Chapter 14: Hidden Power

Wrath unleashed a shock wave of red and white energy, cracking the ground around him, as the blast hit the Warriors off their feet and removed their transformations. The Dragon flew down, breathing fire on Wrath, just for Wrath to raise his right hand, creating a force field to stop the fire.

Sloth was scooped up by the Colossal, as they made their way toward the crack in the sky that both Kaiza and Akumu both made after they first clashed, Wrath looked toward the group.

"It has been fun everyone, but if you want to try and stop me, I give you three days, that is how long it will take me to open the crack in the sky." Wrath said.

Wrath looked toward Kaiza, raising his right hand up, forming a ball of energy.

"It has been fun, Mister Kaiza." Wrath said.

The others tried getting up and moving toward Kaiza. Wrath looked toward them, raising his left hand, as white spears formed in the sky, bringing his left hand down, causing the spears to run through everyone's limbs, causing all but Sora to scream out in pain.

"Envy's ability is very useful." Wrath said. "Farewell Mister Kaiza."

The ball of energy shot forward, as everyone screamed, the ball expanded engulfing Kaiza.

"KAIZA!" Sora screamed.

Wrath laughed out, turning as he walked away from the group, a beam shot out from the ball, going through the right wing of Wrath. Wrath turned around mad, as the ball broke away, surprising everyone.

What stood in place of the ball was the forms of Diavolo, Tundra, Vent and Tectonic, standing in front of an unconscious Kaiza, unknown images pulsed behind the forms that shortly disappeared.

"Seems like you still have some fight in you." Wrath said, leaving. "Remember three days and this may help with something."

Wrath removed the black symbol of Envy out of him and let it fly toward Kaiza, leaving the area, as the spears broke away from the others, Kaiza's forms returned to being cards and fell in front of him.

Sora's wounds healed, getting up, going over to Kaiza, kneeling down next to him, picking up the four cards looking at Kaiza, then the cards, then back at Kaiza. Jan commanded the Dragon to return to them, having it open and they placed Kaiza inside, then headed for the Crusader Dreadnaught.

Kaiza was once again met with the black Void, the scene changed to the lair of the Sinful Seven, through the eyes of Envy, Kaiza could see a three-year-old version of himself running from Envy, as she chased after him.

"God dammit get back here you trouble maker!" Envy screamed.

"Catch me if you can, Aunt Envy." Kaiza said, laughing.

"I'm not your fucking Aunt!" Envy screamed.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." Kaiza said. "You love that word."

"Envy!" Lust yelled, as she came over to Kaiza, picking him up.

"Mommy!" Kaiza said loudly.

Envy glared over at Lust.

"Keep your little hellion under control, Lust." Envy said. "He should feel Envious of other happy families."

"There are other kids?" Kaiza asked.

"No dear, Aunt Envy is just being annoying." Lust said. "Well there is one girl, but we can't find her."

"Bet she shows more Envy than Kaiza." Envy said.

The scene soon faded, as Kaiza waited to wake up soon. But after what felt like a couple of minutes, he didn't wake up, he returned to losing his senses, soon four balls of light surrounded Kaiza, each ball being the colors of Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.

The scene shifted to Kaiza's room

He was lying in bed unconscious, Sora was sitting next to his bed, holding his hand, seeing for any signs of him waking up at all. Hikari walked into the room, checking up on her.

"Hey, you really need to get something to eat." Hikari said.

"You know that I have no need to eat, but thanks." Sora said. "How are the others?"

"Akumu won't come out of his room, Gishiki continues training and Jan is reviewing strategies with Ryu." Hikari said. "While I stay behind and feel completely useless."

"You're not useless, if you weren't at the scene when Akumu appeared, he may have been still going on a rampage." Sora said.

"Yeah, but I haven't done anything special since." Hikari said.

"You keep me sane." Akumu said, walking in. "You wouldn't believe living as basically an immortal being, seeing constant death everywhere I go, you help keep me sane, you have been a great help."

Hikari looked down, as her cheeks turned red, with Sora giving a sly smile.

"How about you two lovers go get a room." Sora said.

"We might just do that." Akumu said.

"Stop being so weird." Hikari said.

The two of them left, as Sora looked at Kaiza losing her small.

"Wake up Kaiza, I miss your cheeky personality." Sora said, getting up and leaving.

Shortly after Lust walked into the room, looking over Kaiza, then undid his shirt examining his chest and the device in his chest, showing new white and yellow cracks. Lust slid her fingers along the cracks, they pulsed with energy, she covered his chest looking around the room.

"I know Ryu stopped me, but why am I happy about that? He is a sacrifice for the Master." Lust said. "Why are my memories of Kaiza coming back? He ruined six years of my life."

Lust spotted something on Kaiza's desk, moving over to pick it up, it was a small red and black figurine made of straw and dye.

"He still has this, silly." Lust said, laughing, opening a window, getting ready to throw it.

She stopped then looked at the toy, feeling something wet roll down her cheek, raising a hand wiping it off, looking at it.

