It all fall down

In 2022, the first cataclysm struck humanity, portals from another dimension open spark the start of the era of war. Demons flood out of the portals and rampage humans, Our military tries their best to stop them but we still lose cities one by one. 20 years of never-ending resisting, we lost 80% of our territory and only 30% of our population remains. In the blink of extinction, the portals once again open, but this time they bring hope to humanity. Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves raise their hands and help humanity. Dwarfs share their advanced mana technologies, the elves share their mana theories and the Orcs teach humans how to kill demons.

With the aid of the three races, humans slowly regained their foothold and took back their territory one by one. Very soon, humanity ends the era of war and begin the era of prosperity. Technology advancement, mana theories application. And the greatest of all, the awakening of the super system.

The creation of the super system helped guide humans to raise their strength, enough to rival the demons. Power enough to charter a building with a single slap, tanking artillery like mosquitos bite.


'pant' 'pant' 'pant' ~

Turning my head around, the demon still chasing me. The demon glared at me with bloodthirst eyes, with its sharp long claw with a swipe at my back. Without time to react, its claws penetrate through my metal armor like butter. The strength of the demon is too strong, with just that single slap, with flung me to air.

"arhh, ... damnit"

Weakly lifting my body with my hand, puking out a mouthful of blood, I quickly reach my pocket dimension, taking a small health potion and jug it down. The claw mark on my back slowly stop bleeding but it wasn't enough, that one slap broke all my left rib bones, damaging my internal organs.

Looking around, all I see are ruins, building ruins from the old era, no humans or allies near my perimeter. Taking out my radio, I try to contact HQ for aid, but all I receive is static sounds. Clenching my teeth, I know this is it, the end of my life.

The demons looking at my pathetic state left out a thunderous laugh.

"keekeekeekeekeee, Pathetic human, stop resisting, no one will come for you. Accept your fate and become by dinner. Keekeekee. Lowly being like you should be horned to be eaten by me, the greatest race!"

It slowly walked toward me and then raised its claws, swipe down, cut both of my legs instant. Picking up one of my legs, it takes a big bite, eating it with excitement.

Looking at my legs or where they used to be, look flow out nonstop, dyeing my pants red. My spine is already broken, my half bottom feels nothing. But deep down, the pain is still there, I scream with agony.


Blood still flowing out. I slowly lose my strength, can't even lift myself, looking at the demon enjoying my leg, my sanity crashing at a rapid pace, slowly becoming insane. My mind is messing, I can't think of any solution, all I think of is despair.

My consciousness slowly faded, my mind start to remember my past, images flash one by one. Looking at it, I ask myself how the **** it got to here.

My name is Steve Ashton, I was born in 2004, before the catalyst started, I was just your typical third-year high schooler. After the catalyst, my life turns upside down, my family members die one by one, when I look back I was the only one who remain. I start following the survivors, hide in sewers and caves, never once relax, always at the edge of being discovered by the demons. When the 3 races come and help us, I finally had hope, and importantly, a chance to revenge.

I too got the super system, join the Federation, and together with my brothers in arms begin the conquest of retaking back our territory. I wasn't young like others, the time the super was invented I was already at my 40. I was no match to that youngsters. The best I could do is become a D-rank swordsman, a lowly canon folder. But that was enough for me, all it matter is killing those damn demons. I never once stop, but it seems like today is where it ends.

This shouldn't have happened, I was on a secret mission with my platon then suddenly we got ambushed. How could the demons know our exact route, just how?. How did this get leeck?. Only the commanders know this ... Unless there is a spy... Impossible... But there was no explanation I could think of. A spy or more specific a demon contractor, a Fiend.

Liked one said, even the strongest fortress can still crumble from within. One of the demon's strategies is to lure the humans to their side with the promise of power and a life of luxury. When making a contract with a demon, the contractor will gain a portion of the demon's strength and gain access to certain items that boost their strength with unbelievable speed. But in return, their mana will contaminate with demonic energy, their soul will be linked with the demon, and will become the minion of that demon.

Cursing in my mind, my consciousness is already faded. All I see is endless white light, the pain over my wrecked body already gone. My mind is calmed down, for some reason, I feel very comfortable, very warm, everyone worries all left at the back of my mind. It had been so long since I felt this way.

Perhaps this is what they call heaven?. Huh, not so bad after all. Since the catalyst, never once did I let my guard down, never once did I sleep without worries. I too tired of this. 40 years of nonstop fighting. Is it time to finally relax?

Just as I was dreaming, a random interface box appear in front of me.


-Super System-

Upgrading from 1.0 to 2.0

Loading ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Upgrade comeplete

-Welcome to Super System 2.0-


"huh... why is this here, how did this follow my to the heaven..."

"This is heaven right...? Also version 2.0 ? I never once heard they planing upgrading the system... 40 years of usage, they never once update it... how could this be?"

