The Northern Undead Asylum [ 1 ]

"Well well well... Isn't this familiar..."

My memories slowly came back, this place, the start place of Dark soul 1, no doubt about that.

Standing up, I start looking around, and then suddenly the notification pop up.


- Welcome to Lordran -

Please create your character:

Name: Steve Ashton

Sex: Male

Gift :

+ Master key [ Unlock all lock doors, well most of it... I think so ]

+ Goddess's Blessing [ Full heal ]

+ Tiny beings Ring [ For those who are too weak for a beating ]

+ Pendant [ A mythical item with great history, pass through generations of those who wish to unseal the true power of the pendant. Rumors said once it unlocks, even the ancient dragons of the Age of Ancients will get crushed with a single slap. However, doesn't matter how many centuries have passed, the fools still can't solve the mystery of the pendant ]

Appearance: < locked >

Class :

+ Warrior [ Good with swords, that pretty much it]

+ Knight [ Decent with sword and wear shiny armor]

+Wanderer [ Swing sword faster than those guys above]

+Thief [ Speedy boi with master key ]

+Bandit [ Good with a big weapon ]

+Hunter [Weakling with bows ]

+Sorcerer [ Nerd that shoots magic ]

+Pyromancer [ Dude with hot hand ]

+Cleric [ The bald guy who likes to pray ]

+Deprived [ Naked with a big stick ]


"Character creation board. So the game aspect is still here, not bad, at least a chance to survive this world."

In the beginning, I was kind of worried, with my strength reset back to G, trying to survive in this dimension is the best joke. But with the game system still active, my strength will steadily increase.

Also, will the strength I gained here still be kept after I go back to the real world? I hope so... losing something you work hard for isn't something I am comfortable with.

Anyway, I am now for a big decision. As for gifts If I remember correctly, the only item that is worth it is the master key. Most of the available items are consumable and among them, the goddess bless is the only good item, even tho they only give you 2 of them.

As for the pendant... I don't want to talk about it...

Now for the class. I have 40 years with swords so it gonna work best with warriors and Knights. Combine with my Sword art and experience, this seems like the best option.

But what I'm interested in is the Pyromancer class, my favorite class back in the day. Pyromancy in the dark soul is are quite strong, the spell of it can use in many different scenarios. With its high damage and is a ranged attack, with the right gear equip it will be able to crush every enemy, unless they have fire resistance then that will be a problem.

The other class is not bad, it depends on the build that you going for. Like Cleric has high Faith stats that boost the strength of their miracle attacks. Soccer has high intelligence that increases their magic attack.

There aren't any class restrictions like others where warriors can't use magic or stuff like that. What class do in this game is the starting gear you get. By progressing the game you will get all other class gear so it doesn't matter. And they affect stat distribution, depending on the class weapon focus, the stat might increase or decrease. So If you want, you can make your sorcerer lift a giant sword-like breeze.

Without hesitation, I select the Pyromancer class.


- user data updating -

Loading... Loading...

Update complete, all stat has been updated

- Dimension stat board added -


- dimension stat board has been modified and assimilation -

Info: as dimension stat increases, the super system stat board increase as well.


The dimension state board should be the game's original stat board. But it's assimilation with the super system since having 2 different ones will conflict with each other. ( yup, my lazy ass don't want to have 2 of it, and it will confuse the hell out of you guys too)


- Dimension stat board -

Soul level: 1

Health: 500/500

Stamina: 90/90

Mana: 95/95

Strength: [strenght] [Resistance ] 10 (increase melee damage and for some weapon that has requirements. And boost resistance to bleed, poison and curse)

Perception: [ Crit damage ] 10 ( boost crit damage)

Endurance: [endurance] [vitality] 15 ( how much you can carry, stamina limit, and your health)

Charisma: [ Faith] 8 (for using miracle )

Agility: [Dexterity] 9 (attack speed and casting speed)

Intelligent: [intelligence] 15 (mana limits and spells damage )

Luck: [ Item discovery ] 10 ( the chance of you getting drops from the monster) (can only increase with item and consumables)


Some stats stacked together end up having it higher than the original numbers. So raising 1 point will also level up the other one in the same stack. That every good, 1 soul level for 2 stats, amazing.

