Chapter 15: Awaken the Truth

Diavolo rushed forward, slashing down across Wrath's chest, rotating mid spin, cutting Wrath with his bladed tail, then hit him with the spiked heel of his right foot. Wrath stumbled back, roaring out creating a shock wave to knock Diavolo off his feet, but Diavolo didn't budge, he put his hands together, charging a red and black ball of energy launching it at Wrath, once it connected with Wrath, he was pushed backwards a couple of feet, diverting the ball into a building.

"Where the hell are you getting all this new power!" Wrath shouted.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Diavolo said.

Wrath growled, forming two balls of energy in the palm of his hands, clenching his fists, rushing at Kaiza, swinging both of his fists at Kaiza. Kaiza knocked back both of Wrath's blows, charging another ball of energy, clenching his fist, upper cutting Wrath in the jaw, knocking Wrath off his feet.

"Sloth do it now!" Wrath roared.

The ground around the Heaven's Rite Foundation glowed with black symbols, cords and iron poles shot into Wrath's back.

The scene panned over to Ryu

"Ryu somethings not right!" A Soldier yelled over the radio.

"What is going on over there!" Ryu shouted.

"A barrier has formed around the radius of the pillars, we can't break through." Another Soldier said.

The scene moved over to Wrath

The Tower was converting power, sending it into the cords connected to Wrath.

"The Pillars were a trap for all your Soldiers." Wrath said. "Thank you for the meal."

Wrath started charging up.

The scene shifted back over to Ryu

He tried to figure things out, as the screams of the soldiers that he sent out echoed over the radios. Ryu slammed a fist into the desk, radioing Jan.

"Jan come over, what the hell is happening over there?" Ryu yelled.

"Black … markings … Wrath … stronger …" Jan was saying until the radio cut out.

"God dammit!" Ryu yelled, slamming his fist into the table.

He threw out his ear piece, walking toward the exit, before being stopped by the second in command of the Crusader Dreadnaught.

"Sir, you don't need to get into the fight." She said.

"Someone is going to have to." Ryu said.

"Think like Jan, if someone bigger comes, what will he do?" She said.

"Send in something bigger." Ryu said.

She nodded, as Ryu went to the main desk, pressing buttons, turning the intercom on.

"All available Soldiers, Operation Who's Your Daddy is a go." Ryu said.

"Jan has some of the weirdest Operation Names." The Woman said.

"He is your husband after all." Ryu said.

She nodded a bit unhappy, but went over to another desk, as Soldiers filed in taking seats.

"Treads are primed." One Soldier said.

Desiree walked in, confused about what was going on.

"What is going on!" She yelled.

"We are going to Wrath." Ryu said.

"Are you fucking insane!" Desiree yelled.

"All weapons ready." Another Soldier said.

"There are civilians on here!" Desiree yelled.

"All civilians have been evacuated over the last few days." Ryu said. "All that is left are Soldiers and yourself."

"I'm leaving this suicide mission!" Desiree yelled.

"All exits are shut for the foreseeable journey." Another Soldier said.

"Oh so close." Ryu said.

"You knew that would happen!" Desiree yelled.

"I couldn't possibly have known." Ryu said. "Alright everyone, let's end this fight!"

Back with the Warriors

The Warriors rushed at Wrath, but had to stop as two Colossal blocked their path, Hells Access II returned to its base form, as Diavolo put it onto his waist, then put a card into it and Ripa put a ring into his device.

"Form Change!" Both drivers chimed.

Diavolo turned into Tectonic, and Ripa turned into Ketsuki Ripa, with their combined strengths they were able to take hold of one of the Colossal's hands, smashing the entire Colossal into the second one. Heilige in his Balance Form rushed at Wrath, punching him in the side of the head, Wrath moved his head back toward Heilige, moving his fist with his head, kicking Heilige backwards, Arch rushed at Heilige, taking hold of Heilige's hand flipping over him, slamming his feet into the ground launching Heilige back at Wrath.

The Dire Wolf ran forward jumping toward Heilige, splitting in half each half formed around Heilige's arms forming large gauntlets, Heilige hit Wrath with a double punch, Wrath guarded the hit with both his arms, but the hit launched Wrath backwards a few feet.

