Lordran - Firelink shrine

~ A bit longer than a few hours later

After flying nonstop, we managed to arrive at Lordran, the kingdom of Gwyn. As we got closer and pass down through the thick clouds, a gigantic wall was upon my eyes with small buildings beneath it.

'Outskirt of Lordran... Who have could have thought I will visit this place again

The outskirts of Lordran are much larger than it looks. If you walk the correct path, from here you can go straight down to hell, legit hell no metaphor here.

Soon we arrived at the ruins of a cemetery on a cliffside. This is the fire link shrine or you could say what remains of it. Back in its better days, it was a majestic church with a tower raised to the sky-high, with pillars lined up together to praise the God they once worship.

Now are just some rotten ruins slowly decade and digested by mother nature. Pillars and towers that were once high as the sky now collapsed into rubble. The whole place is engulfed by greenery from the moss and grass, without those pillars still standing, this place would be unrecognizable.

When we finally reach the shrine, the crow drops me down and flies away. Landing down on the ground with a loud 'thud', I almost crash my face into the ground because that damn bird drops me like from a 2 story building.

Took a glance at my surroundings and proceeded to the bond fire. As soon as I sat down, my surroundings quickly get blurry, only the small area around the fire is unaffected.

Reaching into my pouches, I took out the flasks and start filling them with fire. Unlike the previous bone fire, this one is slightly larger, allowing me to fill 10 flasks instead of 5.

This is also a good time to increase my stats since the upcoming area will get way harder. The asylum was just the tutorial, the real challenge started from here.


- Dimension stat board -

Available soul: 23500 -> 819 (dimension currency)

Soul level: 1 -> 20

Health: 500/500 -> 792/792

Stamina: 90/90

Mana: 95/95

Strength: [strenght] [Resistance ] 10 -> 24

(increase melee damage and for some weapon that has requirements. And boost resistance to bleeding poison and curses)

Perception: [ Crit damage ] 10

( boost crit damage)

Endurance: [endurance] [vitality] 15 -> 20

( how much you can carry, stamina limit, and your health)

Charisma: [ Faith] 8

(for using miracle )

Agility: [Dexterity] 9

(attack speed and casting speed)

Intelligent: [intelligence] 15

(mana limits and spells damage )

Luck: [ Item discovery ] 10

( the chance of you getting drops from the monster) (can only increase with items and consumables)


'There goes all my soul'

The higher your level the more expensive it gets to level up. It takes 3122 souls for me to get to level 22 and will be way more as it goes on.

Turning off the interface and standing up, reach into my dimension inventory and took out the Black Knight Great Sword.

With the buff from Maxwell ring and the increase of level. My strength should be around strength level 36 which is slightly more than the strength requirement for the sword. Not only that, but the ring also reduced my weapon weight a lot making it so easy to swing it around.

Raise my sword horizontally and do a quick slash. Despite being so light, its destructive power is still the same. Soon as It hit the pillar, a loud bang as dust and rubble flew out. When the dust is too clear, the pillar is no more than rubble and dust.

' damn good stuff, no wonder they used to slay dragons'

When dust start to clear up, the pillar was already crushed into pieces and became a pile of rubble.

Swipe away the dust on my sword, check its condition and as expected it was totally fine. Not a single dent where it makes contact with the pillar.

Now that is done, it is time to head undead burg. My current goal is to ring the two bells of awakening which then unlock the gate of a fortress somewhere near the undead parish. Which then will unlock a path for me to get to Anor Londo, the central kingdom of Lordran.

It is much harder than it sounds. To get to the bells, I have to travel through this hollowed city fill with you guessed it, hollows, a lot of hollows.

Of course, in the end, I have to face a lot of bosses and failure is not an option. I died once and I rather not die again. I might be able to revive like in the game but there is no guarantee that I won't become undead which might trap me here forever.

So to play it safe, I will take it slow and arm myself to the tooth, enough to kick the final boss ass with no sweat.

Without wasting any more time, I quickly make my way to Undead burg.


Walking up the small staircase which leads to a sewer runner which leads straight to an Undead Burg. But was guarded by a few hollow knights, armed with rusty chain mail armor and a rusty long sword, they roam around endlessly, growling nonstop.

As they saw me approaching, they quickly raise their shield and headed toward me. If it was the old me when at the asylum, it might take some time to deal with.

