Chapter 16: Titanic Warfare

Within the Command Center of the Dreadnaught Crusader everyone was watching the scene unfold in front of them.

"What the fuck is that!" Diavolo yelled.

"Well, it looks like a large Dragon." Arch said.

"No shit Sherlock." Ripa said.

"There is no way we will be able to combat that thing." Puppeteer said.

"There may be a way." Jan spoke up.

Everyone looked in his direction, as Jan brought up a screen.

"Are you insane!" Diavolo yelled.

Puppeteer stopped him, then looked back at Jan.

"Can you get it operated?" Puppeteer asked.

Jan nodded then looked at all the crew members, taking a deep breath, fully thinking this plan through in his head.

"Seeing what may happen next, you are all free to back out now." Jan spoke aloud.

"Jan we have come this far, we are willing to finish this." Nora said.

Jan looked around then nodded.

"Operation One Man Army is a go!" Jan shouted. "The four of you follow me."

They agreed to follow him, as Puppeteer pulled Diavolo along.

Back to the other group.

Wrath was laughing loudly, looking at the dragon then at both Ryu and Malum.

"Now feast upon this world my pet, bring this world to its end!" Wrath shouted.

The Dragon looked down at Wrath, leaning down picking him up with his teeth, tossing him up into the air, then ate him.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Malum said.

Dark red and white cracks covered the Dragon's body, it roared out, breathing fire into the air, moving through the gate, standing at a full ten stories tall, then slammed it's tail into a few buildings destroying them. It looked down toward both Malum and Ryu, moving it's left hand toward them fast, trying to attack them.

They both jumped back, then noticed the Dragon's tail about to crush them, they jumped to both sides.

"There is no way we can fight something this big!" Ryu shouted.

"You just don't know how to have fun, old man!" Malum shouted.

Malum ran forward, his blades charged up, as he leapt onto the tail, becoming a bladed wheel, rolling up the tail, pulling himself along by using his blades, causing the Dragon to roar out loud.

Ryu sighed, running up, jumping off the tip of the tall, leaping to an arm, then shot toward the head, becoming a spinning top to cut it's neck a bit.

"Don't worry Ryu we got this!" Jan said over the intercom.

The two of them looked over, seeing half of the Dreadnaught Crusader starting to lift up into the sky, forming a large ten story Mech.

"If someone says what I think they will say, I will stab them." Kaiza said.

"Power Rangers!" Jan yelled.

"That's it, I'm stabbing you when we get out of here!" Kaiza yelled.

Jan was stationed inside the head, attached to a couple of cords, wearing pants, boots, while his chest was covered in bandages.


"I think it was a bad idea to let the injured person command the Mech." Gishiki said.

"I don't think he would take no for an answer." Akumu said.

"Let's do this!" Jan yelled, running in place, as the Mech ran forward.

The four Warriors manned the weapons as they started firing cannons at the Dragon, which made the Dragon look in their direction, which Jan used to his advantage to punch the Dragon in the side of the head, but from the sharp movement Jan coughed up a bit of blood.

"Jan you have to stop, you need your rest!" Nora yelled over the intercom.

"I got this, I can take this pain." Jan said.

The Dragon clawed the front of the chest, cutting a chunk off of it, Jan stumbled back a bit.


Akumu pressed the Red Button, as a Bunker Buster shot out of a cannon, shooting toward the Dragon impaling it into its chest, the Dragon roared out, taking a hold of the Mech, ripping most of the armor of the left arm.

Jan punched the Bunker Buster farther into the Dragon's chest, as the Dragon stumbled back.

"What does the Blue Button do?" Kaiza asked.

"A robot arm feeds me a sandwich." Jan said.

"You're an idiot." Kaiza said.

"Says the guy without robot servants." Jan said.

"I can do things by myself." Kaiza said.

"The yellow one is a flame thrower." Jan said.

"There are five of them." Gishiki said.


"I'm basically the Grim Reaper and I think that is too much." Akumu said.

"It's a last resort to eliminate a threat that can destroy the earth and it was the higher ups' idea to give it to an idiot." Jan said.

"Guys stay focused." Sora said.

Jan ran forward as both the Dragon and Mech clashed, while Malum and Ryu got out of the area.

"Some technology you kept hidden from me." Malum said.

"I may be a major member, but there are some things that I don't know." Ryu said.

"Let's hope they can end this." Malum said.

The Dragon's red and white cracks started to glow, as it breathed red and white fire, as the Mech moved backwards.

