Unholy Cabin!

'What the hell is this place!'

Aylin mumbled in a terrified tone as she froze in her place abruptly and began to examine her surroundings. Some sixth sense brought her fully awake. She could feel something pulling her inside, an undeniable attraction of strong energy!

'Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop!'

It looked like a huge, black hill in the middle of the lake. From the ceiling, something was constantly dripping, directly into the lake. The sound of its dripping was echoing in that enclosed cave. Taking careful steps, Aylin took a few steps forward inside that man-made cabin with that lake at the base. She collected some drops of fluid that were dripping from the ceiling, on her palm and examined them carefully. It was a shiny and silvery liquid.

'Mercury! Mercury is dripping from the ceiling, filling the lake. Weird!'