Confused by the system notificaction , I try to call out my satus board.

"System, open status board"

The interface board change into the status menu. Looking at it, I was in shock.


-Status board 2.0-

User : {Please chose name} (superepicgamer69 lmao)[Steven Ashton]

Rank: G [D+] <- (His pass stats, the one inside the box)

Strenght: G+ [D+] (Ex: this determ where you can lift Dwayne Johnson or a rock or maybe a paper?)

Perception: G [D] (ex: how good your eyes sight is, can you spot a sniper 10km away?)

Endurance: G [D+] (ex: this determ how good you at taking a beating, ps nerds need this)

Charisma: G+ [D-] (ex: might wana increase this if you still havent got a gf/bf)

Agility: G- [D-] (Ex: how fast you can be, help if you getting chase by lions in africa)

Inteligent: G- [D-] (Ex: effect your caculation speed, abilty and most important, mana control, limit.)

Luck: F [C-] (ex: you might need this if you roll 200 and still get no SSR)

Age: 16 [61]

Pofession: none [Swordman]

Swordart: none [ Lion slayer art - tier 2 - tier 5 mastery ]

Compatible weapon: none [longsword - tier 3 mastery ]


"My stats, why it all reseted back to G... All my 40 years of hard work have all gone like that... Also, my age was about 60, why is it saying 16?".

I start looking around my body, looking at my hand, it now a smooth white hand with no sign of ever holding a sword in like my old calloused hand. Touching my face, all I feel is smooth soft skin, unlike my old dry skin in the past. It just seem like I return to my teenage, my youth is back.

While I was still confused, the interface pop up a notification.


-Internalizing... .... ...-



-internalizing complete-

-Dimensional traveling funtion added-

-Dimensional progression board added-

-Dimensional mission board added-


Stunted by the new notification, my curious pipe up.

" Open Dimensional traveling "


-Dimensional traveling-

Travel card: 1

Avaible word:

- Rapture [Bioshock]

-Rapture Alternate [Bioshock 2]

- kingdom of Lordran [Darksoul]

-New Himuka [Scarlet Neux]

(- Super mario lmao)


-Lorthic [Darksoul 3] - Requirement completion of Kingdom of Lordran




"Rapture... Kingdom of Lordran?... These name... I must have heard about them before. Must be so long ago.."

I tried my my best to search my memories but I barely remember any thing useful.

"Lordran... Lordran... the kingdom of Lordran... Wait isnt this from a game?"

This name reminds me of a city inside a game that I played before, like 45 years ago. I cant remember what it about, It had been so long.

"Let put this aside let check other funtion. Dimensional Progression board"


-Dimensional Progression board-

Current Dimension: none


+Completion requirement : 0/0

+Bonus requirement: 0/0

+hidden requirement: 0/0

+Lore bonus: 0/0

Current completion rank: n/a

Reward: unknown.


By the look of information on the interface, I can already tell how it gonna be. Each dimension have different completion requirement, fulfill all of them increase your completion rank and also increase your reward. Just like those classic old RPG classics back then. Also with the Lore and hidden bonus, look like it gonna be a slow ride through the dimensions, speedrun won't be able to get the highest rating.

Ponding for a while, I decide to open the mission board.

"Open mission board"


-Mission board-

Current rank G

Available mission: 1/1

Mission: Successfully clean the dimension

+ Finish 2 dimension

-Mission rank: D - C

Reward: ability to turn back to the real world.


" Ability to return to the real world?"

This, if this is like what it said then isn't this a chance for me to revive? Thinking about being able to return spark fire in my eyes. With this young body that I just gain, reaching a higher rank won't be a problem, maybe this is a chance for me to power my self to the point those prideful demons will looks like clowns. Maybe this is the chance I'm waiting for.

Clean 2 dimensions, easier said done, all of the dimensions option I have seen before seem like to link to my past gaming experience. And one thing I for sure is it all gonna be action type. Where killing is like breathing. So choosing the right dimensions will be important but as they said high-risk high rewards. So it might beneficial to choose the hard one.

And hard things seem just like my alley. Out of all choices, Lordran is probably the hardest. Without hesitation, I chose Lordran [Darksoul1].

" Dimensional travel, travel to Lordran"


-Are you sure you are choosing Lordran? Once the card has been used, thereon go back without another card-

Please choose /


"Look like there's no going back. "

The interface close, and instantly a portal opened sucking me inside. My consciousness slowly became blurry. My head felt like it spinning nonstop. After a while, my consciousness becomes clear again.

Looking around, I found myself locked inside rotten cells. The air is chilling, there is only a tiny hole on the roof with little light shining through it. There is moss on the walls, the stone wall fills with crack, slowly deciding. It seems like this place has been left in touch for hundreds of years. And this confirms that this dimension is the game I played. The beginning area for Dark soul1, The Northern Undead Asylum.