Wrath raised up his right leg, slamming it down into Heilige, slamming him into the ground, Wrath ripped an iron pole from his back slamming it through Heilige's back, sticking him to the ground, causing Heilige to scream out.

"Jan!" A voice from an intercom rang out.

Heilige turned his head, seeing the Crusader Dreadnaught moving toward them, the cannons charged up, firing at monsters around Wrath, he used one of his wings to block the blasts that came his way, the front panel opened up, as an army of soldiers fell attacking Wrath, the Second in Command went over Heilige.

"Jan are you okay!" She asked.

"Get out of here, you fool!" Heilige yelled.

She shocked her head, gripping the iron pole, yelling out in pain, the iron pole had a strong electrical shock pulsed through it, she toughed it out then pulled the pole out of Heilige's back, his form broke away, his wife pulled him away grimacing from her singed hands.

"Nora, are you some kind of idiot, Wrath could have killed you!" Jan yelled.

"Of course, I was an idiot for marrying you!" Nora yelled back.

Medics came out, helping them away.

"I'm glad you're safe." Jan said softly.

"I have to tough things out, for being your wife." Nora said.

"Take some rest in the Command Center." Ryu said, walking forward in his combat gear.

"Yes sir!" Jan said, moving slowly toward the Command Center, with his wife.

Ryu slid on his helmet, then rushed out to battle. Diavolo, currently in his Vent form, was diving bombing Wrath, he picked up Puppeteer with his talons, flying up into the sky as Puppeteer's frame turned green. She created a tornado around them, letting Vent to spin around inside the tornado, the base of the tornado forming at the bottom of Puppeteer's foot.

"Elemental Overload Finisher: Gale Storm Barrage!" Both belts chimed.

Diavolo's wings were also charged with green energy; he gripped his talons onto Puppeteer's shoulders, rotating clockwise as they became a green energy drill, falling down toward Wrath.

Wrath lifted his wings to block the blast.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Death's Lament!" The Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

Ripa in his base form, had his scythe pulled back, as the large Grim Reaper visage appeared behind him, Wrath went two guard both attacks.

"Schiff Finisher: Angel's Kiss!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Gishiki was in his Michael Form, charging an arrow, shooting it up into the sky, creating a volley of arrows, Wrath looked for a monster to us, but they were busy with the New Samurai.

"Wrath this is the end!" All Four said.

They unleashed all three of their attacks at Wrath, they broke through his guard, as he let out a blood curdling scream.

An energy shock wave knocked the Warriors back, they got up seeing Wrath partially destroyed, his wings were torn, he was missing his left arm, there was a large hole through his chest.

"This is the end Wrath, you have lost." Diavolo said.

Wrath laughed out loudly, letting his blood drop onto the black symbols, as they glowed a dark red.

"You have only pushed my plans forward!" Wrath yelled.

The Heaven's Rite Foundation started to shake, as it started splitting into four parts, revealing a large pillar, filled with the same black symbols that were on the ground, as they slowly glowed dark red. The ground shook knocking the Warriors off their feet, the four pillars were pulled out of the ground, moving toward the larger pillar, they started spinning around the pillar.

Dark red electricity connected at the tops of each smaller pillar then conjoined at the top of the larger pillar, creating a large shock wave that shattered all the windows around the area.

"What the fuck is going on!" Ripa shouted.

"Wrath, what the hell do you think you are doing!?" Diavolo yelled.

"I'm opening the gate farther." Wrath said.

"What gate?" Arch said. "There are no gates here."

"Do you all forget what was created after the first clash between Diavolo and Ripa?" Wrath asked.

"Well fuck." Diavolo said

Puppeteer rushed forward, yelling back.

"Instead of being blown back, just rush forward and fight."

"Yes Captain." Diavolo said.

"Shut up!" Puppeteer shouted.

Up in front of them Wrath was cut by someone wearing a large amount of armor, it was none other than Ryu, Wrath noticed that he had actually been damaged.