"A tear?" Lust questioned. "We should not be able to show emotion."

Lust held the toy to her chest, falling down to her knees crying. Ryu was standing outside the room, listening to everything, and he soon left, leaving Lust alone.

The scene returned to the Void

The Blue Orb glowed, giving Kaiza his hearing back.

"Kaiza Akuma for the cause of starting this war, you are hereby stripped of your powers." The Blue Orb said.

Kaiza tried to say something but couldn't, as the Green Orb gave Kaiza back his voice.

"Speak up." The Green Orb said.

"Alright, you can take my powers."

"What!" The Yellow Orb said aloud.

"You are the four who gave them to me, it's your choice to take them." Kaiza said.

"How do you know there are four of us, you can't even see?" The Blue Orb said.

"I don't need to see to know who you are, Diavolo, Tundra, Vent and Tectonic." Kaiza said.

The Red Orb let out a loud laugh.

"Those are the names that were given to us as your power, we have had many names over the years, aided countless warriors in their fight for good." The Red Orb spoke. "But you are a rare case, you are the first being that we decided to help and whose destiny has been set hundreds of years ago."

"The Mark on your hand represents your connection to this destiny." The Blue Orb said.

"Let us tell you a tale and you will choose the next step in your journey." The Yellow Orb said.

"I don't have much of a choice do I?" Kaiza asked. "Can I at least get some popcorn?"

"No." The Green Orb said.

"Dammit." Kaiza said.

"Many years ago, in a place you never heard of." The Blue Orb said.

"Detroit?" Kaiza asked.

"Shut up Kaiza." The Green Orb said.

"In the land of knights and magic, a powerful wizard saw the end of times, as the safety head created the four of us to spread out, give powers to those that are worthy of our help." The Blue Orb said.

"But Kaiza you are the first person whose body has been able to handle all four of us." The Green Orb said. "Our powers were trapped inside four monsters from the world of Chaos."

"A Yeti." The Blue Orb said.

"A Harpy." The Green Orb said.

"A Golem." The Yellow Orb said.

"I know I met those three, but what about Diavolo?" Kaiza asked.

"A Demon." The Red Orb said. "Kaiza you are this Demon."

"Well then, that is some big news." Kaiza said.

"You don't sound so surprised?" The Blue Orb said.

"Well I have a weird healing factor, it explains the vision I had after defeating Pride. But I don't have some monstrous form like the Sinful Seven, why is that?" Kaiza asked.

"You are a different type of Demon, you are part of a Low Tier class who doesn't have a monster form." The Yellow Orb said.

"So with your powers, you help me enhance my body to become that of a Mid Tier Demon?" Kaiza asked.

"He catches on fast." The Green Orb said.

"So it's the Red Orb's fault that I became more of a monster?" Kaiza asked.

"Your anger at the time accelerated your evolution, if you were not stopped you would have become a High Tier Demon." The Red Orb said.

"Wouldn't that have been helpful to defeat the Sinful Seven?" Kaiza asked.

"It would have been, but if you had gone High Tier, there would have been no return, only a being of equal strength would have been able to stop you, but we are not fully sure about that ourselves since you are a rare case." The Red Orb said.

Kaiza floated there taking in the knowledge, then realized something, speaking up.

"If your essence were turned into that of a card, then what about that of Angelo?"

"Angelo essence is like ours, but we haven't been to contact them." The Blue Orb said.

"I shouldn't have ripped the card then." Kaiza said.

"That means you released them from their bindings, they are most likely floating around somewhere, choosing a worthy successor." The Yellow Orb said.

"I think I know my choice." Kaiza said.

"We acknowledge your answer and know what it would be." All Four said.

Kaiza nodded, as he vanished from the group.

"I think this one is my favorite warrior." The Green Orb said.

"He has faced a lot to get where he is." The Blue Orb said.

"He still has more challenges to go." The Yellow Orb said.

"Was that enough to convince you?" The Red Orb asked.

"Yes, thank you for this chance." A New Voice said. "He has so much potential."

Back in the Real World

Kaiza awoke in his room, a desk lamp was on, there was the sound of heavy rain outside his window, Kaiza laid there thinking about the info he was given, the bomb of thunder rang through the small room, followed by a soft gasp. Kaiza looked up, looking around, seeing the shape of someone, shining the desk lamp on them and seeing Desiree.

"What are you doing here?" Kaiza asked.

"I'm sorry, I came to check up on you, then it started thundering and I freaked out." Desiree said.

Kaiza sighed a bit, then moved over in his bed.

"Come and lay with me." Kaiza said.

"But, I'm a complete stranger and I'm too big for your bed." Desiree said.

"Nonsense, a stranger is just someone I have yet to annoy." Kaiza said.

Desiree let out a soft giggle, moving, laying in the bed, clenching something.

"What are you holding?" Kaiza asked.

Desiree opened her hand, revealing the small figurine.

