The Northern Undead Asylum [ 2 ]

As the demon approached, following my instinct, I put my hand on my hip, unsheathe my sword. At that moment, I finally understand why my hip was so light. The sword I was holding is broken, now it isn't even a sword, just a sword hilt with a little bit of the blade remains.

Looking at the giant demon and my broken-ass sword, it would be a joke if I said I going to defeat it. Not only that, currently I have no healing potion, so to stay alive, I have to dodge all of its attacks. Even though with 40 years of experience, I'm not confident I will execute that as planned.

Not long after that, the door on the left side of the room opened. Look like I have to fight it another day, without hesitation, I quickly as possible to it. The moment I went through, the door slammed down. The demon tries to crush the door open but to my surprise, it was stronger than I thought, still looking new without a single dent. After a while, it finally gives up and walks away.

That was a close one, if it was a close one, if that door didn't open, I would probably see Jesus by now. But it makes sense, the developers are known for kicking players in balls with hards level design but they aren't mad enough to let players fight with a broken-ass sword.

Putting that out of my mind, I start to continue going through the room, at the end of it is a long ladder. I Climb on it to the next floor. Upon arriving on the upper floor, I found a skeleton with an axe and the pyromancer catalyst, 'pyromancer flame' as t called in this world. And yes, it was an odd skeleton out of nowhere that conveniently has all the gear for my class, amazing. Definitely NOT have to do with the developers.

Equip me with the gear, I continued to walk down the long ruin cells corridor and finally arrived at the first floor of the yard with the boss door. Walking up the stairs and then suddenly the ground started to rumble, it was like something is rolling towards me. Right after that, a giant boulder rolling appeared in front of me. I instantly dodge it, end up falling to the ground floor, breaking my left arm.

'Damit, shouldn't have let my guard down

Looking at my left arm which is bent like the letter 'c', right after that, the pain started to come. Gritting my teeth, I tried my best not to scream out loud. Through my days on the battlefield, it was not my first time breaking my limbs. But even with experience, the pain is always the same, just like getting kicked in the balls, always the same. Putting my left arm in position, right hand on it, grab a small piece of cloth, and grit it tightly.

'Here goes nothing'


In an instant, I snap my broken arm back to its normal straight position. It hurt more than when it breaks, the pain flooded through my entire body, getting the cloth tightly, even though I tried my best but I still left out a loud moan. Not long after that, the pain started to soft down.

Standing up, I walk up the stair, going back to the first floor. With rubble everywhere, from the look of it, the boulder must have been crashing through here. To my surprise, there is an empty room behind it. Out of curiosity, I slowly step into the room, instantly I spot a figure, laying on a pile of rubble in the corner of my room with a small hole on the roof shining light down on it.

It was a man wearing knight armor with a sword on his hip and a shield with a large crest on it beside him. His armor has a huge dent on its chest plate, looking like he was struck by a big blunt weapon, like a hammer. Blood dripping in some cracks of his armor, some part of the armor missing, exposing his broken limb with bones Pierce thought it.

Walk-in towards him, just as I am about a step distance from him, despite being in a total wreck, he still alive and start to speak to me.

"...oh, you... You're... Human eh?. How did one end up here...? Anyhow, thank goodness... I'm done for, I'm afraid... I'll die soon, then lose my sanity... I wish to ask something of you... Even though You are human and I'm undead, please... Hear me out, will you?"

"But before that, let me treat you fi..."

"Ah... No need, I'm done for anyway, please, hear me out would you?"

"Alright... Do tell..."

"...Regrettably, I have failed in my mission... But perhaps you can keep the torch lit... There is an old saying in my family... Thou who art Undead, art was chosen... In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of Ancient Lords... When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know... Well, now you know... And I can die with hope in my heart... Even though you are human... It probably won't matter much... Oh, one more thing... Here, take this... An Estus Flask, an Undead favorite... Might not work on you... But you never know if you never tried... Oh, and this..."

Taking out a big old rusty key, he hands it over to me. Even though his helmets cover his entire face, through the small gap I see a slight smile from him.

" ...Now I must bid farewell... I would hate to harm you after death... So, go now... And thank you... "

Bit fair well with him, I continue to walk up the stair and onto the second floor.

Thinking about the previous encounter, without a doubt, it was the knight that give me the key to my cell, even though the door is just for decoration. From the look of the room he was in, I saw no entries point, except that small hole from the roof. With the rubble under him and how wrecked he is, it a high possibility of him fighting something, big and strong, strong enough to send him to fly through the floor and end up in that room. And there is only one creature that I know that can do that and it is the 'asylum demon' that I just saw not long ago.

After walking for a while, I arrived at a balcony of the asylum. Looking outside, all I see this the color of white. Mountains and mountains covered with snow, go all the way to where I can't see any more. This place is isolated, not a single trace of civilization in this area beside this gigantic asylum.

As I was enjoying the view that easily gives anyone isolophobia, a small group of hollows approach me, arms with metal armor that look like scraps and a rusty long sword. Howling and walking towards me like a drunk. The one starts to speed up to me and starts to swing its sword-like it playing fruit ninja, swinging randomly nonstop.

'Finally, some fucking action'

Taking out the axe on my hip, holding it tightly, because I'm about the tryout something that would make this dimension like a children's game.

The moment the hollow sword slashes a horizontal swing. I slash my ax, hitting the hollow's sword that slashing down. Instantly stopped it and sent it to fly to the opposite position. And it works! the hollow got stunned, not letting the opportunity go, I slash the axe straight into the hollow's abdomen and then lifted my axe and slash it again with a greater force. Just like that, the hollow almost got sliced into half, instantly die.

Then a hollow appeared right behind me, raise his sword high, it about to swing the sword down with all its strength. Just as he is about to hit me, I parry his sword with my axe, stunning him. I then slash my axe, cutting his knee, making him dropdown. Then I finish with a horizontal slash, cutting his head off.

The remaining hollow thrusting his sword aiming for my abdomen. Flipping my axe upside down and using it to block the attack. The tip of the sword and axe collide creating sparks. Just as it is about to pull its sword back, I flip the axe back and slash down, cutting the hollow handoff. And then I throw my axe, split the hollow head in half.

Wiping the blood on my clothes, sat down, slowly stabilizing my breath. Just a few swings already making me breathe heavily, it really sucks to be a G rank, isn't it?. But just thinking about how I just kill the first hollow with 2 swings is enough to satisfy me.

The reason why that hollow died in to shot, is because of the crit hit. Unlike those other games back in the day where luck affects crit, in darksoul, there are only 3 ways to crit. First is backstab, second is parry and strike when the enemy is staggered and finally Is strike them from the above. What I do back then used the parry trick, in the game, you can only do that with a shield and have to time it perfectly. But instead of that, I used my weapon to parry him and proactively did it instead of waiting for the right moment.

With this, if I max out my str and dex stat, I might be able to parry attacks that you normally can't parry. Now, this is a true game-changer.

Standing up, I pick up the hollow's sword, even tho it is blunt with rust in some area. I would rather have a sword than an axe since I have been using swords my entire life.

Walking a little bit, I arrived at a large open door, that look more like a window to me. The window is connected to the boss room. Standing from above, I can see the 'asylum demon' moving around.

Taking my sword out, with a smirk on my face because I'm about to sent it to Jesus.