"How dare a lowly mortal damage me!" Wrath roared out, unleashing another shock wave, the dark red electricity shot down into the remaining iron pole in Wrath, causing him to regenerate his wounds, the dark red electricity coursed through Wrath body.

Wrath punched Ryu in the chest sending him backwards toward the group, Ripa caught Ryu setting him down to the side.

"You shouldn't try anything dangerous Ryu." Arch said.

"I have been in a lot more fights than you kid." Ryu replied.

"Yeah, but I don't think any were with a High-Tier Demon." Diavolo said.

"How do you know that he is a High-Tier Demon?" Puppeteer asked.

"Turns out I'm a Low-Tier Demon." Diavolo said.

"What!?" Everyone said aloud.

"Too long to explain now, Wrath is getting impatient." Diavolo said, getting up sliding Hell's Access II onto his right hand, slamming his fist into the ground. "Explosion!"

Diavolo transformed into Blazing Beast, then rushed toward Wrath, double slashing Wrath's chest, Wrath went to hit him, but Diavolo jumped off his chest, doing a backflip and cutting Wrath's chest with his tail.

"This is all futile, no matter what you do, you can not stop me!" Wrath said aloud.

"Well how about I give some help?" A voice spoke up.

Malum walked out, holding a torn suit jacket, with a half torn dress shirt, a vest on, dress pants and dress shoes on.

"I was out shopping for a new outfit, a certain someone created a shock wave, that shattered glass, which in turn shredded all the lovely suits and now I'm mad." Malum said.

"Dude you sound like a girl who got bullied by someone cutting their prom dress." Diavolo said.

"How do you know what that sounds like?" Puppeteer asked.

"Saw it happen in school." Diavolo replied.

"Wait, you went to school?" Arch asked.

"Gee thanks." Diavolo said.

Malum walked over to the main group, looking down at Ryu.

"So how much trouble will I be in destroying some buildings?" Malum asked.

"Well seeing how most of them are basically destroyed, go wild." Ryu said.

A big devilish grin appeared over Malum's face, as in an instant he was gone, until an explosive impact rang out, as Wrath flew past the group, showing Malum had kicked him forward.

"Oh this will be fun." Malum said.

Malum and Wrath were duking it out, as they were evenly matched, Diavolo and the rest did their best to stop the pillars. Diavolo ran up the side of a building like an animal, Ripa jumped up, jumping from building to building, Puppeteer created a tornado under herself, floating up.

"Hey, I can't do stuff like that!" Arch yelled.

A strong gust of wind almost knocked Arch off his feet, as he looked back seeing the Dragon that their motorcycles formed.

"Where the hell have you been!" Arch yelled.

The Dragon tilted it's head, looking at Arch, reaching it's head down, picking Arch up with it's teeth, throwing him onto his back, Arch let out a scream, grabbing a hold of the Dragon.

"Don't do that again!" Arch yelled.

The Dragon puffed out a plume of smoke from its mouth, then flapped its wings, lifted off the ground and flew toward a pillar.

"Oh no you don't!" Wrath roared, pointing a ball of energy toward the Riders.

Malum kicked Wrath's hand up, just as the ball was shot up, just missed hitting Ripa.

"Ryu there is no way you have been totaled by one hit." Malum said.

Ryu laughed out a bit, getting up as his samurai armor fell off revealing a thinner set of armor, he split his sword in half, gaining two thinner blades, holding them backwards.

"Who won the last bet we had?" Ryu asked.

"I think we all know that was me." Malum said.

"I am pretty sure it was me." Ryu said.

They both laughed out angering Wrath, Ryu slipped on a mask, as Malum grew forearm length blades from just above his wrists.

"Let's see who lands the killing blow." They both said, rushing at Wrath.

Back inside the Dreadnaught Crusader

Hikari made her way toward a cannon cockpit.

"What do you think you're doing?" Desiree asked.

"I may not be a Warrior, Ryu or Malum, but I will do whatever I can to help them out." Hikari said.

"Jan, Nora stop her before she gets this place hit!" Desiree yelled.

They both weren't paying attention, but they mostly didn't care, they were at war, Hikari slid into a cockpit and started firing at the pillars.

