The Northern Undead Asylum [ 4 ]

Shaking our hands tightly, Maxwell looked me straight in the eyes, with a determination and firm voice, he said.

"Wellcome aboard, my friend"

Just as he ends his sentence, light bursts out from our hands, a flood of energy rushing from his hand to me. That energy travels straight up my head, flickering images of Maxwell holding two giant swords performing swords moves. Holding firmly on it, with every swing he made, his speed slowly speed up, and the force of every strike increased drastically. Just after a few swings, every swing he made, the ground cracked into two, same as his speed, what is left is only an afterimage that is barely visible to naked eyes.

After a few times, he changes his stand, lifting his sword horizontally, mana from his palm quickly envelops the tip of the sword. Stomping on the ground with his right foot, using his sword as a drill head, he dashes straight forward. The mana condensed on the tip of the sword burst out, a dense air drill tip covering it. Pierce through the air at unbelievable speed, right after the launch, a huge sonic boom bang behind him. But before it even explodes, he already Pierces through a gigantic steel blast door in front of him. Red molten steel surrounds the hole that he created.

Despite looking like a simple move, its destructive is no joke. It was made for only one purpose, a quick victory, to end the fight in a single move. Simple and effective with low energy consumption no useless flashy moves.

After a while, the energy slowly stops flowing to me. My vision started to learn up again, I found myself still inside Maxwell's living room. Soon as I woke up, he look at me with a faint smile he said.

"Look like you learn the basic move of it and one it skill. Well of course there is a lot more to it. But I recommend you learn it from the basics and slowly move up. Soon as you master it, I will teach you more advanced move sets and skills. For now, try to practice it. Speaking of which, the dimensions you are in have plenty of fight, try fighting them with my swordart, you will get used to it quicker."

Nodding my head, with a faint smile I said.

"Don't worry, I will."

Putting his coffee down, and reaching his pocket, he took out a ring and hand it to me.

"Here take this, that is the Maxwell ring, it a treasure of mine, it won't be any use for me now since I already die, It will be more useful in your hand. And no, the ring was named by the pope before being handed to me, I'm not that shameless to name it after me. Anyway, that will be it, looks like we running out of time. I won't hold you any longer. Be safe my friend, when it's time, I will have to ask you a favor so don't die on me yet."

Raise his hand out, I did the same, giving a firm handshake.

"Then I will be going then, farewell."

Soon after that, my vision blacked out but just for a moment. Using my hand to sit up, I found myself lying on the ground still inside the boss's room. Looking around, so fair not thing has changed, the sky is still bright, I guess that it wasn't long after I lost my consciousness and went to that dream.

Slowly stand up, I check if there is anything I dropped before climbing up the ladder into the next room. The ladder leads up to a small platform and connects back to my starting cell hallway through a large crack in the wall. As I drop down from the crack, I heard a loud metallic sound like one created by heavy metal armor. To my surprise, as I turn to my left, I saw a tall knight wearing heavy black armor guarding my cell.

The knight was almost double my high and with his heavy armor, he was like an impenetrable wall. Wielding a surprisingly small black shield, well it looks small for him but if it was me who held it, It might well be my medium shield and possibly great shield. Accompany with the shield, on his other hand, he held a huge greatsword. Its blade was wide and its length is almost the size of mine. Without a doubt, this sword is extremely heavy, but even so, the knight in front of me wields it in one hand just like a normal board sword.

As I look at him he did the same, following me in every movement. Just I get close enough, pull his sword that sticks in the ground out. He slowly approaches me, as we get close enough, raises his shield in a defensive position, and locks intensely at me, ready to unleash his attack any time.

I'm not idle either, reach in my pocket inventory, take out the Maxwell ring, and equipped it. Instantly my body felt lighter, my armor weight almost felt like it was made out of paper, extremely light. I check my status right inside the panel there a new buff appeared.



[ Maxwell ring ] - [ Tier 5+ relic ]

- Greatly reduce the weight of armors [ higher effect on divinely blessed armor ]

- greatly reduce the weight of great sword [ higher effect on divinely blessed weapon ]

- Greatly boost Str stat [ x1.5 ]

- Greatly boost faith stat [ x1.5 ]

- [ Locked ] - required to belong to the Vatican and at the rank of head paladin or above.

