Chapter 13: Tectonic Movements

Kaiza floated around in a black void, he couldn't see, hear, smell, taste or feel anything. He couldn't tell right from left or up from down, he was empty, his whole life was an empty mess, he never knew his parents the Sinful Seven ruined him, all for a stupid plan. For once he felt fine with just floating there, he no longer needs to worry about this pointless war.

Back in the world of the living, Kaiza was laying in bed, Ryu was overlooking him, he was hooked up to a monitor, his heart was beating just fine, but there were no signs of life coming from Kaiza, his body was slowly turning pale, he also looked to be aging. Ryu stands still showing no signs of concern, but he remembered a certain memory that happened roughly twenty-five years ago.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Ryu was back at the HQ for the New Assassin's located in the Bermuda Triangle, he was sorting out files, feeling a presence behind him, he pulled out his katana, spinning around fast aiming at their neck. The blade passed through the hood of the mysterious person, but it dealt no damage to the person.

"I congratulate you on being able to sense me, Ryu Roka." The Person said their voices were male and female, young and old.

"I wasn't brought upon for measly talking, tell me who you are before I strike you down from where you stand." Ryu said, threatening.

"Ah but that is something you wouldn't be able to do even if you had the strength." The Person said. "Ryu Roka, you're a man who shows a promising future."

"Enough your nonsense!" Ryu yelled, slicing through the person.

The cloaked person dropped to the ground, only showing robes, but after a few seconds moved back up.

"What trick is this?" Ryu asked.

"Black Magic." The Person said, reaching into one of their sleeves pulling out a scroll, dropping it onto the table.

"Tale of The Child of The Devil.

This Child raised from a land of Dust,

Will become a warrior of all that is Just,

Will defeat the first with the power of Gust,

Who will gain an untold power from one who is contains nothing but Lust,

When all is done must be return to the life of Dust,

For he will end it all with the power of those he Trusts."

After their story, the person vanished, Ryu took the scroll and started reading through it. After reading through it all, he sat there in silence.

Ten years passed, Ryu had traveled to the Netherlands, when he arrived he was brought to a young wild child that was found out in the coastal sea, Ryu took it upon him to raise him until he grew into a strong man, with the wild boy becoming who Ryu knew as Jan.

Ten more years passed, Ryu had traveled to Japan for a mission, a tall building called the Heaven's Rite Foundation blinded the city of Tokyo from afar, a girl in her earlier 20 hurries passed him, without knowing but she was Sora Ichidame, during his travel Ryu saw a gang teaming against one guy who lead to the gang's defeat and disbanding, the leader Gishiki Tenshi continued until his defeat once again by the man who defeated his gang, who was none other than Kaiza Akuma.

Five years later, Ryu watched from the sidelines as Kaiza encountered Akumu, as their clash led to the crack in the sky and Akumu took Hikari. After meeting Kaiza and sending him off, he went into his tent.

"It's been Twenty-Five years since I encountered that strange person. The Story is coming true, these events have been set since long before any of us, but for how long?" Ryu thought to himself.

On Present Day, Ryu looks at Kaiza's current form in his unconscious state.

"Half of your story has passed, how long will it be till the rest happens?" Ryu asked the unconscious Kaiza.

Ryu leaned his head back, rubbing his face, sighing.

"I'm getting too old for this." Ryu said, leaving the room.

Desiree slipped into the room, shutting the door, growing into her older self, pulling out a dagger, looking at Kaiza, with an evil grin.

"Dear Kaiza, if only you were smarter, then you wouldn't be here at my mercy." Lust said, cutting his shirt open, seeing the device wrath put into his chest was affecting him, purple and orange cracks were spreading from his chest, she put the point of the dagger over Kaiza's heart, pushing down hard.

Back to the other group

Greed and Malum were destroying anything in the area, Greed swipes to the left, just for Malum to stop him and counteract him. Which Greed countered with his own hit, destroying a building in the process. Greed turned into his demon fox form, his tail splitting down the middle forming two tails, using the tails to hold Malum's arms, jumping up to kick Malum in the chest.

