14) Emotions!

"Hmm… It seems that you have found something… Useful?"

The moment Kai came out of his bedroom, closing the door, he was greeted by the familiar, husky voice of the First Prince of Fintan. Leaning against a wall nonchalantly, he was playing with a small copper dagger in his hand as if he was waiting for Kai. The dagger was sheathed but it was magnificent and glimmering even in that dim silvery light of the moon.

The hallway of the second floor was narrow and dark, partially illuminated by the soft moonlight that was peeping through the windows and the door of the balcony. 

Kai was startled by the sudden appearance of the First Prince.

But, just for a moment.

"Oh! You are back. Let's go outside."

Closing the door of his bedroom and after making sure that none was around them, both of them headed towards the balcony. Kai dropped on the huge swing as he sighed loudly with an exhausted expression.

The First Prince was looking nonchalant though. He was casually sitting on the railing of the balcony, hanging his long legs outside. From his position the whole red-light district was visible, decorated with shimmering and bright lights and crowded with numerous kinds of customers, courtesans and pimps.

While running his slender fingers through his silver hair, Kai murmured in a low yet clear tone, "My guess was right, First Brother. There is a way out through the forest."

Cocking his eyebrows, the First Prince tilted his head slightly in Kai's direction as he asked in a curious tone, "And, this girl knows about it, right? Is she the one you met that night?"

Kai nodded his head approvingly as he laid down on the swing.

Hearing Kai's assurance, the First Prince's amber eyes lit up for a moment as a slight red light sparkled in anticipation. He asked instantly with an impatient expression, "Has she told you the exact location of the secret passage? At least, the direction? It seems that we are really lucky. Let's return next week until then, I will-"

Kai sighed loudly as he interrupted, cutting his brother in the middle, "First Brother, I didn't ask her about the location. I didn't want to act impulsively or frighten her. If we ask her so directly-"

While rubbing his temple, the First Prince blurted out in an annoyed tone, "Jeez! Seriously, Kai? When have you been so considerate? What's wrong with you?"

"First Brother, I am not being considered. I just want a little time and I don't want to force her. I promise that I will find-"

"Damn! Time? That's what we don't have, Kai. The effect of our potions will end soon. Scare her, beg her, or request her! Just find out that passage as soon as possible or we're both gonna die here and will be the reason for the war between Fintan and Arcelia. Can you understand the situation?"

Clearing his throat, he claimed in a confident tone, "First Brother, trust me. I wouldn't let that happen. I am waiting for her, to get comfortable around me. Then, she will reveal it herself. We don't even have to force or scare her."

The deep frown between the eyebrows slightly relaxed as he asked in a serious voice, "Are you sure? How long will it take?"

"Just give me two or three days. I will find it. I promise."

"Very well. I am counting on you, Kai. Don't disappoint me."

Kai nodded his head reassuringly but his eyes were still focused on the starry sky above. The First Prince asked again after a little pause, "Kai"


"Why are you taking such a long way? You can just force her to reveal the location and then wipe out her memory, like the last time."

Kai closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. The next moment, the scene of that night in Lin's bedroom flashed in front of his eyes, the sweet taste of her lips filled his mind once again along with that painful expression on her delicate face as if he was stabbing her heart and she was quivering in excruciating pain.

He couldn't think anymore.

Shaking away those thoughts, he murmured in a low voice, "No, I- I don't want to do that again."

Frowning his eyebrows deeply, the First Prince asked curiously, "Why? It is the easiest way to deal with this matter. She is just a powerless commoner. She can't even fight against you."

Kai mumbled, without looking in the direction of the First Prince, "Just I don't want her to forget- I mean that I don't want to use my mana, right now. Haven't you asked me to stay low? I think that I can solve it without using my power."

The First Prince observed his younger brother's expression for a few seconds as a cynical chuckle escaped his lips. He jumped down from the railing. While yawning and stretching his arms, the First Prince informed in a sleepy tone, "Well, I will leave for the Capital tomorrow morning. Take care of everything here and don't act recklessly like tonight. Ok?"

Kai also sat back on the swing from his lying posture.

Nodding his head obediently, he answered instantly, "Sorry for today. I will be careful. When will you come back?"

"Maybe in a week. So, you have a week. Use it wisely."


The First Prince of Fintan already began to walk towards the door to leave but he stopped for a moment in front of Kai as he placed his left hand on Kai's shoulder and advised in his authoritative voice.

"Kai, we are royal blood and are on Royal duty. So, use your brain before making decisions. Don't let your feelings cloud your vision."

Then, patting Kai's shoulder, he left the balcony, taking long strides. Kai didn't even get the chance to ask him any more questions as he noticed that his tall silhouette disappeared into the dark hallway. But he already understood what the First Prince meant. 

Tucking both hands behind his head like a pillow, he laid down on the swing once again. The stars in that pitch-dark sky were sparkling like diamonds and the soft wind was tousling his silvery hair again and again. The cacophony of the red light area was like bees' buzzing but his heart was in a tumult to get bothered by that.