Information and progression

Hello, this is the general information about the path of the story that I'm heading with.

Again, hello, welcome to my novel! This is my first time writing one so there might be a lot of mistakes and plots holes there and then. I will try to improve as we go on. Just reading my novel is already a huge encouragement to me, it means a lot to me. So thank you very much.

About story:

First off, the way I write is based on my experience, and as an introvert, I rarely talk much to anyone. So

The conversation between characters gonna be real awkward sometimes. And the protagonist gonna talk to himself a lot, like how I do in real life:(

Also, some of the game* mechanics and original game lore will be changed a bit to make the story more interesting to those who experienced them before. And if just use the game lore from a to z, isn't that the same as writing a diary about your gameplay?

Secondly, I will always hear your suggestions, feel free to suggest to me any game or anime or any topic that you might want to be converted into a dimension. I will try my best.

- spoilers

Thirdly, about the story progression, It won't take too long until the protagonist returns to the main world where he gonna get something wonderful and will have an academic life in 2070 which is roughly 8 years after he died.

From there on, the story will expand with academic life the tag said along with dimensions. And some friendship.. Maybe tho...

My novel takes inspiration from "The Author POv". Great story, you guys should check it out.

Anyway, enough with that, I hope you have a pleasant time reading my novel.

Almost forgot, I don't upload daily, quite random I say. It is because of my busy schedule and mostly because of my laziness. But I will try to somewhat finish this novel... And it gonna take a while...