"Holy shit white fire, this must be the work of an enemy stand!" Jan yelled.

"Shut up Jan!" Everyone yelled.

The Mech ran forward, gripping the Dragon's neck, as the fire was blocked, moving back down it's throat blowing out from some of its wounds, the Dragon clawed at the Mech's chest almost damaging most of the body, the Mech stumbled back, falling down to one knee.

"Jan are you okay?" Gishiki asked.

"Yeah, my wounds just opened back up." Jan said, breathing heavy.

"Jan get out and let someone else drive." Nora shouted.

"I'm good." Jan said, get up to move but fell over.

"That's it." Kaiza said, moving throughout the body, picking Jan up. "Be glad we are on the ground."

Kaiza moved him out of the Mech, going over to the second half of the Dreadnaught Crusader, handing him off to the medical team.

"The other units in other countries are taking care of the monsters and pillars, take care of this one and we will end this." Nora said.

Kaiza nodded then ran back to the Mech, he pressed a button as cords connected to his back, downloading his nerves, he groaned in pain, slowly moving a bit to get used to things, moving the Mech back into place. While they were inactive, the Dragon was destroying more buildings, breathing fire in every direction, Kaiza ran over punching the Dragon's head.

"Round 2, Fight!" Gishiki said.

"Not you too." Kaiza said.

Kaiza clasped his hands together, moving them so the Mech's elbows cracked the Dragon in the jaw, the Dragon's claws pushed toward the Mech, as the Mech clasped his hands with the Dragon's, pushing each other back and forth, the Dragon used it's tail as a weapon, the others tried their best to keep it back with their lasers blasts, but the tail was to strong, as it collided into their side, the Mech let go, gripping the tail then used it's strength to swing the Dragon into the side of a building.

The tail wrapped around the left arm of the Mech, forcing it's tail into the head of the Mech.

"Kaiza!" Sora screamed.

"Hey I need those ear drums." Kaiza replied.

"Are you okay in there?" Akumu asked.

"Yeah, I'm good, it missed me." Kaiza said, as the tail was next to him having just grazed his stomach.

"Press the orange button!" Jan yelled over the intercom.

Gishiki pressed the button, causing a blade to jut out from the wrist of the right arm, Kaiza swung his arm cutting the Dragon's tail off. The Dragon roared out in pain, it gripped the head of the Mech, ripping the upper part of the head off exposing Kaiza, the Dragon charged up to breath a large amount of fire, Kaiza swung his arm up, piercing the blade through the Dragon's neck ripping it to the side, removing a chunk of the Dragon's neck, as the blood splattered a crossed a building.

The fire messed up, mostly blowing out the open wound, the other started firing at different wounds injuring the Dragon.

"One more pillar to go, end this!" Nora yelled over the intercom.

The large portal shook, becoming even larger, the portal starting pulling in things in the area, sucking cars, parts of buildings, the Crusader Dreadnaught was being pulled metal popped out the sides, jamming itself into the ground, but the vortex was to strong, the ground starting cracking under the metal.

"This vortex is too strong, we are being pulled in!" Nora yelled over the intercom.

Kaiza tried to help them, but the Dragon attacked, Kaiza knocked the Dragon back, right before Kaiza was able to grab the other, the ground under the Crusader Dreadnaught broke and was sucked into the portal.

"No!" Sora yelled.

"That is it." Kaiza said.

Kaiza knocked the Dragon farther back, he then rushed toward the pillar, ripping the pillar out of the ground, then ran toward the Dragon.

"Ready for one more journey?" Kaiza asked.

"Lead the way, leader." Akumu said.

"Right behind you." Gishiki said.

"We will fully end this." Sora said.

They all yelled, as Kaiza rammed the pillar through the Dragon's chest, leaping through the portal, as the portal started fading, monsters were being pulled into the portal, trying to get out, both Ryu and Malum walked up to the portal.

"Are you ready to head back home?" Ryu asked.

"Not entirely but, there may be some stronger opponents for me, plus I don't need permission to destroy the area." Malum said.

Ryu raised up his right arm, as Malum hit his left arm against his, then they both jumped through the portal, shuddering for one last minute as the portal closed for good. The monsters that had been swarming Tokyo for the last few months, were killed off by the remaining New Samurai, as they overlooked the devastation of the city.

In a desert field of the Chaos World

Shortly after everyone fell through the portal, they were unconscious, Sloth walked over to the Dragon, cutting it's stomach open, pulling Wrath out and pulling him away from the scene.

"Stage 2 Complete." Sloth said.