13) A Promise!

"A secret passage to leave the kingdom? Seriously?"

Kai stopped abruptly as he asked in a curious and shocked tone, looking down at Aylin intently. A mysterious and unpredictable light glimmered in his pitch-black eyes as his lips twitched slightly in a tiny yet satisfied grin as if he was waiting only for hearing this.

Aylin bit her lower lip nervously as she mumbled, slightly nodding her head, "Yes, through the forest. There is a cave that can lead you to Wylan but only a few people know about that secret passage. Not even the royals. I work in a herbal store so while lurking in the forest-"

"You found it, Right?"


Aylin hesitated, blinking with bafflement. She wasn't sure whether she should reveal the location of that passage or not. For a moment, she thought to herself, 'These guys are extremely ordinary and very nice. They can't be the trespassers or the assassinators. They have even helped me. Will it be a problem if I tell them?.. But, what if…'

Torn by conflicted thoughts, she sighed secretly as she decided to stay quiet for that moment. Kai also observed her reaction but he didn't say anything.

 He again started walking, breaking eye contact. Sighing loudly, he answered in his deep voice as if he read all her thoughts, "Well, I want to leave Arcelia as soon as possible but I don't want to use you, Miss Aylin. You don't have to think so much."

"Ummm… I am sorry, Kai. It is not like I don't trust you. It is just that I am-"

But, Kai interrupted in the middle as he stated, looking forward, "We have reached our cottage. Let's not talk about that anymore. I will prefer to wait for Crown Prince's order; rather make you feel uncomfortable."


Aylin nodded her head without any objection. 

'Knock! Knock!'

A middle-aged woman with cakey makeup and dark lipstick opened the door of the cottage but seeing Kai, her face lit up with a plastic smile as she welcomed them inside, "Young Master, welcome back."

Kai instantly asked in a formal yet polite tone, "Madam Jenny, my friend is injured. Can you send the first aid box, some hot water and a clean women's cloth to my room?"

Madam Jenny was busy, scanning the tween girl in Kai's embrace. She was looking tiny and slender yet she had a beautiful face with a pair of alluring, doe eyes. Hearing Kai's question, she instantly snapped back into reality. 

Flashing her plastic smile once again, she responded warmly, "Sure, Young Master. I will be in your room within a minute."

The inside of the cottage wasn't as dull as the outside; rather it was colourful and decorated with thin silky drapes and flowers. The soft scent of the flowers was mixed with the strong perfume of incense sticks. Aylin felt dizzy as she instinctively covered her nose with one hand, wrinkling her nose. The fragrance was too strong to bear.

Kai chuckled silently, seeing her awkwardness but he didn't wait in the hall any longer. Taking the stairs, he began to climb in the direction of the second floor. A soft melody of pipa was lingering in the air and beautiful girls, wearing heavy makeup and revealing dresses, were passing by while carrying the pitchers of wine or fruit bowls in their hands. Aylin was too startled to speak or react. Still wrapping her slender and fair hands around Kai's neck, she was staring at those girls curiously.

Still looking in the direction of the hall, Aylin whispered in her silvery tone, "Are they all courtesans? They are so gorgeous…"

"Uh-huh… They are amazing."

"Do you live here? With them?"

"We have rented the second floor of this cottage as there wasn't any empty inn. Madam Jenny takes care of her food and laundry too."

"Isn't this place a little uncomfortable? I mean that there are so many courtesans and customers. You seem to enjoy-"

"Pfft! Miss Aylin, neither my brother nor me fancies this kind of pleasure; rather for me, the women of my homeland are more gorgeous and alluring. So, we don't even come down."


Aylin cleared her throat awkwardly as she murmured under her breath, "Yes yes, I got it. You don't have to explain."

They stopped in front of the door of the last room on the second floor. There were only two rooms on that floor along with a spacious balcony and a huge empty swing. 

Entering the room, Kai placed Aylin on his bed as he knelt in front of her to check her wounded knee. The room was not very large and quite messy but it was filled with his soothing, masculine scent. There was a flower vase, placed on the bedside table but the flowers were already dried. 

While observing the messy room, Aylin asked curiously, "Your room?"

Without looking up, Kai answered while untying the piece of cloth from her knee, "Yeah! But, most nights, I sleep on the swing or the rooftop, under the sky. So, you can stay here tonight."

Aylin denied anxiously, "No way… I have to go and find my aunt. I can't just stay here and rest."

Frowning his eyebrows, Kai looked up as he grumbled in his deep and authoritative tone, "Have you lost your mind? You can barely walk now and you will go out?"

Puffing out her cheeks in a pout, Aylin complained gloomily, "But, you told me that you will help me. Did you lie to me?"


Shaking his head, Kai sighed loudly. Then, looking up in Aylin's direction, he answered with a helpless expression, "Haven't I promised to help you? But, tomorrow morning. At night, this place is no less dangerous than Lion's den."

Still pouting her lips, Aylin complained in a disappointed tone, "I shouldn't have come here. But, if you don't help me tomorrow, then-"

Cutting her in the middle, Kai answered, raising his both hands and making a surrender gesture, "I promise, I will."


Within a few minutes, their alone time was interrupted by a soft knock on the door and Madam Jenny entered the room. She brought all the essential things as Kai ordered. Though she was reluctant to leave as her eyes were busy scanning Aylin, Kai asked her politely to leave after a small conversation.

While dressing the wound, Kai kept on asking about Aylin's Aunt and a deep frown formed between his long and arched eyebrows. 

After listening to everything, he asked, still frowning his brows, "So, you don't know anyone else who works with your Aunt? Here?"

"No… I don't know anything about her work or her friends. She always kept me away from this year. I am really worried. Is she ok?"

Kai was already done bandaging her wounds. He got up from the ground and gently placed one of his hands on Aylin's head as he assured him in his warm and deep voice, "Don't worry. She will be alright. Sleep well tonight. Tomorrow, we will sneak into the Blossom palace."

Aylin looked up at him with her dreamy eyes as her delicate face lit up with a naive expression. Raising one hand, she gently grabbed the corner of the hanging sleeve of his black robe as she asked in her low tone, "Promise, right? You wouldn't break your promise. Right?"

She had puppy eyes look in her mysterious amber eyes, Kai couldn't look away for a moment as if he got trapped in a maze.  

A feather line of laughs crinkled around his eyes as he chuckled charmingly. He assured, patting her head softly, "Yup… Now go change and take a rest."

The warmth of his smile echoed in his voice. A small smile of enchantment touched Aylin's lips too. She nodded her head obediently. Kai was already near the door but just before leaving, he stopped abruptly and turned his head back.

"Call me if you need anything. I will be outside on the balcony. Don't hesitate."
