Tea Event-2

"Why is he not a prince?"

Aylin asked curiously, frowning her eyebrows. She clearly remembered Marius who was with Kai that day. Now, recalling his light red eyes, she mumbled in a puzzled and inaudible tone, 'He is Kai's half brother but his eyes are-'

Rit whispered again, breaking the train of Aylin's thoughts, "Knight Marius is the son of King Odin but he is not as strong as the other five Princes or something like that. I don't know exactly. Whatever, the reason is, he was never introduced as the Prince."

"But, the Third Lady is still one of the chief concubines of His Majesty. Right? This is strange. Yet, her son is not a royal member."

Rit took a deep breath as she checked her surroundings cautiously to make sure that nobody was around them. Then, shrugging her shoulders, she answered, "Who knows what the reason is..! But, there is a rumor that before being a concubine, she was the housemaid of the Second queen."