Malum jumped back, losing his sleeves in the process, obviously mad.

"Do you know how much this suit costs!" Malum yelled.

"You could have done perfectly as the Sin of Greed, you're far more greedier, then I am." Greed said, burning the sleeves. "I recommend that you start being serious, remember my time limit dear brother."

Greed's tails grew a third tail, as his body became more flame like as his body color went from yellow to orange, the asphalt under him, started getting hotter, as he rushed at Malum, hitting him creating burns on Malum's skin, knocking him back and appears behind Greed cutting off his tails.

Greed let out a laugh, smacking Malum upside the head with the back of his right hand, sending him a few meters back, destroying buildings in the process.

"You poor old fool, these humans have made you weak." Greed said angry. "The attacks you dealt me are mine, father should have never halved the power of Greed, the power is mine, everything is mine!"

Greed grew six tails, as his body became more foxlike, growing a longer snout, slimmer body, his color was a dark hue of yellow to almost white, melting everything around him.

"Kaiza should be dead any second now, you have failed to protect him, just like your miserable family!" Greed shouted.

Malum limped forward, popping his arm back into place, looking at Greed with no concern on his face, annoying Greed to no bound, rushing as Malum melted a path straight at him.

"Kaiza won't die easily." Malum said.

The scene pans back to Kaiza

The dagger Lust had used, had bent to the right, as a barrier protected him. Malum's voice still spoke.

"Kaiza isn't someone who will give up, no matter what puts him down, he will remember he is only human and is allowed to make mistakes."

"Enough!" Greed screamed.

"Also sorry for not being more serious dear brother." Malum said.

Greed sailed past Malum, dropping to his knees, revealing a hole where his heart should be and his headless body.

"Good bye dear brother." Malum said, destroying Greed's heart and head, as a black symbol flew out of Greed's body going toward the Crusader Dreadnaught. "Time for a much needed suit shopping trip."

Back with Kaiza

Kaiza awoke to an empty room, getting up slowly, removing the tube from his arm, getting up out of bed slowly, walking out of the room.

"You're gonna need these." Ryu said, holding Hell's Access II and the deck of Contract Cards.

Kaiza nodded, taking them and left.

"Now back to you traitor." Ryu said, turning to Lust.

A few minutes prior

"You would be surprised what a simple Barrier Slip could do." Ryu said, walking in.

Lust jumped up rushing at Ryu, just for Ryu to slap a high level Electricity Slip onto Lust's chest, frying her in place, causing her to black out.

Back to the present

"Kaiza is a simple man, but you have no way of stopping us." Ryu said.

Lust started laughing out loud.

"The Sinful Seven are nothing compared to the Master, we all say it, but no one under Wrath can defeat him, who do you think can stop him!" Lust said loudly.

Ryu put a Silence Slip on her head, as she lost her voice, but she continued giving a quiet laugh.

"We will see about that." Ryu said.

Kaiza ran out of the Crusader Dreadnaught after getting the run down from Jan, after stepping out the black symbol from Greed collides with Kaiza, as yellow cracks spread out from the device in his chest, he fixed his shirt, his vision faded as he doubled over and blacked out.

The void met Kaiza, the scene didn't stay as it started to become the throne room from Gluttony's memory, once again baby Kaiza was with Lust, he looked to be about two years old now.

"This is an outrage!" Greed shouted, as he walked into the room with Malum following close behind him.

"This is Father's wish brother." Malum said.

"Screw his wish, that power is mine, everything should be mine!" Greed yelled.

"Brother, calm yourself at once." Malum said, putting his hand onto Greed's shoulder.

Greed smacked Malum's hand off him, spinning and swinging for a punch.

"Be quiet, you were always Father's favorite!" Greed shouted, aiming for Malum's face.

