Read For me, Princess

"What kind of book are you reading?"

Kaiser asked in a confused tone, peeking from behind her shoulders. Shocked, Aylin instantly turned her head with a blank and pale face. Gasping in fright, she complained, closing the book in her hand, "Whoa! When did you arrive?"

Kaiser pulled an empty chair, closer to Aylin and dropped next to her. Stealing a glance at the title of the book in her hand, he answered casually, "Just now. I thought to scare you so I didn't knock."

A smile trembled over her cherry lips as she claimed in her silvery tone, "It is not easy to scare me, Master. I am fearless."

Raising his eyebrow, he asked in his teasing tone, "Is that so?"

Giggling playfully, Aylin answered, "Of course, you have to try harder."