11) Good Guys!

"D-don't! Don't come near me…"

Aylin warned in her trembling and breathy voice as she tried to crawl away from that drunkard. Her knee was bleeding with excruciating pain. So, she didn't have the strength to run away.

But, the drunkard grabbed her ankles and pulled her back under him. While throwing her hands and legs helplessly, Aylin screamed loudly, "B-bastard! Let me go! D-don't touch me!"

Sheer black fright swept through her as she struggled to set herself free from his grip but it was kind of impossible for her to fight with that bulky man.

When Kai turned his head, Aylin and the other drunkard were already out of his sight but he could still hear her helpless cry. Grabbing the hilt of his sword, he unsheathed his silver sword and followed Aylin's voice. His lips thinned with fury. Fury almost choked him when he saw the drunkard hovering over Aylin.

His blood was boiling as he swung his sword swiftly, aiming at the back of the drunkard's neck but before his sword could land on his neck, a dark and tall silhouette (taller than both Kai and the drunkard) jumped down from the roof nearby and pushed Kai away from the drunkard and Aylin.

Kai swiftly swung his sword once again and attacked the intruder as he growled furiously, "How dare you stop me! I will kill that- First Brother, you-"

First Prince easily dodged Kai's attack as he pushed Kai hard against his chest and ordered in a low and authoritative voice, "Step back and sheathe your sword."

Kai was still panting in wrath. He glowered at the drunkard as his curt voice lashed at him, "I will kill that A******... How dare he-"

"I said, sheathe your sword. Right Now!"

But, cutting him in the middle, the First Prince ordered coldly and then without waiting for his answer, the First Prince turned back and headed to Aylin. The drunkard was still trying to pull Aylin back under him and on the other side, Aylin was throwing her legs insanely, trying to crawl away, using all her strength.

Grabbing the back of the neck of the drunkard, the First Prince picked him up, using his monstrous strength and threw him a few hands away from Aylin. The drunkard was already in a wobbly situation. That attack was too sudden for him. His head collided against the nearby wall and blood began to ooze out as he passed out immediately.

Without paying any attention to him, the First Prince leaned forward and asked in his warm and gentleman's voice, "Miss, please don't be scared of me. I wouldn't hurt you." Then while removing his deep blue robe, he asked again in a concerned tone, "Are you ok? Don't move. You are bleeding."

Aylin gulped nervously as she wiped her teary cheeks with the back of her hand. Fear, stark and vivid was glittering in her eyes as she wrapped her hands around her slender body and mumbled weakly, nodding her head, "Y-yes…"

Sighing loudly, the First Prince leaned closer and placed his outer robe over her. Then taking a step back, he explained in his friendly tone, "Put it on. Your wound looks fatal and blood is constantly gushing out. We have to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. Will you come with us? We live nearby."

Aylin was a healer too. So, she also realised that her leg already turned numb in pain and too much blood loss could make it worse. Yet, she looked up in the direction of the First Prince suspiciously as she mumbled in an unstable and trembling tone, "N-no… I will be fine. I don't wanna bother-"

Waving his hand, the First Prince smiled warmly and interrupted Aylin, cutting her in the middle, "Young Lady, you can trust us. We don't have any evil intentions. We aren't feeling bothered either. It will be best for you to come with us."

While putting on the robe of the First Prince, Aylin bit her lower lip nervously. Her head was swirling with doubts as her eyes instinctively shifted on her bleeding knees. Blood was still gushing out. She tore a piece of cloth from her gown and answered while tying her wound with it, "T-Thanks for helping me. But, I have some unfinished work so I will go on my way now."

Sighing, the First Prince was about to say something when that familiar teen voice interrupted him from behind, "And how exactly are you planning to walk with that bleeding knee? This time, you were lucky that we were nearby but do you have any idea how dangerous this area is?"

Kai blurted out in a grouchy yet protective tone. He was listening to their conversation, leaning against the nearby wall. He already hid back his sword under his black robe but his eyes were still furious, burning in wrath and disgust. 

