Into the Abyss!

'Lin, wake up!'

A deep familiar but faint voice whispered near her ears as if the voice was coming from her heart. It was deep and vague. Fluttering her eyes, Aylin managed to open her eyes and her vision was greeted by a pair of mysterious crimson eyes, twinkling in the reddish-pink light of the twilight; melancholic and passionate at the same time. The wild breeze tousled his silver hair. 

Aylin gulped the aching sensation in her throat as she blinked a few times as mumbled in a low whisper, "You?.. How! Where am I?"

In response, a smile ruffled his mouth as he offered her one of his hands (like he always used to do) and murmured again, "Wake up now, Lin. We don't have much time."

His smile was as intimate as a kiss and his voice was husky and beguiling.