Item Remarks: a ring that blessed the God dimensions -047 and only for the legendary, Maxwell. Greatly boost the strength of its wielder and power them with divine energy. Come with a set. Currently 1/6 piece.


As we got closer, the knight start taking big steps, then when I got inside his range. Pointing his sword and me, he thrust it will full force, it was so fast that you can hear the sound of the air getting sliced into two. If one got stroked by that, Jesus might be the person you see next when opening your eyes again.

Already expecting that, I dodge to the right side. Using the momentum of the dodge I rotate my arm and slash the knight's arm. But he quickly pulls back his sword and uses it to deflect my sword, managing to stop my blade from further cutting his arm.

I quickly move back, distancing myself from him. Then a sudden thought come to my mind. This is a good opportunity to test out Maxwell's sword art first skill.

Putting my other claymore into the scabbard, then set my left foot to the back, lower my body. I lift my right claymore horizontally at my eye level, then chant wind magic into the blade. Every quickly, a thin layer of wind spell engulfed it.

'First skill: Divine Piercing'

Stomp hard to the ground and dash straight to the knight, the floor tiles crack into pieces with every step I made.

The wind spell on the claymore activates and creates an air thruster, drastically boosting my speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, I already appear in front of the knight and slam into it.

Combining the frightening speed and the weight of the great sword. My blade pierces through the knight's shield without any problems.

Dropping his sword and used both of his hands to support the shield blocking my attack. But it was meaningless as my blade destroy his shield and punctured his chest.

Knee down with brown blood dripping, release his hand from the shield, he grabs on my blade in the last effort to resist.

I then step on him while holding tight to my sword and pull it out, knocking the knight to the ground.

'That should be enough...'

I muttered to myself. The knight slowly decades into ashes and flew away, leaving behind the set of armor that he used to wear.

Have to say that was quite easier than I expected, thanks to that skill I learn from Maxwell. Have to thank that old gee later when we meet again.

Now about the loot... Besides the sword, that is the only thing I can use right now. The shield and the chest plate is a total bust, the leggings and other piece see still in the alright condition. But the damn thing is so big, there's no way I can wear it now so I decide to store it in my dimension inventory.

Picking up the sword and opening the interface.


Dragonslayer Zweihander

Rank: A [ S+ ]

Type: great sword

Damage type: physical - 220 DMG

Stat requirements:

- Strength: 32

- Agility: 18

Description: the great sword of Gwyn's dark knight who wanders the ruins of Lordran. With huge and heavy blades, hundreds and thousands of dragons were slain by it.


'Not bad, not bad

As expected for a blade made to slay the dragon, its damage is very impressive and it will do much more if I can find someone to repair its cracks and polished it.

After all, every blade needs to be taken care of. From the look of it, this thing has been used for a long time without being taken care of.

Well, I can't blame that knight though. When hollowed, their humanity is long gone along with their consciousness. Left behind is a live-less corpse that is still animated by the curse of the dark sign.

Anyway, I had stayed here too long, I have to up the pace. Stored the sword away I walked toward the ladder but suddenly halt.

'Almost forget the doll'

Peculiar doll, a wooden doll wearing a strange dress, as the system described it. It might seem like a toy for kids, but that doll isn't simple as it looks. It will be an important key in the future, as for now, I will leave it in my storage.

'That should be all, time to get the hell out of here

I then proceeded and exit the asylum through the gate which was blocked by the first asylum demon.

Pushing through the door and looking around, I found the path ahead of me is a dead end. It was just the edge of the cliff, beneath it is a deep pit that seems endless.

At the end of the path is an oversized bird's nest. I walk towards it and take a closer look. Inside was no egg but instead is a few large black feathers.

'If I'm correct, all you have to do this position myself into an egg shape, and the raven will pick me up.'

Just as I did that, a gigantic raven flew to me and pick me up and fly straight into the horizon.

'Lordran here we go'