The days passed by like a blur and before I knew it the date was already January eleventh, a day before Harry's fifteenth birthday, one he surely will remember.
Harry has taken a couple of skip days from school to adjust to his mutant ability namely the hearing aspect of things. Basically, he hears everything that is happening in a two-mile radius, making him unable to focus in school.
----Harry pov ---
I'm nervous about my birthday tomorrow, I can't even focus right now. The only thing that distracts me is training. A couple of weeks ago I saw the news and I was surprised dad was actually honest and not evasive like usual.
I'm kind of bothered by the killing of innocent people but my dad is my dad and I will always stand by him. What can you count on if not your family?
Dragging me out of my thoughts are the sounds of birds chirping, flies zooming around, the soft but strong footsteps of dad, and the heartbeat of mom. All of this noise is too much for me to handle it sounds as if everything is happening right in my ear. The annoying sounds of clock hands moving feel like a form of torture. Gathering my sound abilities I make a bubble around myself it's only a couple of inches around with me at the epicenter the bubble completely cuts off all sound from reaching my ears. In some ways, this could be an amazing assassination technique if used properly.
As I walk down the grand staircase my footsteps make no sound and I can't hear anything. I never thought there would be a day where I the charming and charismatic God of sound had to hide from my own damn footsteps.
Reaching the dining room it seems Dad and Mom waiting for me to come down before eating. Seeing this scene my lips thinned to form a small smile.
I saw both of their lips move obviously trying to say something to me but I can't hear them of course.
That's why used sign language to sign" I can't hear you both. Made a sound barrier."
"Makes sense." Dad signed back
---Narrator pov ----
Norman's house began to fill as the guest for Harry's birthday started to trickle in. So far Ned and his grandma are here, and Peter along with his aunt and uncle. Soon Holland Roden even walked through the front door joining the group., she is the actress of Lydia Martin.
Harry can be seen with small headphones in his ears courtesy of Norman. these headphones have advanced noise-canceling technology to help Harry control his mutant powers. He will only use them for school right now but outside of school and social events, Harry is forbidden to wear them because he might become too reliant on using the headphones all the time.
Currently, Harry is trying to flirt with Holland but it's not really working.
"So beautiful what brings you here," Harry asked in a gentlemanly tone
"I came here to see that cute birthday boy everyone is talking about and Norman also invited me," she replied
"Oh what do they say about this how did you put it ah yes dashingly handsome birthday boy?" harry asked excited to hear what she says
After all, they have met before.
"Did I say handsome? I meant cute like a little kid really." Holland replied with a victorious smirk as Harry retreats a distance to embarrassed to talk any further
After Harry's party and everyone leaves Norman puts on his plague doctor outfit and makes his way to Harry.
Entering the room Norman immediately says "wear this and make sure to call me boss or Doc"
Harry nodded and wordlessly put on the black assassin outfit with a black mask with blood-red music notes etched upon the surface.
After Harry got dressed Norman grabbed the child and then shadow walked to his base.
--pov mc ---
The rest of Harry's birthday was quite simple I brought him around the base and introduced him to some key members.
He had especially taken a liking toward Laura and Yelena. What a perv that son of mine. Anyways that leads us to here.
"So what does your organization really do?" Harry asked me once we were in my office
"It is to help grow my strength and influence. The world we live in isn't as safe as everyone seems to think it is, and I want enough strength and influence that people wouldn't even dare to mess with me or my family." I said in a calm voice
"No one even knows your identity so how could they be scared of your outside this persona?" Harry asks
"Who would mess with me I'm just a peace-loving, charity-giving Ceo. I don't have any enemies and if I did they wouldn't even be able to start with their plans against me." I said
"I see," Harry replied
"So you want me to join the League?" Harry asks
"Yes, I do however if you join you must wear your outfit at all times when around members, and you also won't be doing missions I deem too hard for you," I replied
"Hmm okay. By the way, dad why are there two students from my school here?" Harry asked sounding confused
" ah, they are adopted family members of two individuals in the league. We picked them up after I killed their dad. Don't worry though they hated him." I said
"Huh, how much are you hiding from me father?" Harry asked
"Not much you were just too young and naive at the time to know of this stuff," I said
"I understand," Harry replied
----break ----
It's been a couple of days since Harry's birthday and not much has been happening, Oscorp released a new laptop that is selling like crazy and the league has been stabilizing our hold on our new underworld empire.
The soft click of my shoes echoed across the long hallway leading to my press release. Many people have been asking about extra life and when it will be sold to all corners of the world because right now it's purely domestic.
Stepping onto the stage a flurry of bright lights and camera flashes bombarded my sight oh how I hate bright lights. It must be because of my connection to shadows that I deplore standing in the light.
