A Guest?

"Good Morning, Princess."

The moment Aylin entered the drawing room, she collided with Collins. He bowed to her and greeted her. Aylin's golden eyes were still looking drowsy as there was a faint dark circle around her eyes. With a faint smile, Aylin bowed back as she asked in an urgent tone, "Good Morning, Collins. Has His Highness left already? Has he eaten his breakfast?"

"No, he hasn't."

Collins added, accompanying her towards the dining table, "He is waiting for you, Princess. Will you prefer a cup of tea first or your breakfast?"

Aylin paused abruptly as her face lit up in happiness. Her sleepiness instantly disappeared as she asked in an excited tone, "Really? Where is he?"

Collins looked slightly puzzled, looking at her excited face as he answered confusedly, "On the dining table? Didn't he inform you before? He told me that he is going to-"