12) Secrets?

The moon was putting on a show.

Her hair was dripping with jewels and diamonds, too perfect for any mere mortal to gaze upon without stumbling in awe. Its silvery light was making everything enigmatic and glamorous; even that shabby alley behind that Blossom brothel.


Supporting Kai's shoulder, Aylin was trying to walk slowly. But, she barely managed to take a few steps and she stumbled again, groaning in excruciating pain. She was about to fall on her face but Kai's strong arm steadied her at the last moment, saving her from falling.

Kai asked in his magnetic and deep voice, "Are you ok, Lin?"

Licking her dry and bleeding lower lip, Aylin murmured in an embarrassed tone, looking down at the ground, "S-sorry, Mister. I am stumbling again and again and slowing you down. It seems like I really can't-"

Kai chuckled mischievously as he suddenly wrapped one hand around Aylin's waist and put the other hand behind her knees. Then without letting her finish his sentence, he picked her up in the bridal style, careful enough not to touch her bare skin or hurt her wound and whispered in his carefree tone, looking down at Aylin's startled face, "See… It will be faster in this way and you won't even feel any pain. Can I?" 


Kai's handsome face was extremely close to Aylin's. She could feel his chest rise and fall, feel his warm breath against her face. She felt as if she was wrapped in an invincible yet familiar warmth, she felt a lurch of excitement within her. His masculine yet lavender scent was mesmerising, engulfing her all senses. 

Aylin wasn't familiar with that sudden adrenaline rush or with that unwelcoming surge of excitement. She couldn't even remember any past incident where she was that close to any guy yet that warmth, that feeling, that masculine scent felt unexpectedly familiar as if it was not the first time she was close to him.

That same feeling of deja vu triggered those questions once again in her heart.

'Who is this guy? Why does he look so familiar? Have we met before?'

Raising his long eyebrows, Kai asked curiously with that carefree smile on his face, "What is it? Is there something on my face?"

"Ah! No no…" 

Aylin instantly looked away, breaking eye contact as stains of scarlet appeared on her cheeks. The sound of Kai's rhythmic and steady heartbeats was still audible as she clung to his chest. Kai was walking quite fast as if he was just carrying a doll.

But he was still looking down at Aylin's blushing cheeks; instead of the road ahead, analysing her reactions. His gaze was as soft as a caress and he asked again in his husky voice, "What is it? Tell me... What is bothering you? Are you scared of me?"

Aylin hastily shook her head to decline as she murmured in a trembling and shy voice, "No, it's just embarrassing, Mister. I mean… I must be heavy and you are carrying me like this. I don't know how…" She paused abruptly as a moment later, she mumbled again apologetically in her low tone, "Sorry."

Kai's anger had long disappeared, the moment he started talking to Aylin, he felt as if she was a soothing potion for the burning fury inside him. He was feeling quite lighthearted around her and her shyness was extremely adorable even for that cold-hearted young beast. He felt like he wouldn't ever get tired of teasing that tween girl whose face used to turn red at every small thing.

Chuckling mischievously, Kai asked, cocking one of his eyebrows, "Seriously? Are you not scared of me? You know nothing about me and you don't even have any strength to escape my grip. What if I kidnap you or sell you in the brothel? You should be scared of me, Young lady."

Kai's words were quite threatening but logical. Yet, Aylin looked up and smiled warmly as she awaited playfully, clenching Kai's black robe a little tighter, "Then, should I start shouting for help, Mister? Though you have the appearance of a gentleman, are you hiding your evil self behind this facade? Like a devil in Angel's skin?"

Kai's mischievous grin widened, softening the features of his face as he countered mysteriously, "Maybe? Who knows!" But, after a little pause, he added, winking teasingly, "But, I will never show my devil side to such a pretty lady like you… Rest assured, I am never gonna scare you."

Aylin giggled lightheartedly. Instinctively, she moved her face closer to Kai's chest as she answered cheerfully, "Thanks for being so concerned, Mister. And, thank you so much for helping me from those drunkards. I will try my best to pay you back."

Even the thought of those drunkards scared Aylin so much, that her grip tightened on Kai's robe.

Kai answered frivolously, "Of course, I am not helping you free of cost. You must help me. By the way, call me, Kai."

Aylin inclined her head as she mumbled in her soft, shy tone, "I am Aylin. It is pleasure meeting you. Do you live here?"

"For now, yes. I am living here, in this red-light area as we don't have any other choice. But, I am a foreign merchant."

Aylin asked curiously, looking up in Kai's direction, "Wait, you are not from here??? Then where is your homeland?"

"Wylan. My elder brother and I have come here to sell our goods at the Fair of Spring Festival but then, the Crown Prince locked all the gates and we are stuck here. Without any other option to return."

"But, Spring Festival hasn't ended yet. Why do you wanna return so early??"

"Because we have managed to sell all our goods and I am missing my home. I wish there is a secret passage or something. I could just run away from here."

Looking up with a sympathetic expression, Aylin murmured in her silvery tone, "Missing your home?"

Kai smiled sadly as he nodded, "Yes... I have a huge family and all of them are waiting for me. It is the first time I came, leaving my house. I am feeling really lonely in this foreign land. But, Alas! We don't even have an option to return now."


Aylin bit her lower lips hesitantly as she thought for a moment. Then clearing her throat, she murmured in her silvery voice, "Actually, there is a... secret passage."

"Huh? What?"

"I am not sure, should I tell you or not but there is a way to escape the kingdom without using the gates."