Malum knocked his arm to the side, knocking Greed to the ground.

"Maybe you truly don't deserve the half of the power that you have, maybe Father should have only chosen one person." Malum said, turning around and leaving.

"Shut the fuck up!" Greed shouted.

The scene soon faded, as Kaiza woke up shortly after, laying on the open panel for the exit of the Crusader Dreadnaught, he got himself up and headed in the direction he was told that the others went.

After a while of running, Kaiza took a breath.

"Stupid idea thinking that I could make it, by just running. Where is Blazing Hound when you need it." Kaiza said to himself, then remembered the last time he used it and he shuddered.

The sound of an engine echoed through the area, Kaiza looked back seeing Blazing Hound drive up next to him, Kaiza placed his hand upon the top of it, as the engine purred.

"Why am I afraid, not only are Diavolo, Tundra and Vent my dearest allies, you are dear to me also." Kaiza said calmly, getting on top of Blazing Hound, as he gunned the engine. "Blazing Hound, let's ride!"

Over with the rest of the group

Akumu, Gishiki and Sora cornered the Golem in an alley.

"Buddy calm down, we aren't here to hurt you, we have someone helping out helping your animals." Gishiki said.

The Golem reacted to this nodding, walking forward.

"There should be blood shed, not talking things out peacefully." A voice spoke up, as a girl walked out of the Golem's hideout.

The Golem looked at them visibly shocked.

"So who is the boy, from what Kaiza mentioned with their appearance, they must be Sloth." Akumu said.

"How do you know he is Sloth?" Gishiki asked.

"He has a lazy appearance." Akumu said.

"Guys I think you're ticking her off." Sora said.

"I'm a girl!" Sloth shouted.

"Or a boy who hasn't hit puberty yet." Akumu said.

Sloth took out a handheld device, hitting random buttons until a swarm of golems appeared at the other side of the alley, the Golem they went to help, groaned, stepping toward them.

"You may have pushed her too far." Gishiki said.

"Shut up Gishiki, you egged her along." Akumu said.

The three Warriors each took out their transformation devices, putting them on, taking out their cards and ring.

"Henshin!" The three yelled in unison.

"Form Change: Raphael." Heaven's Schiff chimed.

"Form Change: Ripa." Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

"Form Change: Puppeteer." Hell's Access I chimed.

The Warriors were overrun by the golems ahead of them, as they dodged attacks from the Golem they were trying to help. They were getting overrun, as more golems continued filling the ever shrinking alley, Ripa put his ring once into his Apocalyptic Driver.

"Death's Vortex." Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

Curved blades formed at Ripa's heels, then started spinning himself around.

"Hit the deck!" Puppeteer yelled.

She dove to the ground, as Arch grabbed a hold of the Golem, pulling him to the ground, Sora created a barrier out of the earth, keeping the three of them safe. A vortex formed above Ripa, the golems held their place, but Ripa started moving faster, as they were pulled toward the vortex breaking apart.

Ripa stood up after all the golems fell, Sloth stepped out of her hiding place, then punched the buttons on her device, making the remains of the golems, form together creating a colossal. Ripa ran toward her about the hit her with his scythe but a chill ran down his back making him stop in place, Sloth eyes widened, as she took a step back, causing Ripa to look back, there with the Golem lifted off the ground, with Puppeteer and Arch on the ground. Was none other than Wrath.

"All fun and games until someone loses a life, dear Akumu I would reframe hurting dear Sloth, she is key to all of this." Wrath said, removing the core from the Golem's chest, that was meant to keep him moving. "Let's get out of this small alley."

The colossal moved picking up both Puppeteer and Arch, Wrath rushed forward, kicking Ripa so hard in the chest, shooting him backwards and landed two blocks away, Wrath walked toward the direction of Ripa, Sloth followed with the colossal following right above.

