Tea Event-3

Aylin approached the next table while trying her best to calm down her rapid pulse. Luke was still busy eating his favorite bacon. Though it wasn't really his fault, the bacon was looking really juicy and delicious.

The moment Luke noticed Aylin, a charming smile ruffled his mouth. A smile trembled over her lips also as she asked, leaning forward towards him, "Greeting, Your Highness. Do you want to have some butter tea blend?"

Winking at Aylin in his friendly manner, Luke answered, "Sure… It is a crime to say no to the butter blend tea."

Aylin couldn't help but giggle silently, noticing his excited face. While pouring the tea carefully, she mumbled in her silky voice, "Enjoy your tea, Your Highness. Have a great day."

Luke whispered in his cheerful voice, lowering his gaze back to his plate, "You too, Aylin. I wish I could just invite you to join me now."