Again and again, he was glaring at the drunkard who was lying on the ground a few hands away from them, senseless with a bleeding head as if Kai was going to tear him apart and it was extremely difficult for him to control himself.

Hearing the new voice, Aylin looked up instantly with a startled face only to find out that Kai was standing next to her saviour, the First Prince. His black robe got dirty and his silky, silvery hair was all messed up. It was clear that the fight was intense but luckily, there was no sign of wounds.

Clearing her throat, Aylin answered boldly, collecting all her strength, "I know everything but I don't have any other choice, Mister. I am grateful to both of you for helping me. I owe you my life and I promise to pay you back one day. But, I really have to"

Kai cut her again in the middle as he declared in a demanding tone, "There is no 'But'. You are coming with us."

"I can't. I have a very important job. I am searching for someone and I have to find her at any cost."

While rubbing his temple, Kai hunched in front of Aylin and asked in a concerned tone, "Seriously? Is it a garden where you can just come and start searching for anyone? If you collide with any pimp, they will just capture you and sell you. Don't tell me that you are looking forward to being a prostitute?"

A tiny smirk curled up the First Prince's lips as he noticed his overprotective behaviour of Kai. He was silently listening to them but when he realised that both of them were too stubborn to agree easily and none of them was ready to step back, he advised while running his fingers through his blonde hair, "Young Lady, I think that you are not in a situation to walk right now. It will be better if you just go with Kai and at least, get some first aid treatments. About your work… Hmmm, maybe we can help you to find your acquaintance. Is it ok?"

Aylin's eyes lit up in hope and she asked again, looking up in the direction of the First Prince, "Really? Can you help me?"

"Of course, we can." Then, placing his one hand on Kai's shoulder who was still hunching in front of Aylin and examining her wound, the First Prince added, "My brother knows every nook and cranny of this area. Will you come with us now?"

Aylin nodded her head happily as hope glimmered in her doe eyes. She was hesitating at the beginning but the friendliness of the First Prince and Kai's concern calmed her down. The naive young girl believed them without any second thought.

Frowning his eyebrows, Kai looked up at his brother askingly. Obviously, he barely knew about that area as he wasn't allowed to leave the cottage much and the First Prince was very strict.

'Then why suddenly his brother lied to Lin!'

Kai didn't get the chance to ask any questions. Stretching his slender yet strong arms exhaustedly, the First Prince declared, winking at Kai playfully, "Kai, take her home and you have to help her to find her acquaintance. Ok?"

Kai tried to protest instantly with a puzzled expression, "Why me? I don't even know-"

"Don't argue, little brother. It is your punishment for disobeying me. I told you not to engage in any fight."

Rolling his eyes, Kai complained in a disgusted tone, "But… those filthy bastards don't deserve to live."

The First Prince already began to walk away from them, turning his back. He was walking in the direction of that drunkard nearby. Without turning his head, he answered a little louder than usual, "You could have dealt with it differently, Kai. You still don't know how to control your temper. So, instead of complaining, do your work."

The First Prince sounded serious and quite strict. Kai didn't dare to complain anymore. Staring at his back, he only sighed loudly. He knew that he messed up and lost control over his anger like always. But, it wasn't really his fault. Those drunkards' words were provoking and disgusting.

Yet, after a few seconds, he asked worriedly, "First Brother, where are you going?"

"Of course to clean up your mess. Go home already. I will be back soon."


On the other side, excruciating pain and too much blood loss were making Aylin dizzy. For a moment, she felt like she would fall asleep, lying in that shabby alley. But, it was already so late at night, that she forced her body and somehow tried to get up, supporting the wall nearby. 


But, Aylin wasn't able to stand for long on her one leg. Losing her balance, she was about to fall to the ground when Kai approached her, faster than lightning. Wrapping one of his strong and slender hands around her thin waist, he pulled her closer to his chest, helping her to stand steadily.

Looking down at her delicate face, he asked in an apologetic tone, "Sorry for making you wait. I think that you can't walk by yourself. Should I carry you?"

Gulping nervously, Aylin murmured, "N-No… I can walk. Just lend me your shoulder."