The scene moved over to Kaiza

He noticed a large vortex forming, then followed by a colossal. Kaiza knew something was up so he gunned the engine, the closer he got to the area, the farther the colossal got. Kaiza stopped by the alley where he first met the Golem, he glanced down the alley, as his eyes went wide, he got off Blazing Hound, making his way over to the lifeless Golem.

Kaiza fell to his knees, laying his right hand on the area where the core used to be. Kaiza's phone rang, he took it out and answered it.

"Kaiza, have you found the Golem?" Jan asked.

"Yeah I have." Kaiza replied. "How are the animals?"

"They are gonna pull through, I will bring them to him soon, tell me where you are." Jan replied.

"Keep them there and safe." Kaiza said.

"But they would want …" Jan was saying.

"Keep them there, he would like that!" Kaiza shouted.

"Y-Yes sir!" Jan yelled. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Jan you're a good man, but you will have to man up, things are changing." Kaiza said. "And Jan, he is gone, make sure they are safe and come join the fight, you will see the Colossal."

"Yes sir!" Jan yelled. "Again, I didn't mean that."

Kaiza hung up, looking down at the deceased Golem, the Golem faded away as Kaiza grasped what remained, looking down at his hand, then he got up heading over to Blazing Hound, getting onto it, gunning the engine toward the Colossal.

The scene moved over to Jan

He gave a fresh burnt pizza to the dog, rubbing it's head, he notified Aizo the news then got ready to leave, until Ryu stopped him.

"One second Jan." Ryu said.

"Yes sir?" Jan asked.

"Do you know Miss Desiree?" Ryu asked.

"Yeah fun little kid." Jan said.

"Miss Desiree is Lust of the Sinful Seven, her main focus is Kaiza." Ryu said. "If you can keep Kaiza focused, I can eliminate her."

Jan stood there dumb founded, then thought for a bit.

"I will not follow that order sir." Jan said calmly.

Ryu looked at him surprised, then spoke.

"This is a new you Jan, you would have jumped at the chance to rid a demon."

"Someone gave me a chance to grow up free and to do things I wouldn't have been able to." Jan spoke. "Give Desiree a chance, Kaiza would help her."

Jan turned walking away.

"One more thing Jan. Project Dragon is a go." Ryu said.

Jan nodded and left.

"Kids grow up so fast." Ryu said.

Back with the other group

Ripa was in the midst of fighting off both Wrath and Sloth, well mostly fending off Sloth, Wrath got in a few hits that Ripa couldn't dodge, a light shone from the Colossal's hands, as Puppeteer and Arch broke free from the Colossal's hands teaming up with Ripa.

The sound of an engine got closer, as Kaiza drove up then parked getting off Blazing Hound, walking toward the group.

"Welcome Sir Kaiza, did you enjoy the gift that I left you?" Wrath asked jokingly.

"Wrath I have had enough of you, you have been taking too many innocent lives." Kaiza said

"They are all loyal sacrifices to continue our plan, they should be grateful!" Wrath shouted to the sky.

"Shut the hell up Wrath!" Kaiza yelled.

"You know nothing of Hell mortal." Wrath spoke calmly. "But I will accept your anger and let you get one hit on me."

Kaiza raised his right hand, then flipped him off.

"Fuck you Wrath." Kaiza said calmly.

Kaiza ran up to him, as Wrath smiled wide, Kaiza swung his right hand, four color rings appeared, one red, blue, green and yellow. Once his fist connected with the left side of Wrath's face, he was knocked off his feet, much to the shock of Sloth, Ripa, Puppeteer, Arch and Wrath.

Wrath stood up and cracked his neck, then shouted.

"Where the hell did you get that power!"

"Don't know and I don't care, I can knock you off your feet just fine." Kaiza said.

Wrath charged at him, Kaiza put Hell's Access II against his waist, then pulled out a card from his waist pack, then put it into Hell's Access II.

"Henshin!" Kaiza yelled. "The earth the connects all, these bonds are held together by the Warrior of Earth"

"New Contract!" Hell's Access II chimed. "Form Change: Tectonic."