"That a girl." Ripa said, performing Death's Lament.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Death's Lament!" The Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

Ripa launched a dark purple energy slice that got empowered from the Grim Reaper visage. The slice collided with the pillar, which cut it up a bit. The other Riders started to perform their own attacks on the other pillars.

"Schiff Finisher: Angel's Kiss!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

"Overload Finisher: Elemental Barrage!" Hell's Access chimed.

"High Overload Finisher: Double Cannon!" Hell's Access II chimed.

Arch charged an arrow, launching it into the sky creating a volley of arrows that came down hitting a pillar.

Puppeteer's body coursed with a rainbow of colors, as a spiral of rainbow energy covered her right leg, as she ran, then jumped off the side of a building, aiming her kick into the pillar, a pillar of rainbow energy covered the pillar.

Diavolo moved onto his hands and feet, his tail moved up the tip pointing forward, two dark red balls of energy formed from his mouth and tail. He unleashed both of the balls, then shot himself forward, doing a front flip, connecting his feet to the balls, slamming himself into the pillar.

Back on the ground, both Ryu and Malum were dodging blows from Wrath, while they counter attacked him. Wrath roared out, creating a shock wave pushing the two back a bit, Ryu slammed his swords into the ground, doing a front flip slamming his feet into the top of his head. Malum spun around clockwise fast, creating a whirlwind of blades, cutting Wrath's chest.

Wrath grabbed a hold of Ryu's feet and Malum's hands, throwing them both a good mile away, hearing a couple of explosions, as the two both rushed back at Wrath, hitting him in the head and chest, knocking him over. Wrath laid there seeing the four smaller pillars get destroyed.

"You have lost Wrath." Malum said.

Wrath let out a loud laugh.

"What is so funny?" Ryu asked.

"For destroying those pillars, you pushed my plans much farther along." Wrath said.

As Wrath was getting up, from the wreckage of smaller pillars, small orbs flew out moving toward what remained of the Heaven's Rite Foundation. Four symbols lit up in the center of the large pillar, several shock waves pulsed from the bottom of the larger pillar, a dark red beam shot up into the sky, causing the sky to become dark red.

"As you can all see, you all royally fucked up!" Wrath said aloud. "You have killed enough of the monsters that have been summoned since this hole opened, humans or monsters doesn't matter what kind of soul."

The Warriors tried getting up, but the shock waves kept knocking them over, Malum and Ryu got in their way.

"Regroup inside the Dreadnaught Crusader, we will handle him." Ryu said.

The Warriors nodded, helping each other toward the Dreadnaught Crusader.

"There is nowhere to run, when the end of this world is just around the corner!" Wrath said aloud.

"More like the end of Tokyo, since you guys haven't left this city since Kaiza became a Warrior." Malum said.

Wrath let out a loud laugh, looking up to the remaining pillar, then back toward the two.

"Since Kaiza was brought to this world for this moment, the Sinful Seven have been traveling the world, finding stable locations to create more Heaven's Rite Foundations. There are so many people who believe in the ones from above." Wrath said, raising his right hand. "People who volunteer to work within our buildings, become worthy sacrifices for the Master!"

"Is this the Master that Lust mentioned to be much stronger than you?" Ryu asked.

"Ah so you have the traitor, when she failed to return from her spy mission and murder of Kaiza, I knew she turned tail once her memories started to return." Wrath said. "Be a good warrior of justice and bring her to me so I can finish her off."

"There is no way we would bring you someone so dear to Kaiza." Malum said.

"Then I will take her by force." Wrath said, rushing at the both of them.

Both Malum and Ryu kicked Wrath in the head hard enough to push him backwards a bit, they both rushed forward, starting to attack him with their blades, Wrath was able to fend them both off for a bit, until a large pulse of energy shot up through the pillar, then into the sky, a large crack formed. More cracks spread from the larger one, until they all shattered forming a large hole the size of half a football field.

The deafening roar rang out from the hole, large talons gripped the sides, as a large dragon head moved through the hole, it let out another deafening roar, then breathed a large amount of fire into the sky.