While looking at the stat board, out of nowhere, a corpse dropped into my cell.

Looking at the hole on the ceiling, I saw a knight in iron armor looking at me. Then he stands up and leaves. I was confused, what just happen?. And then I remember this is the beginning sequence where the knight drops you a corpse with your cell's in it.

I stand up, walk to the corpse and take the keep that hangs on his pants. The key was so rusty that It felt like it could break any time.

Using the key, I gently open the cell door, to be honest, looking at the door hinges, it rusted to the point of almost nonexistent.

All I have to do is give it a little force and will instantly down. What is the point of the key?.

Putting that thought back in my mind, I start walking toward the exit.

I had enough with this dungeon smell, stay here too long I might start to vomit.

Walking in the hallway, I saw a few humanoids. They look exactly like the corpse in my cell. Their bodies barely have any meat, it is just like having a layer of skin on a skeleton. Skin appears slightly decomposed and the body thoroughly dehydrated, prominent veins can be seen surrounding the heart. Their eyes have no focus, keep banging on the walk, howling endlessly.

If I remember correctly, these are the hollows.

They were originally normal humans but got a curse of the undead. Once die, they will be reanimated and still have their consciousness and have full control of their body. But there is a catch, to maintain their control, they need 'humanity'. 'Humanity' is like the will of them, without it, they have no reason to move on, no will to live. And that will slowly turn them into hollows, turning them into madness, into a beast with no control, just like a zombie they say.

Taking the ladder up, I soon enter a large yard, in the middle of it is a campfire with a sword in the middle of it. This without a doubt, these are the 'bonfire'. When an undead dies, they will be resurrected back to the bonfire they last rest, and the cycle never stops.

I walk to it, lift my hand, and try to interact with it and nothing happened, the flame keeps burning like usual. But when I sit down next to it, suddenly my surroundings start to become blurry, foggy, hard to see anything around me.

Then I start to feel like something just created in me that somehow linked to the fire. After that, the flame doesn't feel hot anymore. Instead, I felt warm, cozy, like we are one, a strangle feeling.

Right after that, the interface pop up a notification


- Bonfire lit -

Assimilating... Assimilating...

- Assimilation complete -

You can now rest and recover your wounds by infusing the flame into you. However, if you die, you can't resurrect. If not, you will be considered becoming undead.


Make sense, since I'm not dead yet, it impossible for me to have the ability to resurrect like those in this world. This isn't a good thing, in the beginning, there is no such thing as a free meal in this world. The bonfire lets you resurrect with the cost of losing your 'humanity' slowly.

However, the ability to recover my wounds from the fire is amazing, this will be my replacement for the healing potion. And this might even be powerful as a tier 5 healing potion in the real world.

Standing up, in front of me is a giant old rust door, and as a piece of common knowledge, bosses like to stay behind giant doors.

I put my hand on it, push the door open. Even though the door was like 20 times the size of mine. It didn't take much force to open it, as it slowly opened, I soon saw an empty open room.

The room was quite spacious with some large vases in the corners of the room. As I slowly step in, the door behind me suddenly close, I tried to push it but it won't even move in the slightest.

Taking a few steps further, the floor starts shaking. Then I heard a thunderous piercing roar. Then from the sky, a giant creature jumps down. That creature is the 'asylum demon', the guard of this asylum.

The demon look hideous, it was giant but unlike those In my world, most of its weight come from its humongous belly. Besides that, it has huge legs, which kind of look like frog legs to me. Unlike its belly and legs, its arms and tail are so tiny. Even though it looks weak, those arms right now are holding a giant wooden-looking hammer, swinging around like breeze.

Its skin was kind of green-ish on the belly and dark green on the rest of its body. There would be some bone-looking rods sticking out from its body. It has bones spike horns sticking from his head with odd shapes.

Its eyes were red as blood, its jaw was filled with sharp teeth that looks like it would chew down steel like candy. If look closely, it looks very similar to the sea monster facial features, there are few parts that look like it come from a fish.

Locking at me with fiercely look, it soon approach me. Every step it takes, the ground would shake like earthquake.