The Earth under Kaiza rumbled, as two rock slabs shot up out of the ground, slamming into Kaiza, Puppeteer yelled out, the rock slabs broke away revealing Kaiza's new form. Rocks spine ran up his spine, connected to a rock tail, with rock claws on his hands and feet, bulky rock shoulder guards, an upside down arrow running down his chest, with a tiki-like head.

"Earth Warrior Tectonic." Diavolo said.

Kaiza held his place as Wrath charged into him, he slid back a bit, raising both his hands, locking his hands together, smashing it down into Wrath's back, knocking him down into the ground. Wrath roared out, starting to become his demon form, slashing at Kaiza, but Kaiza jumped back, pushing a card into Hell's Access II.

"Weapon Chosen: Orc Cleaver." Hell's Access II chimed.

The Orc Cleaver formed in both of Kaiza's hands, swinging it toward Wrath. Ripa ran forward, but stopped as the Colossal swung an arm down at him, Heilige jumped in front of him, cutting the hand off.

"Status report." Heilige said.

"Um, Colossal bad, Wrath and Kaiza fight, Sloth lazy." Ripa said.

"Thanks … hey you saying I'm an idiot?" Heilige asked.

"Hey, you said it, not me." Akumu said.

Sloth made the Colossal swing it's arm at the four remaining Warriors, they half blocked the hit and jumped back. Heilige raised his right arm up, pressing the forearm as a screen came up, as he started typing something out.

"Project Dragon is a go, call in War Horse, Blazing Hound, Angelic Chariot, Death's Beast and Jeep #1."

The Five Vehicles drove up, much to everyone's surprise.

"How are they even moving without a driver?" Arch asked.

"Due to them being designed after Blazing Hound's blueprints and data, they can move on their own." Heilige said.

"Where did you even get the data on Blazing Hound?" Ripa asked.

"I do not know myself, shortly after Kaiza joined, er forced into Heaven's Rite Foundation, the science group found a document that contained the data for Blazing Hound, from an unknown source." Puppeteer said. "I decided not to inform sir um Wrath, which turned out to be in my favor."

"Code: Combine and Conquer is a go." Heilige said.

"Project Dragon Activated!" The screen chimed.

The windows to the jeep were covered in iron panels, the turret was pulled into the vehicle, Angelic Chariot drove up a ramp that came out of the back of the jeep, it unfolded itself becoming large wings and connected itself to the open hatch where the turret was. War Horse drove into the front of the jeep, splitting in half, connecting itself to the frames of the wheels, pushing itself off the ground.

Death's Beast moved to the back, splitting itself in half, as it formed back legs and a long scythe like tail. Blazing Hound reformed itself forming a dragon's head that connected to the front of the jeep, the jeep's body opened up, removing portions of its armor forming a slimmer form, as all the pieces turned crimson with black lining through its body and it roared out loudly.

The Dragon flapped its wings, picking itself off the ground, flying toward the Colossal, the head glowed bright orange as fire erupted from its mouth, burning part of the Colossal, as the Colossal tried to swat the Dragon out of the sky.

Kaiza was knocked over to the others, as Wrath walked over, sighing.

"Strength of the Earth is only so strong as to damage me for only a bit." Wrath said. "But thanks to you, I have gotten stronger myself."

A familiar snake slithered out of Diavolo's armor, slithering over to Wrath, growing into a monster, looking back at Kaiza.

"Such a tasty life, I'm so envious." Envy said grinning.

"Envy you have gained enough strength, it's time to complete your journey." Wrath said.

"Of shame, I would have loved to last a bit longer." Envy said.

Envy walked over to Wrath, biting into his neck, fusing with Wrath, white cracks covered his body shattering, as he stepped out of his old skin, revealing a new body mixed with red and white colors, looking like a fusion of a dragon and a snake, getting more of a great dragon.

"Time for the final plan to start." Wrath said, walking toward the group.