But with the addition of overpowered black knight greatsword and the stats increase along with other stuff from Maxwell. Killing these guys with these is a bit overkill. Especially if I use Maxwell's sword art along the way which I will, it is a good idea to have it mastered along the way.

Raise my sword horizontally and do a quick slash at the hollow. With the overwhelming power of the sword along with my fast swing, the sword cut the hollow in half. Slowly slide off, his body separated but quickly fade into ashes.

'Just like I thought, this is overkill...'

I then did the same with the remaining hollows and like it, comrade got sliced into two and fade into ashes.

Traveling up the stairs and into the long sewer tunnel, I manage to find an exit and from there lead right into the undead burg.

You might think of a beautiful medieval setting town with sunshine and greenery everywhere you go but nope, this place is the total opposite of that.

It was a town under the huge walls of Anor Londo, this is more of a place for the exiled than a place for normal people to live.

Despite so, it is still quite large and decent. Building made of fine bricks and wood neatly placed. Roads and walls are all made of stone bricks, with moss and grass growing over the place. Because of the high wall of Anor Londo blocking its sunlight, the town looks very gloomy and quite breathless.

Roaming on the street are just hollows endless wander around the place. Howling nonstop, but besides that, there is nothing much to talk about in the town.

Oh right, well there is technically loot around the place since this was based on an RPG game we talking about. But since it is just the starting area, most of the stuff is just junk not worth mentioning so I will ignore them.

After exiting the tunnel, I continue traveling through the abandoned town. Along the way, I killed some wandering hollows which were no different from the ones I previously fought.

Walking for a bit, I found a way down into the lower layer. Which isn't the right way, but I have a feeling that something useful will be at the end of it... Gamer institutions I guess, which surprisingly still exist in a 60-year-old man like me.

Hop down to the lower floor, I was instantly ambushed by dozens of hollows. Out of nowhere, they crush through the door and start attacking.

I was kind of surprised but It didn't matter much, hold my sword tight and swing a wide slash. Instantly chop all the hollows around me into half, some hid in the back so they manage to survive but it doesn't matter because they are next.

Just I'm about to send it to God, a thought came to my mind.

'What if I enchant my blade but just cover the tip of it. And then when I swing instead of using it to boost my speed, I release it instead?. Could I create a wing blade ?'

Pulling my mana into the tip of the blade and enchanting it with a windshield, every quick and silver light covered the tip of my blade.

Locking on the remaining hollows, I raise my arm to the back and just when it is enough. I swing it horizontally and aim at the hollows. Just when the blade flies by and points at them, I release the spell.

With nothing holding it back, the windshield got shot off the blade and form a long thin arc. Along with the momentum, it flew fast like a bullet and slice the hollows. It when straight though without any resistance and crashed into a wall nearby.


Brick crumbled into rubble, a large crack appear on the wall with a long line deeply cut into it. The hollows... Well expected, cut into half and fade into ashes.

Then a notification pops out from the interface.



- you have created a new skill:

Name: Wind slash

Rank: D [C upon mastered ]

Power: based on the density of the mana concentrated and the momentum power

P=m.v ( Momentum = mass*velocity)

Description: by releasing windshield skill at high velocity, the shield will turn into a thin arc. Deadly enough to cut through anything that can't stop it.

Remark: how the hell did you get this, that's illegal. That is not how you use shield magic.


'Ok let's ignore that, not like some guy with a ban hammer gonna smack me... I hope not...'

Anyway, to be honest this isn't anything new back in my real world. Living in a war zone for a long time, you people will create all sorts of technique that harnesses the maximum potential of their arsenal.

And this technique comes from an accident, some clumsy guy can't keep a constant stream of mana into his sword and ended up shot his sword shield straight at the demon and somehow chopping its head off. And that is how it was created.

( I forgot to explain what the shield term means. It is just the spell that helps the sword cut through the air without any resistance to achieve maximum speed and also speed it up in the meantime. And it could be used to increase the sharpness of the blade.)

Another skill to my arsenal, keep it commit g boys, I would love to have more. With every single skill I gain, the strength I can kick the final boss's ass and all his colleague's asses.

... I sound like a bad guy not gonna lie since I keep talking to myself like this, no wonder my sanity dropping. It might be a good reason to finish this dimension fast and get back to the real world after all.