"Oh wow you found that." Kaiza said.

"You can have it back." Desiree said softly.

"You keep it, someone very special to me gave it to me when I was younger, it helped me through a lot." Kaiza said. "You are about my age when I realized I had it, so let it help you."

"B-But I might break it." Desiree said.

Kaiza closed Desiree's hand around the figurine, kissing her forehead, causing Desiree's cheeks to turn red.

"I know it won't break, you will keep it safe." Kaiza said softly.

Desiree nodded gently.

"Look at you two all happy." Sora said, walking into the room.

"Look Desiree, it's mommy." Kaiza said.

"I missed you Kaiza." Sora said.

"Well how can anyone miss me." Kaiza said.

Sora slipped into the bed with the both of them, with Desiree in the middle, they both hugged her.

"Why are you two being so nice to me?" Desiree asked.

"Because we are good people." Kaiza said.

"You good?" Sora asked.

"Hey, I'll try my best." Kaiza replied.

Desiree laughed a bit, as tears rolled down her cheeks, making both Kaiza and Sora hug her tighter.

"You're our daughter now." Kaiza said.

"Thank you." Desiree said, still crying.

Time passed the next two days, as everyone trained, planned strategies, enjoyed their time together getting ready to end this fight.

"Ryu, there has been a new change!" A Soldier yelled.

"What is going on?" Jan asked.

"Five Pillars have appeared overnight." The Soldier said.

Bringing up the map, the soldier put pinpoints where the pillars appeared, Kaiza got up grabbing a marker, drawing lines from each pinpoint, then stepped back.

"A Pentagon, or a pentagram, Wrath is using the people at the Heaven's Rite Foundation as sacrifices!" Gishiki said aloud.

"Send Soldiers to each Pillar and remove them by any means." Ryu said.

"Yes Sir!" The Soldier said, leaving.

"Let me go with them." Jan said.

"I need you and the other Warriors to stop Wrath." Ryu said.

"Yes Sir!" Jan said.

Jan turned to leave, but Ryu stopped him.

"The Dire Wolf is complete, bring him with you." Ryu said.

Jan pumped his arm, heading for the armory.

"Stay safe." Ryu said, to the rest.

They nodded then left.

Ryu studied the map, looking at everything.

"Is this really the end of all of this?" Ryu asked himself.

Kaiza was getting ready to leave, Desiree got in his way to stop him.

"I don't want you to go, I don't want to lose you, you finally made me happy." Desiree said.

Kaiza looked at her, giving a soft smirk, kissing her forehead.

"I won't be going anywhere, I will come back in one piece." Kaiza said.

"No he will kill you, he does that to people he doesn't like!" Desiree yelled.

Kaiza walked by her with his stuff ready.

"Next time I see you, be ready to be part of a real family." Kaiza said.

Desiree fell to her knees clenching her fists, hitting the ground.

"You had the power to stop him and yet you didn't, why is that?" Ryu said, walking in.

"He would have killed me, if he found out the truth." Desiree said.

"If you truly think that then you don't know Kaiza." Ryu said. "Kaiza has been able to love monsters like yourself, he learns to understand his enemies, he is the real leader of the group, he let's others grow."

Desiree looked at her hands, then looked up at Ryu.

"I will protect Kaiza's daughter." Ryu said, leaving.

Wrath was awaiting the arrival of the Warriors, he stood outside the Heaven's Rite Foundation, a swarm of goblins, orcs, harpies, golems and a couple of colossals. An explosion rang out from the front of the swarm, Wrath looked over seeing Heilige driving forward with a Dire Wolf following behind, Jan pressed a button, as his body fused with the War Horse, becoming a gestalt cannon, unleashing an energy blast through the crowd.

Wrath grabbed a golem by the neck, using it to block the blast, he dropped the useless body, once the body made a thud on the ground, Wrath was surprised with a rush attack from Ripa in his Famine Form, slashing his Famine Daggers at Wrath's throat.

Wrath jumped back, only to be met with a strong kick to the back from Puppeteer, he fell forward as a circle on the ground surrounded him, as Gishiki thrusted his polearm upward causing a pillar of holy energy to cover Wrath. Wrath roared out, creating another shock wave knocking the Warriors off their feet.

"Wrath!" Kaiza said aloud.

Wrath looked over at him and grinned.

"Well if it isn't Mister Kaiza Akuma, have you been able to train enough to face off against me?" Wrath asked.

Kaiza took out Hells Access II, moving it onto his right hand, slamming it into the ground.

"Henshin!" Kaiza shouted.

"Explosion!" Hell's Access II chimed. "The eruption of emotions unlocks the next step. The Blazing Beast roars loudly"

Hells Access II shattered revealing a slimmer and edged model, his right arm started changing, Blazing Hounds pieces flew toward him, Kaiza's under armor became black, as the pieces connected to him, gaining a more animal appearance, Kaiza stood up looking toward Wrath.

"Blazing Warrior Diavolo Blazing Beast." Diavolo said.