Motioning with my hand to quiet everyone down I began my speech,
"Many have been asking me when I will release extra life to other nations. Many have been also saying I should keep the life-saving medicine domestic. But here and now I will tell the people no the world that new life will be available to countries that have allowed my company to build hospitals in their amazing cities. Why? Is the question many of you are asking and the answer is simple people are suffering from violence all over the world look what happened on January second so many innocent lives full of hope and passion got killed by evil that we know nothing about and it didn't just happen to us in our home country but to others. That is why extra life will be sold to all in need. Sadly not all countries agreed to my hospital plan but I will not rest until the lives of innocents can have the safety of knowing extra life is an option for them!" I said righteously
After my speech was done I was assaulted with a plethora of questions from all angles. I answered all questions with ease until one question made all reporters go quiet for my response.
"Mr. Osborn what is your opinion on the recent attacks the brotherhood of mutants has committed on the civilians of our country." the female reporter said
I took a while to formulate a response.
"the brotherhood of mutants has cost our great nation many innocent lives I can not and will not support such a baseless cause. They believe they are inherently superior in every way to us, people with no abilities to us the weak and vulnerable, and it saddens me to hear that. I believe everyone is equal I don't agree with them at all but I do have to say this those who have awakened the unique gift of the X-Gene should not be scorned or treated unfairly. But those who have used such a gift to commit acts of violence should be treated as criminals." I said then turned around and left the stage leaving the female reporter with stars and money symbols in her eyes.
---pov Felicia ---
"Wow, dad sure knows how to lie. He actually dared to call himself weak and vulnerable. And even said that whoever did those crimes on January second is evil. Talk about throwing yourself under the bus." Harry scoffed at the tv
"Hehe~ that's your father for you," I said
"I mean at this point if he said those attacks were orchestrated by him no one will believe it." Harry continued
"Fufufu of course they won't your father is just such a good guy," I said
"Yeah he's a Saint," Harry said rolling his eyes
----- Magneto pov---
I don't know what to think about Norman Osborn on one hand he just bashed me and my cause but on the other, he advocated for mutants and said that we should be treated fairly. I think I will spare this lesser being.
---pov Charles Xavier ---
Interesting this Norman Osborn guy doesn't hate mutants and even dares to publicly state that. I'm sure he will receive some backlash in the media. I want to meet this man and hear more of his thoughts now.
---narrator pov ---
Enhanced humans with their X-Gene awakened are called Mutants which is a known fact. It is also a fact that they are scorned and treated like dirt. Most mutants suffer from low self-confidence because of this and are too afraid to be themselves. But Norman Osborn did something that he had no idea the impact of which he caused. Just his small speech to the world addressing mutant-kind caused a big stir.
You see Norman miscalculated the influence and respect the masses have for him. All around the world, the people who watched his press conference thought deeply about what he said. Some even changed their mind about mutants but that was a small amount.
Many mutants watched Norman's speech and gained even more respect for the man. All they want is to be equal and have the same respect others have for each other given to them.
Unknown to the world a storm is brewing that will change everything.
----- Pov Norman ----
It's been a day since my press conference and right now I'm looking at the paper. It read.
Yesterday Norman Osborne said many shocking things but perhaps the most shocking was his speech about the brotherhood of mutants.
-see the speech on page 2
What does this entail for the future if mutant?
And the paper went on and on about my new hospital plan and my views on mutants. Even though I knew I was building an impressive following and fame I guess I just didn't realize the weight my words carried. I mean in my last life I could basically say anything I want and no one would care but in this life, many people care about my words. It's honestly a strange feeling.
---- Tony Stark pov ---
I just finished my amazing speech about the new Stark industries power-saving system when a reporter asked.
"Mr. Stark as iron man you have fought against the brotherhood of mutants many times what are your thoughts on this radical group and mutants in general. Mr. Osborn has already answered a similar question." the reporter said
Wow even using Norman's name to force an answer.
"I agree with Norman not all mutants are bad just the ones who try to cause harm." I gave a short answer then left
---- Norman pov ---
It seems that my words caused quite the stir because now that Tony agreed the country is abuzz with theories and constant 'new discoveries'. Some people on social media even said that Tony likes to have sex with mutants and that's why he agrees with me.
"So the great Norman Osborn likes having sex with mutants is that why you made me one~~~?" Felicia whispered into my ear
"Yeah, that's exactly why actually," I said lifting her chin and giving her a passionate kiss
"Mmm~~ this naughty mutant needs some punishment~." she moaned in between kisses
"OH COME ON YOU KNOW I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU ASSHOLES! SERIOUSLY NO RESPECT!" Harry's yell broke us out of our passionate favor
"Oh sorry kiddo I forgot about the whole I can hear everything situation," I said
"Yeah sorry oh great God of Sound!" Felicia chirped
"Tch you're forgiven for now," Harry said before leaving
Yeah, my son is in a weird Chuunibyou phase right now. He started reading Wuxia novels too I'm quite worried for the kid. I heard him practicing Mount Tai lines in his bedroom.
A/N: Around 2.2k words. Since I freed up 2011 I am going to create some au events that norman was the unknowing catalyst for. This arc will be heavily about mutants and stuff like that. Hope you enjoyed.