mc ---

Actions have consequences, I didn't account for civilians trying to fight for the gangsters and criminals from the underworld. Most civilians probably didn't even know the real identity of those they tried to defend. And my agents killed the civilians because they thought that if they are helping the criminals they must be associated with them.

It was a huge oversight on my part and I honestly don't know how to feel the League of Shadows was always meant to not be a good or bad faction, but these are civilians that got hurt! Regular people. They had lives they had passions they had dreams they had commitments and loved ones they were untainted and just trying to stand up for what they assumed was right. Ignorance kills in more ways than one.

While the League was stabilizing to our new growth I shadow walked home. And walked outside to let the rain wash over my body.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist. Those arms obviously belonged to Felicia.

"You didn't know this would happen." her soft voice sounded so pleasant under this torrent of rain.

"What would Harry think?" I asked softly

"He's smart he would understand that you made a mistake," she replied with confidence

"What am I?" I asked softly

"You are Norman a loving father and great boyfriend," she replied immediately

We just stayed in silence. Her words repeated in my head over and over again. 'You are Norman a loving father and great boyfriend.'

After I while I finished my thoughts and came to a conclusion. I am Norman Osborn a father, boyfriend, and leader of the League of Shadows. I make mistakes and mess up occasionally because no one can be perfect, no one can make no mistakes, and, no one can take those mistakes back. The Avengers made Ultron and he killed thousands but they were still good people. I felt a burning determination filling my chest.

"My name is Norman Osborn, I'm not a Good man nor am I an evil one I walk along the tightrope of fate I don't care about what others think of me. I already know who I am. A loving Father and a soon-to-be loving husband. I will not dwell on the mistakes I made, instead, I shall conquer them to make sure no two of the same mistake happens again." my voice was soft but full of conviction

"I love you, Norm," Felicia said suddenly

Turning around to look at her I bent down and kissed her full of love.

"And I love you cat," I replied

---scene change pov narrator ---

In a certain cyclopses' office, a man with a deep scowl can be seen.

'In a single night, the dammed League completely took over the underworld so much blood was shed, and for what? To rule what does he gain out of this!' Fury thought

Furys day has been hell, first, he got called in late at night because of an emergency. Yeah, that emergency was more like a nuke-level threat in his eyes. He tried his hardest to send some help to take some members of the League out but it was all for naught. By the time shield showed up the uprising was in full swing they had no chance.

Fury reached for his phone and called someone.

{set up a meeting with the world counsel} Said, Fury

{yes sir} the person on the other end of the phone replied


Fury hung up after giving his order.

'They need to approve the Avengers initiative now' Fury thought

---pov mc ----

Later that night Harry, Felicia, and, I were all watching the news.

{Last night something truly tragic happened many innocent civilians died In what they are calling the Night Of Demons. We don't know much but what we do know is that apparently many saw the shadows dancing around claiming innocent lives. When I know more you will too so stay tuned!}

Harry looked at me and said, "that has something to do with you right?"

"Correct but the civilians stepped into a conflict. You see only people from the underworld were supposed to die." I replied in a cold tone

"So you're saying the innocent lives lost were just a casualty of your doing," Harry responded

"Yes, they shouldn't have tried to help it was foolish and suicidal," I stated

Leaving the couch I stop and say to Harry " it was an unfortunate mistake but I will not lose any sleep because of it."

Harry just stayed silent the whole time.

[ the next day]

It's been a day since the uprising, the League is now stabilized and I can say for a fact I control the underworld now.

Although I had a victory it was not sweet. But it was worth it I am Norman Osborn and I will not regret what I did because I'm neither foolish nor weak.

I immediately stopped all human trafficking attempts. The low-level agents are now in the export and import business instead of unwilling people it's those who want to escape or leave the country. I also stopped all drug trade in the areas I took under my control, although I kept soft drugs like weed I did eliminate drugs like coke and heroin.

I made the right move, I don't care what the League is viewed as. Why would I? I don't care for the opinions of the ignorant masses.

---end ---

Shorter chapter. I wanted to show that even though the MCS goal was accomplished he can make mistakes. Some ff I read have MCS doing everything flawlessly and not to be mean to those authors but mistakes are a big step for character growth. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.