A deal?

 (Two days later)

(The grey wet morning of Bluefog Port)

The light grew steadily outside, removing the dark veil of the salty night of the coastal villages until the curtains glowed just the same as stained glass. Aylin stuck her head behind the fabric to survey what the day might bring. However, the sight outside the window didn't make her happy much. 

The road was slick with water, though the puddles remained quite still, no hint of rain still falling. Above the clouds were still grey but without the denseness of yesterday, allowing patches of blue to form.

Rain-swept and unpleasantly chilly breezes instantly slapped her face, almost hurting her delicate skin. Wrinkling her nose, Aylin stole a glance at the leaden sky as she complained grumpily, "Umh! I don't like this place at all. Such gloomy and dark weather! It seems that it is going to rain again today. God knows how long I have to stay here!"